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Location; Drammen, Norway
October 22, 1984 (Day 122)

Jon was telling me all these new pieces of vinyl he recently got from different countries. They had really colourful pictures. One of them said, Billie Jean, Walk Like An Egyptian, Karma Chameleon, Stairway To Heaven.

He turned on the player and placed the cd on top of it. It started playing soon after with a small drum beat. Jon started dancing to the beat in a very amusing way. I let out a small laugh while he was showing me his moves. They were better than I will ever do.

"She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one," Jon sang along.

"You're such a weirdo!" I exclaimed.
"No, you are!" he defended himself.

"You look like this when you dance," I told him. I started doing dance moves that were far too different and embarrassing to make. Jon started laughing with me. "No, I looked like this," he made really groovy and sassy moves. I laughed even harder.

"I've never seen you laugh this hard, Charlotte Jean," Jon complimented. I shrugged. I'm not a huge laugher. But when something is really funny, I can't help but laugh. "I haven't laughed this hard since...I don't know," I giggled.

"I like seeing this side of you, Lottie. I remember you were really scared and shy when we first met you," he said.

"Oh, hi I'm a burglar, here to steal your heart!" he closed one of his eyes and then opened it with a crooked smile. But it quickly faded with rolling eyes. Was I suppose to laugh?

"I remember you were really mean and I hated being around you when I first met you," I replied.
"I wasn't mean, I just thought of myself and the others and not of you. I was afraid. I did want you to be around and it was just..." he trailed off. He came closer to me. The music was still going on but it was turned down a little. I stood frozen to where I was and I couldn't move. As he approached me, he softly touched my cheek and his face was only a few inches away from me.

I felt my breath hitch. He closed his eyes. He leaned in, our lips touched for a slight bit. But the loud telephone from the hotel room interrupted us. I turned my head and went to the phone. I picked it up, "Hello," I said.

The person on the other phone was my mother. It was nice to hear her voice after a while of not hearing it. I turned to look at Jon and he was adjusting the vinyl so he wasn't paying attention to me. I turned back and continued talking to my mama.

October 23, 1984 (Day 123)

I heard slow strumming early in the morning. I was a light sleeper so I was able to hear everything at night. I opened my eyes and small little light was on by Richie's side of the bed. It was him. He was the one making the little noises. I lifted my head, he instantly turned his head to me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," he whispered. "No, it's okay," I replied. I hopped off the bed and sat on the couch. Richie then took a seat also by me.

"What are you writing?" I whispered.
"A little song," he replied. He handed me the sheet of music. There were notes written and the song above had big bold letters saying Wanted Dead Or Alive. I glanced over at his guitar and it had two sets of strings instead of a singular one.

"Are you almost done with it?" I said.
"Not even close, I still have the chorus, but I need the bridge and verses and how it's going to sound. Lots of work to get a song done," I nodded.

"How's your song going?" he asked.
"I don't know. I haven't had the motivation to write it,"

We stood quietly for a moment. I then saw Richie glance at me and back. "Have you...communicated with people back in Hawkins?" he asked.

"A little," I replied. Billy and El.
"I've talked to the little girl I was in the lab with...and I saw my...best friend a few days ago but he can't see me," I whispered. I held a few tears back.

"Would you go back? Do you miss it?" he asked.
"I would. But...I wanna stay with you guys for a bit more," I replied. He nodded.
"Are you sure?"


word count; 786

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