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Where is he? Why isn't he on my wrist? Where did he go? I removed the blankets that were wrapped around my body and I got up, following the screams. All five of them were huddled near the bathroom, they all had fear struck on their faces. They all looked at me and I pushed them aside in order to get inside the bathroom.

Rainbow was wrapped around the sink and he looked peaceful. His gold eyes were looking at me and I looked at him with anger. I grabbed him by force and he tried releasing himself from my grasp but I wouldn't let him. He turned into a bracelet form and I wrapped him around my wrist.

I turn my head to look at them all. "Why do you have a snake?! Where is it? H-h-how did it turn into a bracelet?!" Alec exclaimed.

"Wait, who the hell are you?" one of them asked, furrowing his brow slightly. "Yeah, why are you in here? Are you one of Jon's flings?" the other one said. "Guys, I'm dating Diana." Jon retorted.
"Oh, sure." I felt uncomfortable. "Guys, this is Nina. Alec, Jon and I found her sleeping in the middle of the street. Nina, this is David," Richie pointed to one with a short mullet and he awkwardly waved at me. "and this is Tico. Trust me, he's nicer than he looks." Richie introduced the other one. Tico does the same and said, "Your snake scared me, why do you have one?"

"I-I, he's my pet," I answered quietly. "he doesn't bite, only when he senses danger." They nodded. "I'm sorry for scaring you."
"Yeah, thanks for waking us up. We really appreciate it." Jon rolled his eyes and walked out with David and Alec. I now feel embarrassed. "I'm sorry," I muttered.

"It's okay," Tico answered kindly. "Jon is a kind of a dick, I guess that's how you are when you're twenty-two."

"We should head back to sleep," Richie announced to all of us. We left the bathroom and headed back to our designated place.
From a small glimpse, I saw Alec on the phone. I ignored him and returned back to bed. "Why?" I whispered to Rainbow. He didn't answer. "you scared them."


Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
June 22, 1984 (Day 2)

Location: Indianapolis, IndianaJune 22, 1984 (Day 2)

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I woke up to the sound of a guitar strumming. I looked around and I saw Richie with his guitar. His hair was down and messy looking, he had a white t-shirt on and a pair of pyjama pants. He stopped and started writing on a sheet of paper. I moved the blankets off of me and I sat up. He noticed my movements and greeted me with a good morning. "Hi." I simply said.

"I hope I didn't wake you. I'm sorry if I did," he said. I shook my head. "It's okay," I replied. "You can get cereal which is up there," he pointed to boxes of colourful cereal boxes. "we have Corn Flakes, Lucky Charms, Franken Berry and my personal favourite Boo Berry. The bowls are in the cupboard and milk is in the fridge." I stood up and the ground felt cold to my bare feet.

He continued strumming his guitar and I grabbed the box of Lucky Charms and poured myself some cereal. I ended up eating the entire box of Lucky Charms. I put the box back where it belonged and the bowl back. When I set myself back into the bundle of blankets they gave me, someone comes in. It was Jon. He also had messy hair, similar to Richie's.

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