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Location: Hawkins, Indiana

-Snowball, December 1979-

"I wanna take a picture! You two look absolutely adorable!" Charlotte's mother squealed, holding up the camera. I glanced at what seems the millionth time at Lottie. She had a plain red dress with a belt around her waist, her long hair is slicked back and up in a ponytail. She looked..I don't even have words to explain. Beautiful.

I placed my hand on her waist and I pull her slightly closer to the picture, I can feel my cheeks all heated up. I hope it's not noticeable."Smile!" her mother enthusiastically cheered, holding up the camera in front of her face. We both smile with our teeth flashing. "Now do a silly one!" her mother says excitedly.

"Uh...I don't-" Lottie responded but I cut her off by lightly pinching her side. She squealed and I let out a laugh. "Billy!" she grabbed my arm in order to stop me. I reached over and I tickled her side with my other hand. "No! Stop!" she giggled. I can see her mother taking pictures through my peripheral vision.

Lottie stopped me and said to her mother, "Mom, we should get going!" I grabbed my coat and I slipped it on, and we head to the dance.

The dance is okay, not the best. I mostly just talked to Lottie and our small group of friends and the music isn't the greatest, but it's something. "You seem very bored, Billy." Lottie nudged me lightly. "Well, you kind of forced me into this but I'd rather be here than at home with my dad." I chuckle.

A slow song suddenly fills the room and all the kids start finding partners for a slow dance. My nerves decide to kick in and I can feel my body shaken.

"Hey, Charlotte. Do you wanna dance?" the none other than Steve Harrington walked up to her, and she gave me a glance and I nodded, giving her permission. "Yeah, sure." she smiled at him and he lead her into the crowd. I think that just ruined my night. Her dancing with him and not me. I should have asked her before he decided to show up.

I kept my eyes on her while she's dancing with him. He's smiling at her and she's doing the same. The sight of that breaks my heart. It hurts just watching her happy with someone other than me.

"Billy.." I turned around and it's Carol. Her hair looks like a birds nest and her outfit is very flamboyant and bright. She smiled nervously at me with her braces teeth. "Uh..yeah?"

"Do you wanna d-d-dance?" she stuttered. Well, I'd rather dance with someone than be watching Charlotte dancing with Steve and standing here like a complete idiot. "Sure." I faked a smile. She lead me onto the dancefloor and she instructed me on how to slow dance. I followed the lead and we spend almost three songs slow dancing and doing small talks.

"Hey, Billy I'm back." I heard Lottie say to me. "Hey Carol, do you mind if I take Billy? We haven't danced together." she asked Carol. "Uh..yeah sure." Carol looked disappointed and her face looks like she's been hit with a semi.

Charlotte grabbed my hand and took me elsewhere. We danced to a few other songs and we spend the night talking and somehow in the back of my mind, I felt bad for Carol. I should have said something about it. It felt wrong leaving her like that, she never deserved it.

word count; 601

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