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Location; Jacksonville, Florida
July 15, 1984 (Day 25)

Location; Jacksonville, FloridaJuly 15, 1984 (Day 25)

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It wasn't a normal day like the rest of them

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It wasn't a normal day like the rest of them.
The Scorpions came with dessert and hung out on the bus for a few hours. At some point, they tried teaching me guitar chords but I failed miserably. It was nice of them to teach me but my fingers weren't really capable of doing those weird movements.

We suddenly heard a loud knock. Leah opened the door and there was Diana.

Looking a little angry. The room froze and Diana eyed all of us menacingly and she stopped at me. Her death glare was very uncomfortable. I looked over at Jon, but his eyes were on Diana.

"Jon, can we speak outside?" Diana said, placing a hand on her waist.
"Why were you staring at her?" Jon asked her, completely ignoring her question.

"Jon, can we speak outside?" she raised her voice.
"Not unless you tell me why," Jon replied with no change in tone. I turned to look at the rest of them and they all slowly walked out of sight and into another room. I was left alone with Jon and Diana but Richie stayed in the room. I looked at Richie with a confused look.

"Why is she wearing your shirt? Are those your pants also?" Diana walked up to me and harshly grabbed my wrist making me stand up. "Leave her alone,"

"You told me you were going to get rid of her as soon as possible but she's still here!" Diana yelled. My eyes widened.
"But my mind changed. I want to keep her here with us. She doesn't know where her family is,"

"But explain the clothes!" she motioned to my body.
"My clothes fit the closest to her. And Diana, you understand our situation right now. We perform every night and we are very busy and we can't seem to be able to buy her clothes." Jon explained.

"Ugh, I can't stand her! Why don't you just leave?" Diana harshly told me.
"Don't say that!" Richie replied.

"Diana, did you just come up here for no reason?" Jon asked her.
"No! I wanted to be with you and hang out just like before. But you can't ever make time for me! I'm your girlfriend remember?"

"Somedays, you act like you aren't mine," Jon whispered.
"I'm done with you, John," Diana yanks my wrist away and leaves. I didn't realise the tears that were running down my face.

"Charlotte, I'm so

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"Charlotte, I'm so.." Jon began but I lifted my hand and I scared him with my whip. It made a loud sound which made Jon lift his hands.
"Please leave me alone," I said.

"But, Lottie-"
"Don't call me that!" I screamed. I lifted my whip again hitting the sofa. It burned a slit into the sofa.
I ran into Leah's small compartment room, where she sat near the steering wheel. I locked the door before Jon could get in. I heard him slamming the door and calling my name.

I closed my eyes hearing Leah's small radio playing music

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I closed my eyes hearing Leah's small radio playing music. Leah didn't ask me questions she just told me it was going to be alright.

word count; 530

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