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Location; Hawkins, Indiana

Jonathan dropped off Will to the arcade, "I'll be here in a couple of hours to pick you up. Be careful and have fun," he said to Will. Will nodded and said bye to him.

Will saw Mike, Lucas, and Dustin outside the arcade waiting for him. Will waved goodbye and ran to them and they all rushed in.

They watched Dustin play Dragon's Lair and tried cheering him on but he unfortunately lost and got burned by the dragon.
"Ugh, I hate this game! Stupid piece of shit!" he kicked the game, "I'm sure you'll get the princess next time!" Will said with optimism. 

"Well the princess is still mine," Lucas jumped. "Whatever," Dustin rolled his eyes. 

"At least I'm still in first place in Dig Dug," Dustin said.
"I will make sure no one beats my high score," he continued.
"I doubt you'll keep that high score for at least a month," Keith sarcastically said. The boys turned around to see Keith, one of the employees munching on some cheeto puffs.

"What makes you say that, Keith?" Dustin said.

"Anyone could come in and beat that score of yours," Keith said, bringing another cheeto to his mouth. Dustin flipped him off. 
"You're just jealous cause you're not on the leaderboard," Dustin said. They all continue talking and making fun of Keith. Will was out of it. He turned around and he saw the outside a little windier than usual. It wasn't windy at all today. He walked closer to the door and suddenly couldn't hear the outside noise. It was like someone covered his ears completely. 

He saw a small flash of red lightning

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He saw a small flash of red lightning. "Guys, did you see.." he stuttered and turned around and saw them all gone. He was alone. The wind was then blowing harder than usual. His heart started beating quickly. 
He looked around and the arcade was filled with blue slimy tentacles and floating particles. He was growing scared and anxious as the seconds passed by. He was in the Upside Down. He was getting flashbacks to those days. 

"Guys! Where are you?" he yelled. He heard a sound and he quickly flinched. He slowly walked outside and a huge storm formed in front of him. He saw fiery red clouds and a black figure forming in front of the clouds and he saw that he was the only one here. He wanted to run and scream. But he felt frozen. He couldn't move. He felt his whole body freeze. He wanted to move and run and get away from this place, he wanted to jump back into reality. 

He's been experiencing these episodes for months now and he doesn't understand why

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He's been experiencing these episodes for months now and he doesn't understand why. He felt someone touch his shoulder, "Will?" Mike said and the upside down disappeared. It was back to normal. He could see the worry in Mikes eyes. He doesn't know how long he was out. 

"Are you okay?" Mike asked him. "Y-yeah," Will stuttered. He wasn't okay, he was frightened, because these episodes were growing more and more harder and scarier to control. 
"C'mon let's go inside," Mike wrapped an arm around Will and they went back inside the arcade.

word count; 572

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