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Location; Paris, France
November 5, 1984 (Day 135)

Location; Paris, FranceNovember 5, 1984 (Day 135)

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"Where are we?" I asked. It looked different. There wasn't any green scenery or white snow on the giant mountains. We weren't in Switzerland. There was a tall building that looked pointy. An arc with a crowded street in front of it. There were many little cars moving on a small street. The trees looked as if the leaves were about to fall at any moment. Winter was coming soon. Well, I think soon. It was November.

It was small and beautiful.
"We're in Paris," David responded with light in his eyes as he stared outside the window of the plane.

"France?" I said. David nodded, "Oui,"
"Oui?" I was confused. "Means yes in French,"
"Ohh, oui," I said and I glanced at Jon. He was across from me. Jon just smiled, I smiled back.

We landed and as we walked out, we were greeted by an old lady. She gave us all a kiss on the cheek. It was a bit weird but I guess it was okay. It was a bit comforting. It was very humid and warm here, while Switzerland was a bit cooler, so I removed the leather jacket because I was already sweating even being 5 minutes outside.

We went to our hotel room, it wasn't as fancy as the one in Switzerland but it was very roomy and comfortable looking. I was able to get my own hotel room instead of sharing with Jon and Richie. Tico and David, as usual, shared a room and Alec got a room for himself.

I heard Alec talk about staying here for multiple days for a small vacation and then head back to New York to record their second album. I hadn't really gotten to know Alec as much, he was a bit older than the rest of the boys so he was slightly more mature, but he fits well with them all.

Jon stayed in my room for the majority of the time, he seems to think this was his room as well, which kinda amused me.
"Um, I'm going to use the bathroom," I told him, he says okay and continues scrolling through the television. I walked into the restroom and I turned on the light. The toilet was almost made of gold because of the color. The bath looked spotless and there was a ginormous mirror in front of the sink. I was with no words and my breath was almost gone.

I closed my eyes slightly and a picture of Billy get punched flashed through my mind. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't. I could see Billy from a distance fighting someone else. It looked as if he was the one provoking it because he was the one hitting back harder. The sounds from the punches were like loud beeps and it echoed every time. It almost hurt my ears. I was able to move or do anything. I was silently being forced to watch him.

Blood was covered all over his knuckles and the sight of it makes my stomach churn. Suddenly, another hand popped and it had a needle attached to it, it went straight to Billy's neck. Billy was being stabbed. That made Billy stop and stand quickly, he took the needle out and asked what it was. I couldn't hear the other person respond.

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