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Dad told me to only pack necessary things since he's not going to sell this house. Which is such a relief since I'm not ready to completely leave Hawkins. Lottie made Hawkins such a wonderful place.

I packed all my clothes, but I left out the jean jacket Lottie gave to me for Christmas. It deserves to stay here. I grabbed my journal and placed it inside my backpack, along with my other writing utensils. I decided to leave a few things Lottie gave me over the years. I took the necklace she left here a few days ago with her initial 'C' on it. I clipped it around my neck. Her mother gave it to her for her birthday one year and ever since, I've always seen her with it on. 

I grabbed a photo of us from my tenth birthday off the frame and I also placed it inside my backpack. I decided to leave the recent one of us, she's kissing my cheek while I'm smiling like a goof. I recently got my braces removed and it was also the day of my birthday.

"Billy, you ready?" I heard my dad tell me. "I'm almost done!" I called back. I quickly snatched my things and I rush out of my room. I took a last glance at it and I silently said goodbye to it. I'll miss you. I hope I can return and still be the same person, but I can't stay the same person forever. I'll eventually change the way I view things, react to them. I'll be much older once I come back which I don't know how long I'll stay in California.

"Dad.." I said to him. He's looking in the mirror with a frown and his things are already next to the door, which is only a suitcase and bag. "Yes, Billy." He murmured, looking at his feet.

"Do you think I'll be back here before I graduate high school?"

"Yes, most likely, and I'm sorry for calling the lab to take Charlotte."

"Yeah, don't be sorry. I knew sooner or later you would have found out. But why? She meant no harm. She was my best friend, my only friend. How can you tear away something that means so much to a person?" I calmly confronted him. He glanced at me in the mirror, he shows no emotion. It's hard to read him.

He used to be so filled with life. He would still punish me when I misbehaved but it wasn't as bad as it is today. He knew his limits, and now he just doesn't care. Somedays I wish he were the one that past away instead of my mom. I miss my mother so much, I know she's in a much better place now.

"I..had to. I had to tear you away from her because we were gonna move one way or another. We're not moving to California because of her. I have someone waiting for me and I plan on marrying her. So, please be kind to her and her daughter." He muttered. The lights are all off except for the one in the bathroom.

"And don't worry about the food spoiling or anything, I called someone to clean out the fridge and everything." He opened the door and I go and turn off the lights of the bathroom quickly. We left the house silently.

-Location: Los Angeles, California

It was a four-hour flight to Los Angeles, it was still dark outside since we were a few hours behind. I am very tired and I couldn't sleep on the plane because every time I would close my eyes. I would see Lottie being taken away.  I followed my dad outside of the plane and into the terminal. His eyes lit up and he ran like no one was watching to a redhead lady. She doesn't look old but she's not young either. Behind her was a little girl with similar red hair and she's in pyjamas holding a stuffed bear.

After my dad and his girlfriend have their moment together, he introduces me to her. "Billy, this is my girlfriend Susan, Susan this is my son, Billy." I shook her hand she sweetly says hello. "This is my daughter, Max, Max, say hello to Billy," Susan said to Max. She obviously looked tired and should be asleep by now. She waved at me and I awkwardly waved back.

My dad and Susan then talk to each other and I can tell he's happy to see her. I decided to talk to Max for a bit.

"You look tired." I simply told her. She nodded and hugged her stuffed bear tighter.

"You don't talk much do you?" I chuckled a little. "I do, I just am not in the mood. My mom practically dragged me here," she replied.

"Same. How old are you?" I asked her. "Nine. You?"

"I'm thirteen." "You look much older."

"Yeah, I get that a lot." I playfully rolled my eyes. I saw my dad and Susan walking, so Max and I followed them to the place where the rest of our suitcases are at.

word count; 867

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