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Location: Hawkins, Indiana
June 21, 1984


My footsteps made a crumbling sound as I stepped on the crunchy leaves of Mirkwood. It was a hot and humid day. I was dressed in the same hospital gown the day Gina passed away. I had dirt smeared all over me. Some green spots on my robe and some blood stains that were almost the color of brown, so I wasn't able to recognize what was the blood and dirt. 

I lifted my arm and patted down my greasy hair. It was no longer in a buzzcut. It has grown long and straight down my temples. It felt soft to the touch. 

I continued walking down the hill in hopes of finding Billy's house. The first thing I promised myself to do when I got out. I haven't seen him in almost four years. I wondered what he looked like, was he taller? Has his voice changed? Will he recognise me? Will he remember me? 
I finally stepped onto the concrete ground. It was like weights being lifted off my shoulder, I am now free. Free from the lab, free from the metal table that I laid on for years. 

I turned around to check if there was anyone following, there wasn't. I walked down the familiar road that leads the way to his house. I followed the road until I made a sudden stop. I took a deep breath. I would have to cross the town, oh no. I don't want to be recognized. 

I quickened my stride so people won't notice me. As I headed into town, I noticed smaller girls walking by with horror on their faces. They were looking straight at me. Why are they wearing a nest? I turned my head to the other direction, there I saw a lady with a child. The lady noticed me immediately and the lady's eyes widened. 

Why are people looking at me weirdly? Do I have anything on my face? I lifted my hand and tried wiping my mouth with my hand if maybe I had something there. I couldn't tell because of the lack of mirror. 

Just ignore them. You won't really ever see them again. 
I reached his house. It was the same color, and it all looks the same. Orange, small, felt so familiar and warming to me, I was excited to see him. I felt my heart racing, and happiness sprung to me. The driveway was empty though. Maybe his dad wasn't there? 

I ran to the front door. "Billy?" I said loudly. That name felt so foreign to me. I placed my hand on the chocolate brown door. Memories flooding my mind, I knocked on the door with three loud thuds. The house felt empty to me. His house looks the same, like nothing was changed and they were just frozen in time. I reached for the knob cautiously. The door was locked. Which was normal, I mean, who leaves their house unlocked. 

I tried peeking inside through the window, but it was no use. The house was fogged up, so I couldn't see inside. I glanced down at the doorknob and I focused on it. I unlocked the door. I wiped my bloody nose with my wrist. There was a lot of blood on my nose because almost spending so much time without using them can make your body not used to it. I stepped inside, the door creaked louder the wider it opened. The door also felt like it was falling apart and only held by a few strings. 

The house was awfully dusty with small particles floating everywhere. I looked around to see if there was anyone in here. No one. It looks like it's been abandoned. I walked into the kitchen and the broken vase was still in the trash can. A rush of nostalgia rushed over me. That night felt like a complete blur to me. I frowned, trying to hold back tears. Billy doesn't live here anymore. 

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