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Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
June 23, 1984 (Day 3)

I couldn't sleep. My eyes were closed but I couldn't dream. I felt traumatised. I don't want to go back outside. I could still feel their fingertips on me, like some kind of stain. I feel disgusted honestly. I retained Billy's jacket that was wrapped around me for warmth. It wasn't exactly warm because it was leather but knowing that it's his, made me feel warm. Wherever he is, I hope he's fine. I miss him dearly.

"Hey," Richie said to me. "We are so so sorry about leaving you back there."
I elevated myself off the couch and I stared at him. I shook my head. This wouldn't of happened if they kept me safe.
"It was my fault, especially. I left you out of sight and I shouldn't have done that." he leaned forward to give me a hug but I used my powers to shove him back lightly. He was taken aback and I told him, "you told me it was safe. You lied."

"I didn't know it was that dangerous. What happened over there? Why were you on a stranded street?" he asked me. I didn't respond. I don't wanna tell him. It was too scary. I swayed my head. How could someone touch a human being without their permission?
"Its okay, you don't have to tell me, but would you join us for brunch? The boys are already at the diner eating." He explained. His brown eyes glimmered like a lost puppy and his mouth was frowned slightly. I tilted my head.
"Outside?" I said.

"Well, not really outside but not in here of course." I shook my head. "I don't want to go..outside," I stated. "I promise I'll be right next to you." He assured me.
"No, I can't. I'm too scared." I laid back down and turned away from him. I don't ever wanna go outside. I'm safe in the bus. I heard him stand up and he said, "Okay. I understand. But can we at least bring you some breakfast?"
"Okay," I replied. I was indeed hungry, I could hear my stomach lowly growl. "What do you want me to bring you?" he asked. I didn't care what he brought me, I wasn't super picky. I had to shove down those disgusting green beans from the lab anyway.
"Food," I answered quietly. Richie nodded, "Okay, I'll be back, lock the door," he walked out and closed the door, I lock the door with my powers.

It's quiet on the bus, except the low music playing in the back. The radio. I jump off the couch and I find the small box where the noise is coming from. I took out the picture of mama from my jacket and it was still in pretty good condition. I switch the radio to a blank channel where no noise but a deadline coming through. I sat on the couch and I placed the box on my lap. I closed my eyes and I placed the picture close to my chest.

I focused. I concentrated on her features. Her hair, her eyes, her expression. I want to know if she's alive. If she's nearby or even far away. I wasn't able to do this when the boys were around, they'll think it's weird. And yesterday, I felt too rushed. I took a few deep breaths to calm my heartbeat.

I was now surrounded by black. A large puddle under me. I was standing by myself. My eyes were closed but were opened in my vision. I glanced around to see if there was anyone around. Nobody. I saw a small figure from a distance. Is it her? It has to be. I ran to it. It was her. I knew it was her because I could recognise her face. Her eyes gave it away. But she was much older. She had her hair cut short and parted to the side. She had a sorrow expression on her face. She wasn't smiling.

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