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Location: Hawkins Lab 1983

They recently brought in Eleven for some experiment and now they're taking me in for what I assumed the same thing. She walked out of the room with a bloody nose that's when I knew I had to use my powers. I wonder what powers she has. Are they similar to mine? Are they the same?

Brenner brought me in and told me to sit on the chair. There's a can of soda and a snapped pencil upon the table. I examined the can for a bit, my mom would drink coke a lot. I don't think she knew what water was. I wasn't allowed to drink anything sweet at home.

"You and Eleven share the same powers. I ordered her to snap this pencil, but since you are much older than her you can do much better than this." Brenner told me with his cold voice. I looked at him with a confused gaze.

"So what do you want me to do?" I muttered under my breath. Since the room was so quiet, he was able to hear me. "Crush this can."

I stared at him and he nodded with a menacing smile. "Why?"

"We want to see how well you use your powers and how well you can focus on something." The doctor behind Brenner said and Brenner nodded again.

I nodded, I could hear my heart pounding like a hammer hitting a nail with all its force. I focused on the can, I cleared my head of distracting thoughts and just focused on the soda can in front of me.

The can then crushes, no longer in its original state. It's deformed and squashed to the point where there's a ripped piece on the edge. I felt a trickle of blood run down my left nostril. I feel drained. I wiped myself with my arm.

"Very well done. We won't bring you in for these types of experiments on you very much because we want to experiment something else on you. Maybe one a week we'll bring you in to do these, but you're mostly going to be training. We want to train you to become a warrior. We discovered something and I'm not certain what it is yet and it's very strong. We want you to fight it."


"Yes, you. No more questions, take her back to her room so she can get ready to train." Brenner ordered them and I stood up and three doctors followed me to my room.

What did they discover? Why do I have to fight it? Is that why they want me here, to fight some creature or something? I have all these roaming questions in my head as I changed into my training gear.

Gina has shown me new techniques of fighting and how to actually throw a punch. She also gave me motivational advice. Dr Owens is no longer supervising me and that made me feel a bit better. I felt so tense and anxious when I saw someone staring at me for a long time.

"When you want to throw a harder punch, you must have your feet parted, knees slightly bent, and you must rotate your hips. Because those are the flows of energy. This is why your punches are weak." I nodded.

We trained on throwing harder punches on foam mats for quite a while until I told her if we can't take a small break for a moment. She agrees and we both sat down trying to catch our breath.

"Is this all you do? Train me how to fight?" I curiously questioned her. She let out a small chuckle. "No, I actually have a life. I work at a diner and I have a husband, nothing special."

"Diner? What diner? I could maybe recognise it?"

"Benny's Burgers," she answered, almost embarrassed. I've been there like once. Billy and I went there one time in like the middle of the night because my parents were out of town and his father was drunk and angry. The owner gave us free burgers because we had no money.

"What about your husband?" I sound so nosey.

"What about him?"

"What's his name? Where does he work? I'm sorry for being nosey, just trying..to make conversation. I haven't been talked to normally for however long I've been here." I nervously smiled at her.

"I understand," she caressed my shoulder softly. "His name is Tommy. Met him after high school. We used to live in San Francisco where he would work at the docks. But his mother got really sick and no one would be able to care for her. Except him, and so we moved here. He's struggling to find a job and his mother is still holding on." I could see tears forming in her eyes. I leaned forward and I embraced her in a hug. She doesn't return it but I'm okay with that.

"Anyways, I just remembered something and the scientists told me to give you." I released the hug and she stood up, I do the same. She opened a case and takes out a metallic coloured-rope. "Hand me your wrist." She orders. I gave her my left wrist and she wrapped the rope around my wrist. The rope has scales and the tip of the rope has the head of a snake. It's a snake. A snake rope? Is this a gift?

"What is this?"

"It's a whip, but also a bracelet, and a snake?" I gasp. Snake? There's a snake on my arm.

"What if you're afraid of snakes?"

"The snake will turn into a whip when it senses danger and can also be turned into a large stick. You can also take the bracelet off and once it's off it turns into a not small, but not very large snake, but don't worry it won't attack you or anything. It's quite nice sometimes. At first, the whip gets released when it doesn't need to but as time goes on, the whip..snake will know your fears, struggles, strengths, all that stuff. Kind of like a pet animal, just a..weapon." she explains. I nodded slowly. I peeked at the other thing in the case. "What's that?"

 "What's that?"

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"Oh, this. This is a sword. Not used for fighting but mainly for..the whip." she says.


"The sword kills the snake. And the shield is just a decoration. Nothing special." Oh. Well then, kill the snake.

"Do you want to meet him?" Gina asks me.

"It's a he? Uh..sure." I am very confused. Gina grabbed the bracelet and dropped it on the ground and in the mists of my eyes a snake rattled out, no longer in the form of a bracelet. I let out a loud gasp and I tried backing up as far as possible. What if the snake bites?

The snake noticed me and slithers towards me slowly. I'm too scared to even move and he starts snaking up my body in a quick motion and turns back into the bracelet within seconds on my wrist.

"Dr Brenner told me this was your weapon, but you can't take it out to your room. It stays here. I've also trained in using whips as weapons before so I'll be teaching you ways on not hurting yourself." she tells me.

I smelled something burning. I looked around to see what is burning, and then I looked down in front of me and there suddenly appeared some black streaks on the floor.

"He burns almost everything he touches, but he doesn't when he recognises his surroundings."
"But why am I not getting..burned?" I glanced down at him.
"You're his owner. Do not worry, later you'll understand why. And now the doctors told me to teach you a bit on it today. Let's get moving." She clapped her hands and I head into the rectangle.

word count; 1324

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