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Location: Hawkins, Indiana 1978


"Charlotte, sit please." my mom gently commanded me. I set down my backpack on the floor and I sit down. My parents are seated across from me. My dad had a notebook in his hand and my mom was fiddling with a pen. I looked at them both, I know they're here to give me my monthly talk.

"Sweetie, I want you to answer these questions truthfully. No lies. We're only doing this for your own good." Mom explained. I forced myself to nod.

"How do you feel when you use your powers?" Dad asked me, reading it from his notebook. They always ask me this.

"I don't know," I answered plainly. I set my arms on the table, crossing them. "Charlotte, you have to tell us the truth." Mom persuaded me.

"I am telling you the truth."

"No, you're not." "Yes, I am. You restricted me from using them so how will I know?"

"We restrict you from using them outside, but not in your own home," Dad said, setting his pencil down.

"But it's basically useless to use them here, what is there to move?" I motioned them to the living room which is perfectly clean and spotless. "You'll kill me if I use them on your own furniture. Can I go now?" I raised my voice a bit.

I just now noticed the blood stain on my sweatshirt, I tried hiding it immediately but I knew Mom already saw it. "Let me see." She held out a hand. I shook my head. "Listen to your mother, Charlotte," Dad ordered. "No."


"Don't call me that! You know I hate it when people call me that. I'm not a boy." I crossed my arms. "I said, let me see.." she leaned into me and forcefully grabbed my arm. I tried freeing myself from her grasp.

"You've been using your powers outside of this home, haven't you?" She angrily asked me. "Yeah, and what is the big deal? It's not like I'm such a dangerous person." I harshly removed my wrist from her grasp and I stood up. They stayed silent, I smirked a bit.

"So, I can't do this outside of my house?" I levitated the portrait of me from the counter. "Don't push it." Mom warned me. "Why not? It's not like you have any powers yourself."

"I have the power to ground you."

"Oh, I'm so scared." I mocked her. Dad then slammed his hand on the table, causing me to jump.

"Charlotte Jean, get to your room right now!" He commanded me with his military voice. I stopped whatever act I made and I obeyed him. I let go of the portrait and it fell on the table. I grabbed my backpack and headed to my room.


"Some days I just wanna...ugh! Call the lab and hand her over to Brenner. Let him take care of her." Violet, Charlotte's mother quietly said to Joseph. Joseph sighed.

"Well, we did sign up for this. We adopted Charlotte because we needed money and Brenner ordered us to do this with her once a month. Just hold on, she'll leave this rebellious stage in a few more years." he replied, adjusting his glasses.

"Do you think anyone else knows about her powers?"

"Billy knows about them."

"Out of all the fake friends she's had, Billy is the only friend that I know who truly cares about her." Joseph just nods, closing his notebook and throwing it on the table.

word count: 590

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