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Location; Lausanne, Switzerland
November 1, 1984 (Day 132)

Location; Lausanne, SwitzerlandNovember 1, 1984 (Day 132)

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I was strumming with Richie in our guitar as quietly as we can. I've noticed Charlotte can sleep through basically anything.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Richie whispered to me.
"Yeah," I said.

"Do you like Charlotte?"
"What, of course not. Do you like her? It seemed you liked her when we first met her," I said, crossing my arms.
"I never liked her in that sort of way, she's a really good friend of mine," Richie replied.

"I was just asking if you had any sort of feelings for her because I feel as if your relationship with Diana has deteriorated,"
"Diana has just been distant lately and I don't feel as connected with, as usual, I have a feeling she's with someone else. But you see, I wouldn't mind if she were doing her whoreish stuff to someone else, because I feel just fine with Charlotte around," I admitted.

"Jon. Diana is cheating with me," Richie said. My eyes widened. "What? Why?" I whispered yelled.
"It was just a one-night thing and then it kinda turned into a relationship. I just feel happy with her and she does also. I needed to admit it to get this awkward atmosphere out of the way," Richie said.

"I'm breaking up with Diana. I don't care anymore, do whatever you'd like with her. I never loved her anyway," I said, bother in my tone. I hopped back into bed, leaving him by the living room. I glanced at Charlotte, she looked like an angel asleep. She's so precious. I wrapped myself in a blanket and went back to sleep.

November 2, 1984 (Day 133)

We were invited to a formal dance as a group. We were all required to dress formally. It was difficult to style my hair without it looking too crazy with my tux. My hair seemed out of place with the tux I rented. The rest of the guys were also in the same black tux but Alec had a tie instead of a bowtie, which was weird in my part but I mean, Alec likes to stand out.

Charlotte was wearing a short flowy dress that extenuated her small curves. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail. It was one of the first times I've seen her with her hair up. She was quiet, she looked tired as well. I wanna know what's going on inside her head. What's stresses her? Does she enjoy being with us? Does she like me?

"Okay, guys let's go," Alec came in and said to us. We got our stuff together and prepared to leave the hotel room. As Charlotte was leaving, I noticed she didn't wear a jacket or anything. "Lottie, grab your jacket, it could be cold later this evening," I suggested to her.

She just nodded and grabbed her jacket and proceeded to walk out. I was the last one to leave the room, I turned off the lights and followed her down to the lobby.

We went down to the limousine that was reserved for us. We all went into the car and we noticed that there wasn't room for us to fit in.
"There's isn't a seat for me," Lottie softly said.

We all looked around and tried scooting over to get some room but it was no use. "Here Char-" Richie said but I interrupted him.
"Charlotte, here, take my seat, I'll sit on the ground," I said. I stood up and offered her my seat.
"Are you sure?" she said. Our faces were inches apart. She was perfect. I nodded. "I'll be okay," I replied.

I glanced at Richie and his face was frozen with a bit of shock. I wasn't very happy with him. He was sleeping with my girlfriend behind my back. I may not care about Diana anymore, but at some point before Charlotte I did. I was in love with Diana at some point, but not anymore. I wasted almost an entire year with Diana to get this outcome.

We arrived at the small party. Everyone was dressed formally like us, so we blended in pretty well. I got out of the limousine first and waited for Charlotte to get out so I can walk with her inside.
We were greeted kindly by the hostess and everyone else.

Charlotte and I found an empty table where beautiful decorations were placed just like every table around us. We sat down and looked through the menu that was on each table. The food seemed a bit fancy, from lobster to pasta to fancy looking sandwiches.
"I don't know what to get," Lottie admitted. I smiled a bit. "We can share the lobster if you'd like," I suggested.

"I've never had that before," she said.
"It's good. You'll like it and if you don't, well I can order you something else," I said. She nodded with a small smile. It was the first smile I saw from her all day. I smiled back.

The food came and Charlotte and I shared a dish, and I'm pretty sure she ate more of the lobster than me. I can tell she liked it very much. The rest of the guys looked a bit surprised on Charlotte since Tico thought he could eat an entire one but he didn't even finish half of it. Alec, Richie, and David just ordered a plate of spaghetti.

We spent around twenty minutes after just chatting, but Charlotte wasn't saying anything, she was just listening and occasionally laughing to jokes that were being made.

We then heard the slow music being played and noticed that people stood up and started slow dancing with either their significant other or their friends. The guys stood and went looking for people to dance with because I heard a conversation between David and Tico. Charlotte looked confused and just stayed seated.

I stood up and held out my hand for her, she was confused as ever. "Come dance with me," I told her with a smile. She smiled back and took my hand. I guided her to the dance floor. I placed her hands on my shoulders, while I rested mine on her waist. I guided her a bit with dancing. It was slow so she caught on quickly. She had a radiant smile on her face. If only I could freeze time just to look at this forever.

We stood quiet for a bit until I decided to break the silence. "Why did you want to go back to Hawkins, on Halloween?" I softly asked her, curiously.
She stayed quiet for a moment, "I...saw Billy. That's why I took a while in the bathroom that day. I was seeing him," she replied. Billy was her best friend from Hawkins.

"What was he doing?"
"He was...just at a party. And I just...miss him. It's stupid sorry," she said.
"You're not stupid. It's okay to miss someone especially after years of not seeing them, it's okay. You'll see him soon, very soon," I told her, she just nodded and placed her head on my shoulder. I embraced her and lightly placed my hand on her head in comfort. "It's okay," I whispered.



We were back in the hotel room. Everyone was exhausted. It was a nice night and we were all ready to sleep. I tried enjoying it without thinking too much of Billy. It was very hard though.

I went inside the restroom to change into my pajamas. Just a few more days and I get to go back to Hawkins. I took a deep stare into the mirror. I can recognize myself but I don't know who I am. My hair was long again, but I feel misplaced. Like I don't belong. I don't belong here.

I closed my eyes and I focused on Billy. His long hair, his pierced ears, his button-down shirts and a cigarette on his hand. I opened my eyes and saw pitched black, the water on my feet, holo noises around me. I glanced around for Billy. He was seated on the floor, sheets of paper were spread all around him. They looked like notes. I walked closer to him, I read one that said, "Dear Lottie," but the rest of the words were blurred out.

"Billy," I said. He couldn't hear me. Those notes had my name on it. Did he write them? What were they about? I want to know.
I then noticed his figure fading. No, he can't leave. "Billy come back!" I cried.

But he was gone and I was sent back to reality. I opened my eyes and I was looking straight at my reflection.

word count; 1448

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