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The headlights were so bright they almost seem to blind me. The bus stops harshly. I walk up right next to Vic. She's just as confused.

"I don't know where Rainbow will go," I said to her. She didn't reply.
The bus door opened and out came out Jon.

It was Jon. It was really him. How did they find me? Frankie.
"Jon!" I said. I don't know if I should feel angry or very happy to see them.

"Charlotte, is that you?" he asked. He glanced at me and his eyes lit up. He ran to me and lifted me off the ground, embracing me in a hug. He smelt like strong perfume, sweat, hairspray. His hair was tied back in a ponytail.

He set me down and he stared at me weirdly. "You have longer hair now," he chuckled, stroking my hair lightly. "Ext-"
"Charlotte?" Richie asked. He looked at Vic and I saw the rest of the boys run to trample her with a hug.

"Guys, I'm not Charlotte!" Vic loudly said, pushing away the boys. She was confused and slightly annoyed. "Charlotte has a twin?" Alec asked.

"Surprise," I said. They turned to look at me. "Hey Charlotte," they all sang. They hugged me and they asked me about my hair and I told them extensions.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" David asked.
"We were.." I started.
"Doing a midnight jog." Vic finished for me. I turned my eyes to Vic and she was looking at me also.

"We weren't jogging. Rainbow fled, so were chasing him," I said.
"Until you guys came in and starting hugging and all. Who are you?" Vic curiously asked.

"This is Jon, Richie, Tico, Alec and David. Where's Frankie?" I turned to Jon.
"He had to be somewhere so he left early," Jon replied.

"We're Bon Jovi. We're kind of new to the business. We're a band," Alec replied to Vic's question.
I apologised to them for leaving them without them knowing. I told them that she was my twin and that James was also my other twin. They were kind of surprised.

They told us that they wanted to meet my mama and brother. So we went back into the bus which felt like home to me. Vic had her arms crossed and when one of them tried talking to her she just nodded.

We headed back home and it wasn't that far of a drive

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We headed back home and it wasn't that far of a drive. I saw someone at the front door, it was Mama.
We all came out and the boys greeted my mother and I told her that they were the ones that she saw in the flashback.

She invited them and offered them anything to eat but they all turned down the offer since it was almost midnight.


We spent a few hours talking and getting to know each other for a bit, even Leah came in and joined us. Mama seemed happy to see them. It looks like she doesn't get much visitors since she seemed to close some of herself.

After a few hours, some of them decided to go back and sleep on the bus, but my mother insisted on them to have a guest bedroom. She had two guest bedrooms and two sofas that opened into a bed. Tico and David shared a guestroom, Alec and Richie shared another, and Jon and Leah slept on their own sofas.

When my mother was showing the boys the guestroom, Jon took my hand and asked me, "Can we speak, in private," I nodded and we entered a different room I've never been in.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I asked.
"Since the band is done touring with the Scorpions and the entire US. We're leaving for Japan in a few days. And we'd like if you came with us well I would because it just doesn't feel the same without there supporting us. And Frankie will be there and Leah too. Please come with us,"

"But...I don't know. I have to ask my mom first. I can't just leave her," I replied. Jon nodded.
"Yeah, I understand. But do you still want to go to Japan with us?"

"What's Japan?" I asked.

Jon chuckled, "A small country. Neither of us has gone there to tour so it'll be our first time. It'll be fun," Jon said, optimistically.
Maybe Japan will be fun. "How long?"

"It'll be for around 10 or so days. Won't be as long as this first part. We will also tour Europe after Japan but we'll take a long break before that happens. I...I just want you to come and explore with us. I don't want to lose contact with you, ever. I kind of want to keep you in my life," Jon said.
I have to go with them to Japan and Europe. I guess it'll feel weird without them around. I want to travel to new places. But I also want to stay as close to Mama as possible. She's still my mother.

"Okay, I'll go with you to Japan...and Europe. Can I just tell my mom first?" I told him. His smile grew larger. I smiled back.

"Yeah, of course, you can," he replied. He embraced me into a hug and I hugged him in return. I laid my head on his bare shoulder for a small minute. He locked eyes with me and for a minute I could feel him getting closer to my face. I didn't know what to do. So I leaned in closer.

Our noses were touching and it was like he was kissing me. But Jon shook his head and almost pushed me out of the hug. "Sorry about that, I kind of got a little carried away," Jon brushed it off. I was a little confused but I also kind of knew what was going on. Jon walked away.


"Mama?" I asked her. She was giving the last few blankets to Tico and David. They thanked her and said goodnight to her. She headed out of the room into the hallway where I was.

"Yeah, something wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah, uh...I talked to Jon and he told me that in a few days they will be leaving for Japan. He asked me to come, well begged. Is it okay if I went? Like, we just met this morning but you're also still my mother and I can't leave like that without asking," I asked her.

"Yes, you can go with them. These are amazing people, they kept you safe, they're letting you travel with them without cost. How long will it be til you come back and stay with me?"
"Jon said it was only going to be for around 9-10 days and after that there's going to be some sort of break in between and then they're going to Europe," I explained to her with a low voice. I sounded like a child convincing their mom to buy them candy.

"I'll let you go with them, but as long as you stay out of trouble and you call me almost every night. And pictures. I wanna see you happy," she touched my cheek lightly. I let out a tired smile. I was exhausted for the running and getting punched in the face.

"Come," she said. "You can sleep in my room sweetie,"

word count; 1236

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