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Location: Hawkins Lab, November 1983

The door opened revealing Brenner, the same smile plastered on his face. I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them tightly. Brenner sits on the edge of my bed, "We have good news."
I stayed quiet.

"Eleven opened the gate. Now, we want you to go inside and try to fight what is inside." He told me. "Try?"

"I want you to come out alive but I'm not exactly sure how powerful this thing is. You won't be going alone, you'll have a weapon. Don't you worry." he patted my shoulder lightly. I nodded, reluctantly.

I had the metallic whip wrapped around my wrist as they sent me inside of the tank

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I had the metallic whip wrapped around my wrist as they sent me inside of the tank. The heavy helmet once again placed on my head with the little headset around my shaved head. Every day feels the same to me there is like nothing new. I've been down here before and it just..doesn't scare me. Eleven is scared to come down here, but this appears so deja vu to me.

"Wait! Doctor!" I unexpectedly heard Gina call out to Brenner. "Send her down! Now." Brenner ignored Gina and they rolled me into the water. "Doctor, the weapon in order to fight them is not the whip. Its-" the tank closed and now I cannot hear anything or see anything. It is pitch black and the only thing I can see is the small bubbles forming in the water. The water is close to a freezing level. And my head feels heavy. I felt the snake nip my hand aggressively, showing impatience.

I closed my eyes and start focusing on the dimension I'm about to reenter. I can now see the tunnels and the dripping of water, along with low growls here and there. My bare feet can no longer feel the metal floor, but a slimy and miry texture. I took a step forward and I saw nothing, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

I followed the light. Once I reached it, from a distance I can see someone their back faced towards me. "Hello?" I called to them. They don't answer. The body was a male and their hair was many streaks of blonde and brown. I got closer to them and I turned to see their face. It was Billy.

"Billy?" I muttered and he smiled at me. He looked older. I smiled back, I can't believe it was him. I lifted my hand and I touched him. He felt real, is he real? What is he doing here? "What are you doing here?" I asked him softly. "I came to see you."

You're in dimension. This isn't real life. He's fake. He's not real.
"You're not...real."
"Yes, I am." I heard the growling approaching. I turned around and I saw them. They screeched simultaneously, the sound so piercing it might have gotten me deaf. The snake extended itself I try hurting them but the whip seemed to only make them step back. I couldn't hit them. "Go away!" I told them. I turned to face Billy and he just stood there, doing absolutely nothing.
There were more behind him.

I couldn't do anything.
Suddenly, one of them jumps on Billy and I screamed. I screamed at the top of lungs in horror.
I opened my eyes and I start banging on the glass for help. My nose is bleeding from both ends and I can feel my soul being ripped out of me. I banged on the glass with all of my force.
Gina could hear the screams and loud punches from the glass tank. She couldn't just stand there and hear someone suffering. She pushed all of the scientists out of the way and she opened the tank. She could hear a commotion behind her and she lifted Charlotte out of the tank. Charlotte was gasping for air and she was crying at the same time.

"It's okay. We've got each other. I'm here." Gina hugged her.


Gina helped me stand up and I can see Brenner with an evil smirk on his face. "You show so much bravery, Regina. It inspires me so much. Take her away."

A group of guard attempted to take her, but I stood up and I extended my whip, slashing all the men at once. They fell down like dominos. "Don't you dare come near her."

"For one minute, can you please just obey us and do what we have to do. We are scientists who do research on many things. You do not understand how much I despise you, Charlie.." Warren told me. "My name isn't Charlie." It makes me so angry when people call me Charlie. "Your mother was going to call you Charlie. She always thought you were gonna be a boy. You should the disappointed look on her face when she found out you were a girl instead. Your father was a complete asshole. He bullied me, we went to high school together. He stole my best friend. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." he lifted his arm and he was gripping a gun. It was pointed directly at me.

"Because...I am not my dad. I was sent here..by force."
"I was the one that received the phone call from Neil that night. Dr Brenner was by no means wanting you here. He didn't need you. You were just an alternate for when Eleven wasn't able to complete tasks. Goodbye, Charlotte." the gun shot and I closed my eyes knowing that I will never ever see Billy again. I will die and there is nothing I can do about it.

I felt Gina shift and I opened my eyes. She was the one who got shot.
"Gina!" I felt the tears welling in my eyes. She's still breathing, but she has a bullet lodged in her stomach. "Why'd you have to do this? I should have died." I grabbed onto her from falling into the tank.
"It's okay, Charlotte, I knew I was gonna die here."

"But you took a bullet for me." I cried, I grabbed a loose piece of my hospital gown and I tried stopping the bleeding. But the blood just bled through my gown.

"Just remember this, when you...get out of here, go find your mother. Your real mother, she will know everything," Gina coughed. "And then, live a happy life and appreciate the little things. Hold on, to what you've got. Be courageous. Live while you're alive."

"But what about T-Tommy?"
"He d-died years back."

"Gina, please don't go. I don't wanna be alone." I mumbled through tears.
"I have to go. We'll see each other someday." she gave me a small smile. She little by little closed her eyes. She was gone.

I felt a piece of my soul ripped out of me. She was the only person who I was able to talk about pretty much everything with. She was my friend. My sister.

The blood from her wound soaked into parts of my gown and I felt some on my knees as I sat there crying.

Without knowing, I felt a syringe lodge my neck. Things became blurry and all of my feelings seemed to vanish. My eyes closed and I fell, hitting the side of my head with the edge of a stair.

word count; 1244
(i cried writing the ending i'm sorry)

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