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Location: West Hollywood, California


"Where are you going?" Dad asked me. I adjusted my leather jacket and my hair a bit in the mirror. My hair is slowly growing longer each day. It's also been a tad brighter with how much sun I get everyday. I turned around and told him, "Somewhere." I was already annoyed with his presence, I just want to leave without him questioning me every single time. 

"Where's that somewhere?" he crossed his arms. I shrugged ignoring his question. I opened the door and left. I guess he wouldn't mind. If he wants to pick a fight later, he can. 

I heard the party was held a few blocks near my house which isn't bad because I can walk to and from it. I can hear the muffles of loud music as I walk past a few streets. The wind was blowing on the right side of my face, so I hugged myself with my leather jacket to try and stay warm. With living in California, any slight breeze than is lower than 60 degrees is cold to me now. It was dark so it was reasonable for it to be cold. I saw people walking to the party as well as people outside in groups together talking, laughing and drinking.

"Is that the new kid?" a female voice said to me. I turned around and its some girl from my math class. Funny how I mentioned this was a before the school year party, I didn't realize it was the weekend of the first week of school. So I knew some people from my classes.
"No, it's Billy." I sarcastically remarked. I placed my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket. Her pink hair was poorly dyed and it still somehow stood out in the dark. 

"You're heading to the party?" she chuckled. I nodded slowly. Where do you think I'm heading? 

"Well, I hope someone takes you home tonight." She nudged me. I am not sleeping with her. Nor am I sleeping with anyone tonight. 
"A party with what? 13-year-olds. Yeah, I pass." I turned around and I somewhat regret going. Can I just disappear and go home? I wanna go home now. But my dad is there, so never mind. 

"Oh come on! Stop being a party pooper!" She screeched. She was showing some signs of intoxication. 
"I'm not. I'm just not looking for a relationship." I lowered my head with a sigh. My heart is still set on my girl. 

"Ah, I see. Well, I hope this party changes your mind." she nodded with a smirk on her face. She catches up to me and I ignored her the rest of the way. As we got closer, the music gets louder. I recognised a few tunes but most of them are modern and new. 

I stopped at the front door and I closed my eyes for a moment, but someone grabbed my hand and pushes me forward. "C'mon, let's go in!" she laughed. I entered and the music was loud, I can't even hear my thoughts. I see kids my age, dancing, laughing, smiling, kissing, etc.

I want to throw up now. I feel nauseous. Why do kids do this? What is the fascination of all this? She pulled me through the crowd and to where all the drinks are. "The party doesn't start without a little alcohol," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Why do I need to drink?" I asked her with disgust in my voice.

"Because we don't like party poopers like you. And what's the point of coming here if you're not going to drink," she explained, placing her hand on her hip. "Then, I'll just leave." I turned and I attempted to leave but she stopped me, "No! Don't leave! Just try a little sip. Have a little fun, for me. I know you're a depressed kid looking for a way to stop pain and this is the only way." she said, holding my hand tighter.

I want to stop the pain. Is this my only resort? My only way? How can I cope when the love of my life is out there, alone? Look, I know I'm in pain but I have to get over her. I have to. This is my new life. I have to leave her in my old life. She's just an old friend.

"Okay." I nodded and I followed her back to the drinks stand. "What will you get?" she asks me, softly.

"What's the strongest you've got?" I asked the bartender.

word count; 765

crucio ↠ billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now