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August 12, 1980

Dear Lottie,

Almost a month. I don't know how I've gone this long without you. I can still hear your voice echo inside me. I sometimes can see you, me thinking it's you but it's not you. There isn't anyone else who looks like you, you're too unique and beautiful. I just want you back but I have to eventually move on. It'll be my hardest decision but I have to. I can't be mourning. I'm only 13, I don't thirteen years olds do that a lot. I need to live my life. Find new friends, discover new things, new experiences, everything. I'm sad you won't be there to experience it with me.

I miss you and I hope you come back into my life one day. School here in California starts in less than a month and Max seems very excited to go back to school. I can tell she has a very boring life. I take her to the skate parks nearby so she can practice, she's very talented. You know the summer homework packet I was working on that day, yeah, um...I left it back in Hawkins and I kind of want it back but then I really don't need it anymore.

Dad yelled at me a few days ago because I took Max to the skate park and we came back late at night and Susan was worried sick. We came late because we later went to the mall and we checked out things we couldn't afford and we lost track of time. He..slapped me right across the face, which hurt like a bitch. Obviously, Susan wasn't there to see, and if she did saw she wouldn't do anything because I'm assuming dad told her not to interfere. I really thought things would be much more different now that she was around, but I'm guessing not. Still the same old thing. Just like in Hawkins.

-I love you dearly.


word count; 332

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