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June 20, 1980

Dear Lottie,

It's been almost a week without you. It still physically hurts, it hurts so much. I miss you so much, I wonder where you are. California is awful, everyone here is so tan while I'm like the palest being ever. I have no friends and it's very lonely, the only people I know are my dad, his girlfriend, and his girlfriend's daughter Max. 
She's around nine-ish and she is so annoying. She bugs me all the time since I'm staying at her house. She has a skateboard and she knows how to ride except she knows absolutely zero tricks. She says she could teach me but I declined, skateboarding isn't my thing. It's pretty lame in my opinion. 

I remember when your mother brought you a bike and at first, you thought you knew what you were doing but you fell the first time and you scrapped your elbow and knee. You were crying and I tried calming you down but you became frustrated and angry that you almost slapped me. You apologised but I already forgave you. Later that year we both learned how to ride bikes and our bikes were our main ride to school. I also remember one time I fell off my bike because you accidentally caught me staring at your beautiful face while we were riding. I couldn't help it, your long hair was out of your face and you were smiling in the breeze that was hitting your face. I think from that moment, I fell madly in love with you. You're so amazing. 

Man, I wish love was that easy.

Dad hasn't hurt me after what happened that night, he's been rude to me though and he ignores me. He mostly goes out with his girlfriend while I stay with Max. Sometimes Max takes me to places she goes to a lot, like the playground. Sometimes I just sit there and imagine scenarios that I know won't happen in real life of us, while I let her play on the swings or skate around the skate rinks. This is a long letter and I know you will never be able to read these but I just need somewhere to release my thoughts and I have no one. I only have you in these letters. Maybe one day I'll stop writing these but I won't ever forget you. You mean a lot to me. I...love you.

-with love


word count; 413

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