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Location; Louisville, Kentucky
July 4, 1984 (Day 14)

Location; Louisville, KentuckyJuly 4, 1984 (Day 14)

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It was the next day and everyone was saying "Happy Fourth Of July" and I really didn't understand

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It was the next day and everyone was saying "Happy Fourth Of July" and I really didn't understand. I just went along with it. The state we were in much more warmer than the one before and it felt less sticky outside. I was sweating through my jacket but I couldn't take it off.

It was the end of the concert and the boys went on stage with the Scorpions. Richie dragged me out on stage but I tried pulling myself back onto the side. "C'mon you have to see the fireworks!" he finally convinced me and I found myself staring at many people. Thousands of people in the crowd facing me.

The noise was extremely loud and unpleasant. Small lights were rising up and they exploded into colours in the air. They made a loud noise that made me flinch. "What's that?" I asked Richie. "Fireworks," he replied.

"For what?"
"Fourth of July, Independence Day," I gave him a confused look.

"There's a snake!" I heard someone yell. My eyes widened and I glanced down at my wrist and he was gone. I dash forward to where I heard the screaming and I saw his silver flicking tail. I ran to him as quickly as I can. Finally, I harshly snatched it from its tail and he tries to release himself by attempting to bite me but I dodge his mouth. I placed him on my wrist and he turned back into a bracelet.

Everyone around me was shocked and I made a run back to Richie. "What happened?" I glanced around the large crowd and only that small portion was in shock but the rest of them were cheering as the fireworks went off. The rest of the guys didn't notice my small scene which was good.

"Rainbow released himself from my grip," I told him. Rainbow has been getting on my nerves lately and I sometimes wish he would just go away. I haven't been using my powers or anything these past few days because I don't need to. I feel safe with these people. They mean no harm. They treat me like a human being. They know that I have abilities extraordinary but they still treat me like a normal being.

Having Rainbow around makes me feel the opposite. It feels like I'm still bringing a part of the lab with me. He's always around. I can feel him shuffle sometimes. He becomes warms when I know he's been awake. Also, my tattoo has been dead cold ever since I got here. I still remember when it felt like a lit flame on my skin when I was in the lab.

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