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I cuddled into Billy's chest as he ran his hand through my long brown hair. His arms made me feel safe, but for some reason, it felt different this time. I can feel bad things coming. Ever since Neil found out.

"Are you okay? You seem very tense?" Billy whispered into my hair. "It's nothing, just a little nervous," I replied, sitting up.

"Nervous about?"

"I don't even know, I just..feel nervous and I can't even explain the feeling. Maybe I'm being paranoid." I told him. I wrapped my arms around myself and I closed my eyes slowly. I took deep breaths and I can feel the numbers on my arm burn.

I lifted my sleeve and my '009' is burning and since the mark has faded over the years, it's now very dark and visible. Almost glowing on my skin.

"Lottie? Tell me what's wrong?" Billy worryingly asked me. "It..burns. I don't know why." I scratched my head a bit. I touched it and it was very hot.

The front door slammed and I can feel the door being knocked down. We both gasped, turning our heads towards the sound coming from outside. "Who is that?" I asked him. Billy shrugged, he rushed up to the door and locks it. Loud footsteps could be heard and many deep voices talking to each other in whispers.

"Who are they? Why are they in my house?" Billy said louder than usual. "Shh..they might hear us," I whispered. My nerves hit me and I felt like throwing up now. The noise became louder and louder the minute.
"We need to call the police!" Billy whispered-yelled. "How? The house phone is in the living room!" I replied.

"Charlotte!" an unknown man yelled outside. They're looking for me. Who are they?

"Who are they? Why do they know you're here?" Billy's eyes widened and concern filled him up. "I don't know." It's all my fault.

Silence has filled the house.

I heard a slow metallic thing moving and I don't know where it's coming from. I looked towards the door and I. could see the lock on Billy's door unlocked itself.

The door opened and it revealed a man with grey hair and a small young girl with a shaved head. She looks scared and she's in nothing but a hospital gown.

"Welcome back, Charlotte." the man smiled at me, but it wasn't a warm one. It was cold and dead.

"Who are you?" I asked him. "I am Dr Brenner. We came here to take you back home," he said.

"My home? I know where I live."

"Not that home. Your real home. You won't be alone, you'll be with Eleven. She's a very nice girl." He motioned to the little girl and she gives me a small smile. Dr Brenner snapped his fingers and three men from behind come up to me and harshly snatched me from the bed. I don't have the energy to scream, I started sobbing instead.

"What are you-" I heard Billy shout. The third man held him back as they dragged me out. I try using my powers to stop them but I couldn't.

Billy is frozen in place and I glanced at Eleven and noticed that she froze him. I kicked one of the guys on the thigh and he slightly winces, I elbowed the other one of the face and they both stumbled back. I made a run for it but someone grabbed me by the neck, almost choking me.

I felt a needle struck my neck and after moments I felt my vision blur and everyone's actions became slower and slower. I lost my balance and I fell on the ground.


Billy sobbed and sobbed nonstop. She's gone. She left. And he couldn't say goodbye to her.

Billy's dad walked in with a robe on and a mug in his hand. He looked very much pleased.

"It was you? Did you send her to that torturous place?" Billy shouted at him all of the sudden. His father nodded and gives him a fake frown. "She's an escapee, she deserves to be in that place. And she was a bad influence on you. Don't act stupid, she got you into bad things." He spat at him and then held up the finished cigarette Billy had a few days ago. Billy gulped.

"Where'd you find that?"

"The garbage, you shit head. I know it's not mine because I don't smoke cheap cigarettes." He dropped the finished cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

"She didn't give me that. A few kids at school pressured me into smoking and I couldn't help myself. Don't ever blame her for the bad things I do. She was my only happiness and you took it away. You're a complete dick. You're the worst person ever, you are a horrible parent. You hit me for no reason and even when it's for a reason you then lecture me into being a man. I'm fucking 13, how am I suppose to be a man? When will you care for me? I know mother died a few years ago but that doesn't mean hit your son and abuse him for no apparent reason. If you don't know how to be a parent, then why did you become one?" Billy shouted at him, his voice cracked midway. Neil stayed quiet for a bit until Billy became impatient.


"YOU WERE A DAMN MISTAKE. YOU WERE AN ACCIDENT!" Neil blew up and told him the truth.

"And don't think you'll go and try to find her. Pack your shit, tomorrow we're leaving this shithole." Neil lowered his voice.

"Leaving to where?"

"California and now shut the fuck up, I've had enough of you." He left the room and Billy stayed there crying.

He lost her. He lost his happiness. He wishes to turn off his emotions. Billy slowly grabbed his bag and started packing. A part of him wants to drop everything and go run after her.

word count; 1011

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