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Location; Brighton, UK
September 30, 1984 (Day 102)

Location; Brighton, UKSeptember 30, 1984 (Day 102)

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We were on a plane to the United Kingdom

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We were on a plane to the United Kingdom. Today was the start of the second half of the tour.

I sat by Richie and Alec and they were just discussing something quietly. I kind of ignored them since it really wasn't my business to eavesdrop. I had the sheet of paper with my song in front of me. I hadn't written anything since the first leg of the tour.

I wrote some words to see if they rhymed together but it was difficult. I couldn't really concentrate. All I could really think of is Billy. He somehow popped into my mind. I really hope he's doing well. After this tour ends, I want to go see him.


We landed and we were directed to a bus immediately with other people. Bon Jovi recognised them and I had no idea who they were. They were four normal guys. They all seemed to have the same black curly hair.

Jon introduced us, but I kept staring at all four of them. They seemed recognisable.
"...This is Alec, David, and Charlotte. She's just a groupie." Jon said pointing at all of us. They all shake hands and smile to each other. After a few moments after we were all seated quietly. I whispered to Jon, "Where are the Scorpions?"

"Elsewhere. We are now the supporting acts of KISS," he whispered back. "But don't worry, they are just as nice as the Scorpions. And we're going to be flying the same plane as them, not like the separate buses with the Scorps," I nodded in understanding.

"That's their band name," he replied. Oh.

I could tell two of the KISS members heard and smiled. I recognise the name. "KISS? The one with the...paint?" I pointed to my face.

One of them nodded, "Yeah! We used to have the face paint but now we kind of took a break from it," one of them replied. "You might recognise us more with our facial expressions," all of them did their expression where they would have a certain expression and a rock n roll sign. One of them stuck out his tongue which was Gene. How do I know this?

Charlotte was in Billy's room and their door was opened because their dad was very untrustworthy of them at the time. She always noticed the posters on the wall of rock bands. She knew he was really into metal and hard rock bands. It was his thing.

She wasn't really into it but if he showed her a song he liked at the moment, she would willingly listen to it.
That day she noticed a new poster.

"Who's that?" she asked him.
"Oh, that's Kiss," he replied.

"The band, they're named KISS

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"The band, they're named KISS. I found a poster at Radioshack for a dollar, so I just got it, they're actually really good," he replied with light in his eyes.


"I had a friend...who had a poster in his room of you guys," I softly said. It was one of Billy's favourite bands. Jon and the rest of them looked at me weirdly. But I ignored them.
"Oh, that's so cool! Tell your friend thank you for supporting us and being a fan!" they said.

I just stood quiet and nodded a little. I can't tell my friend. Sorry.


We stayed in the dressing room since there was no bus to get to. But the best part was that they had large quantities of food there. Which Frankie and I basically binged on.

We could actually see them performing through the television in the dressing room. I know all of the songs they played. They played Runaway last. It was one of my favourites. Frankie's favourite was Roulette. Which they played almost all the time just like Runaway.

They finished their performance and we saw KISS run out and give their rock vibes out into the stage. Bon Jovi ran into the dressing room and was pouring in sweat.
"It really hot out there for some reason. There isn't any air conditioning except in here," Alec said.

"I don't know, maybe because it's indoors with a thousand bodies and people exert body heat so too much of it makes a room really warm," Frankie sarcastically said smiling.
"Who ate all the sour gummy worms?" Tico grabbed an empty bowl and showed us the emptiness. We all stayed quiet for a few minutes.

"They somehow vanished," I said. Frankie and I were binging on the snacks and a few bowls were almost emptied out. Except for the black liquorice that tasted really bad.
"It was Lottie," Frankie said, pointing at me.

"Nuh-uh!" I gasped playfully.

"I only ate like 5...10 of them," I said.

"Oh, at least they didn't eat the liquorice," David said, grabbing one and taking a bite of it. "Ew.." we all said.

"What? They're delicious," David said taking another bite. We ended up laughing and watching the rest of the performance of KISS.

word count; 843

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