8.7K 227 13

Location: Hawkins Lab


I woke up suddenly. Silence. That's all I heard. I can hear my own heartbeat pounding. The room my body laid in, dark and cold. I am no longer in the clothes I was wearing the night I was kidnapped. I have on a hospital gown and a pair of white socks. The door opened and it revealed a man, I cannot recognise him. He walked in and he's set down a stack of dark clothing on my bed.

"Goodmorning," he simply said. "Hi," I whispered, confusion splashed all over my face.

"These are your physical training clothes, and Dr Brenner ordered me to take you to go get your haircut," he told me. Physical training, what? I don't need training.


"Don't ask questions, just follow me before Dr Brenner becomes impatient." he strictly commanded. He turned around and I stopped him, "Wait? What is your name?" I asked him gently.

"Dr Warren. No more questions. Let's go." I stood up quickly and I followed him to wherever he's taking me to.

We entered this room with nothing but a chair in it. "Sit." another doctor appeared and I obeyed them by sitting on the chair. Brenner later came in and gives me his cold smile at me. "Why am I getting a haircut?"

"Well good morning to you too. We'll be doing certain labs and tests on you and we, unfortunately, don't like a bunch of hair in the way. So the hair has to go."

"Why am I here? Why do you want me here?"

"We'll explain after your first day of training," he says.

"When's that?"

"Today. Now go on, we're losing daylight." he snaps his fingers once again and walks out of the room. "So..what kind of haircut will I get?" I asked them.

"It'll be the best haircut ever. You went to cosmetology school right, Dr Owens?" Dr Warren says to him, the other doctor in there. Dr Owens gives him a weird look. "Yeah, definitely."


I kept my eyes closed the entire time and when they were done I opened them. I wanted to scream and cry and laugh and scream all at the same time. They shaved my head. I look down beside me and I see my long locks lay there. It took me almost a year to grow out my hair that long.

"What'd you do?!" I touched my shaven head. I looked..ugly. Uglier than before. Tears welled my eyes, I can't believe I'm being stripped of my image.

"Now, you don't have to worry about shampooing. Now follow me..Nine," Warren says. He just called me Nine. The number on my arm. My name isn't Nine, it's Charlotte. I stood up and I followed him. He lead me back to my room?

"Put that on and knock when you are done, I will be waiting outside." He strictly ordered me. He shut the door and I quickly changed into the black clothing. A black t-shirt, black pants, and a pair of black sneakers. I walk by the door and I knocked on it with a shaky hand.

The door opened and I follow Warren, I passed by an opened door and I glance inside, it's the little girl's room. Eleven. I see her hugging her knees and listening to whatever Brenner is telling her. She simply nodded a bit, her face showed complete fear.

I head into this plain dark room, it has dim lights and there is a doctor and a very muscular woman with the toughest face ever waiting. I give the man a straight smile and he returns it. I do the same to the lady and she just stared straight at me. She looked at me and I felt her expression change a bit, like she recognised me.

"Here it is," Warren said to the doctor and he then leaves the room. Leaving me with them. "This is our training room. We will train you to become a fighter, warrior. This is Gina, but she prefers the G for short. I am Dr Owens, but you probably already know that, since I basically shaved your head. I am the assistant to Dr Brenner." he introduced himself. I gave him the death glare as he lets out a short fake laugh. Gina smirked.

"So..-" I get cut off by Gina harshly, "Shut up and get on the rectangle." Okay then.

There is a large rectangle pasted on the floor she is standing on. I did what I was told and I stepped into it.

"We will be teaching you how to throw knives, handle weapons, and fight defensively," Dr Owens explained. I internally rolled my eyes. I can't even throw a punch. I'm too weak.

"Your training starts now."

I heard Gina growl and she sprinted into me with her body, sending me onto the cold ground. I stand up quickly trying to find balance. "Wait..I'm not ready!" Gina grabbed my leg and flips me over like I'm some type of feather and I land painfully on my back. I groaned in pain, rubbing my back.

"Fight back," Dr Owens said. Gina stayed back, waiting for me to recover.

"Why?" I asked him. She literally flipped me. I can't fight her. I don't know how!

"You have to fight in order to win."

"I-I can't fight her."

"I am ordering you to hit back." Gina's scary voice shouted right at my face. The way she said that was very different. She didn't sound American, she sounded foreign.

I let out a huff and I lifted my fist and I try to punch Gina, but she dodged it and then slams a punch onto my face and it knocked me back. The action left a stinging sensation on my face. I rubbed my face and I noticed a little blood on my lip.

"You see! I can't fight her!" I yelled at him. Gina feels nothing she's pure steel, while I'm here gasping for air and almost about to pass out. I can't fight. I struggled getting myself up and I slowly walked out of the rectangle, with my arms crossed. "Well, if you don't want to fight her, there is another option."

"What's the other option?" I fired back.

The security guards grabbed me harshly from behind and they dragged me into this small tiny enclosed space. "Wait, why am I being sent here?!" The door shuts and I heard pure silence.

"Help me out! What did I do?" I yelled out. I try opening the door but it doesn't do anything.

"Please help!" I continue. My panic rose and I started slamming the metal door for help. But no one came to help. And at this moment, I felt completely worthless and useless. Invincible.

A tear slips out of my eyes. "I hope you're doing well...Billy."

"Because I'm..not," I felt so frustrated and angry, I started crying. I initially let out a scream, causing the room to vibrate a bit.

word count; 1179

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