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Location; Hawkins, Indiana

"Guys, let's just knock and see who's inside," Mike explained to them

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"Guys, let's just knock and see who's inside," Mike explained to them. He had his walkie-talkie with him in case.

"This house has been abandoned for four years now. We used to be really close to the Jeans," Will looked up at the house thoughtfully. Thinking of the times when the Jeans would come and spend Christmas with them. Lonnie and Mr Jean were really close friends so they would talk about baseball games and cards but Will was never interested in that.

"Uh, I don't know if I want to go in, what if some monster comes out and eats us?" Lucas asked suspiciously. He wasn't very fond of creepy things. He liked the normal.

"Oh, like the Demogorgon?" Mike said. Mike for the past few months has been very annoyed and angry. Sometimes lashing out too quickly. He's tried calling El for the past months and nothing to hear of. Which made even more depressed and aggressive.

"C'mon and stop being little chickens and knock. I'm sure nothing will happen," Dustin assured them. Dustin loved adventures and science. He liked learning new things and he wanted to know why this house is abandoned. He was the one who convinced the rest of them to come.

Dustin knocked on the door and for a few minutes heard no answer. They just heard the wind breeze and Will's dog Chester bark. Dustin turned the knob and it was open. The door was unlocked. They saw the entire house covered in dust and spider webs. Dustin smiled and looked at the boys, "Whoa, let's go in!"

Dustin stepped in first and nothing happened. "Guys, it's just an abandoned house," he turned to them. The rest of the boys then walked in and looked around the house. It was the middle of the day so it wasn't as scary.

They spread out and saw that everything was left untouched. But they all went upstairs together just in case. "Guys! What's that?" Mike's eyes widened from what he just saw. It brought him memories of past November. And it also did to Will.

They saw the slimy goo all over the second floor. Part of the stairs was drenched in it. And the room to the left was wide open and it was dripping from the walls almost.

"That's from the Upside Down," Will whispered, his eyes showed fear since he spent almost a week there hiding from the Demogorgon.

"That can't be, the Upside Down is at Hawkins Lab, not here," Dustin didn't approve.

"What if there's an entrance from this house to the Upside Down? Ms Byers was talking to Will from her house when he was in there," Mike explained.

"Let's just glance into the room and then quickly leave, it feels kind of creepy in here," Lucas made a fake shivering sound, wrapping his arms around him.

"Okay, you can be in the back, while the rest of us actually go inside the room," Dustin was a little annoyed of Lucas' behaviour at this point.
Lucas stayed behind and the three boys checked what was inside the slimy looking room. When they checked in, they saw nothing. It was completely empty.

"Ugh, this is useless, let's just go back to Will's," Mike complained.

"Ugh, okay. Fine, let's go," Dustin and the rest of the boys left the house and went back to Will's house. Acting as if nothing happened.


Billy was packing the last few things into his car. Neil was taking his car with Susan and Max while Billy drove alone in his. So he was able to take a lot of his things while the rest of them took fewer items. He packed all his clothes and CDs. And he took the box that meant quite a lot to him.

He wanted so badly to be in Indiana, but he didn't want to leave California. He has grown used to the amount of traffic and weather California brought. He was bitter that he was going back to Hawkins with Max. He kind of wanted to leave her, Susan and Neil here so he can go alone.

He didn't think of her as his sister. He wasn't very fond of her. Something about her reminded him of Charlotte. She was such a softie. She cried for the littlest things at times and he didn't like that. Because Charlotte was like that too.

He got into his car and turned on the engine. He waited for his dad to drive out of the driveway in order for him to follow them. He turned on the radio and blasted his favourite music in order to forget the next 36 hours of his life.

word count; 790

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