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Mama hasn't come out of her room. But Tori let me stay in her room.

"What is this?" she lifted up my oversized shirt from the Rolling Stones from my bag. "A shirt," I said.
"Well I know that, but Richie, Jon whatever their names were. Didn't they get you clothes that fit you?" she said. I shook my head.

She dropped the shirt and opened her closet. It was a large closet filled with dresses and all sorts of feminine type of clothes. Her closet was larger than the bus' bathroom. I stepped in after her and she was looking through her closet. She had cabinets filled with innerwear and fake hair. She had a brown wig and a blonde wig. I lifted up a pair of extensions. I looked into the mirror that was right in by her cabinets. They were my exact shade of hair.

I read the labels and they said they lasted eight weeks. I clip them on one by one. When I was done, I had hair that now sat over my shoulder. I turned around and Vic was looking at me. "They look better on you, here let me adjust a few," she adjusts a few of the extensions that were a bit loose but in the end, it felt like real hair.

"Here try this on," Vic handed me a dress.


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It was the night Charlotte left Bon Jovi to go find her mother. Bon Jovi finished their last performance. Jon was excited he was done with a lot of the tour. He had Japan and the last leg to tour left but they had a break in between.

They headed back to the bus and they saw Frankie reading a cooking magazine. "Hey, Frankie," they all greeted him. He said hello in return. He ignored them and went back to his magazine.

"Where's Charlotte?" Jon asked him. "I think she's in the bathroom," Frankie replied, avoiding eye contact. "I have to go talk to her about what happened a few days ago," Jon stood up and went over to the bathroom. No one was in the bathroom.

"Frankie, she's not in the bathroom," Jon told him. Frankie got nervous and tried focusing more on his magazine. He didn't want to tell them where she went.

"You're right, she's not. Because she's not here," Frankie revealed.
"What?" the boys all said. Jon being the loudest. Jon looked angry.

"Where did she go?" David asked first.
"Don't worry, she's going to be back," Frankie replied not making any eye contact.

"No! She's not going to come back, why? Because of me. Because of the whole thing that exploded with Diana!" Jon yelled at Frankie. Frankie set down his magazine.
"She didn't go because of that. Not everything is about you," Frankie replied back.

"Where did she go? Did she tell you?" Jon asked.
"She told me but she didn't want me to tell you guys. Guys, she will come back. We pinky promised," Frankie rubbed his face with his hands in frustration.

"Why do you need to know where she went? What if she doesn't want you to find her?" Frankie raised his voice. He's never raised his voice like that to the boys or to anyone. He was a guy of very few words.

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