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Siddarth sat in front of the woman in the coffee shop.

"Saumya we have to do our best now to make Shivaay and Anika remember their past." He said and Saumya sipped in her drink.

"You're right bhaiya, Rudra has been very unfair with Shivaay by sending him away to study but I hope that he will soon change his behavior, because, Shivaay is not only the reincarnation of bade bhaiya but he's now my son and I vowed that he will have the family Pinky aunty forbade him to have before his death." Saumya said.

"Even Malika is hard to persuade, she accepts Anika as her daughter only.. I tried to convince her, I know that deep inside she knows the truth. She just doesn't want to think that her daughter isn't completely her daughter, I mean Anika is our daughter, that's right, but her soul isn't.. And Malika can't accept that." Siddarth explained and Saumya held his hand.

"Don't worry bhaiya, Malika has a kind heart, as soon as Anika will remember her past she will understand. The most complicated one is Rudra.. He can't forgive bhaiya for leaving him." Saumya said.

"Anyways, I have an idea, I convinced Kaina to bring Anika to this club, Junoon, you can ask Rajveer to do the same with Shivaay. So they can meet.."

"Junoon? This is a very popular place, are you sure they'd be able to meet?"

"Saumya, trust me. Their relationship is like this only, distance makes them closer.. they will meet because they are connected." Siddarth said.

Rana mansion.

"Kaina please, I don't want to go!" Anika said and Kaina looked at her uncle with pleading eyes.

"You should go Anika, to discover India over again.." Siddarth said and Anika was surprised that he was talking to her.

"Okay then I'll go."

Oberoi mansion.

"Shivaay you need to relax. Plus it's been a long time since we went out together." Rajveer said.

"I know Raj, but I just can't, dad's ignorance is killing me.." Shivaay said sadly.

"I know that it's hard but you shall not think about it but about something else.. you can't be sad all day and night because Rudra uncle is like that, you have to be happy sometimes.." Rajveer said convincing Shivaay.

The four of them were at the club, Junoon. Some song was playing, it was Besharmi ki height. It was quite an old song but the beat was still there. Both Shivaay and Anika sat to the bar, while Shivaay asked for a mojito, Anika asked for a cosmopolitan. They were both facing the other way but both had the feelings that someone they knew was there. Anika turned around and saw him. It was as if the scene was playing in slow motion, as she saw his blue eyes, his perfect features, his growing beard which she wondered how it would feel on her skin, she saw his half-open mouth which would be perfect on her.. she recognized him straight away, her best friend, her long time crush,

"Billu.." She whispered and he couldn't hear it because of the music, anyways, he got disturbed because his phone was ringing. He left outside to get the call and Anika followed him.

"Pia? Baby, I'm sorry I am in a club with Rajveer, yeah he wanted us to have some guys time, you know.. Yes I love you too, bye.." Anika heard his words and she couldn't stop the aching in her heart on hearing his I love you to someone else. She tapped on his shoulder expecting him to recognize his Anu, his bestfriend, but instead, he shocked her to the core.

"Do I know you?" He asked and she grabbed the nearby glass which was in a woman's hand and threw the liquid on his face then she put the glass on his hand and began walking away.

"How dare you?" He roared as he followed her and turned her around.

"Oh I dare everything." She said and entered in her car then dialed Kaina, while Shivaay was standing in front of her car.

"Kaina, I'm in the car you have to come, we need to go." Anika said and Shivaay knocked on the window.

"What do you want?"

"Why did you fucking throw this liquid on me?"

"Why shouldn't I? After all when one breaks a promise there is a punishment." Anika said. "Can you please move out of my way, I don't want your blood to stain my brand new car." Anika said and got ready to go. She picked Kaina up in front of the club and left, leaving a confused Shivaay behind.

Oberoi mansion, the morning after.

"I swear, she may be one of the most irritating people I have ever met in my life!" Shivaay said while Saumya was serving the food, for breakfast.

"Is that so?" She asked, pretending to be surprised.

"Of course maa, who in earth throw water or whatever it was on a stranger's face?" Shivaay replied and Saumya chuckled.

"You young people are always weird any ways." Saumya answered as she smiled.

Rana mansion.

"I swear mom, this man, I will kill him! How can he forget about me, his goddamn bestfriend?"

"Things change Anu, maybe if you had talked to him.." Malika said but Anika cut her in between.

"If I had talked to him? I recognized him straight away and him, with his deep voice he said 'do I know you?' did I matter that less in his life that he would forget about me?" Anika said and Siddarth was hearing everything. "In all these eight years, I have only dreamt of us meeting again, his father sent him to Canada, and daddy sent me to London, but I didn't forget about him, I wanted to meet him again, and all to get this, he doesn't remember about me.." Anika said and Siddarth gasped. He left to his office and dialed Saumya.

"Anika and Shivaay knew each other since childhood Saumya." Siddarth said.

"How do you know?"

"She just confirmed it, our task will be easier, I'm planning something for Anika's birthday, maybe she'll get her memory back then.." Siddarth said.

Shivaay was driving to Oberoi office as Saumya insisted that he should learn business in the family only. So he was driving with the radio on when there was a song, it was a throwback song, it was Perfect from Ed Sheeran.

Shivaay was having hazy pictures in mind, he could see the blurred face of a woman smiling, he could see that they were high but he couldn't see where, then he caressed her face and was about to kiss her, but he got back to the reality as his car crashed against a tree..


"Anu, I'm really sorry yaar.." He said and they were passing by his car.

"At least let me drive you home.." He trailed and she picked a nearby rod and hit his windshield with it, breaking it to pieces. Then she put the rod in his hands and said.

"I only break what I can pay.. and you can't pay for my heart Billu." She said and left, with a lot of attitude.

"This girl will make me go mad!"

Okay, you guys reached the target real fast so yeah, here's the next chapter HOWEVER, you need to continue like this please, it's really hard for me to write right now with my exams going on and I need your support to go on with it, I wrote this sequel only because some of you wanted it, so please keep voting and commenting please... I won't do anymore target because you're clearly old enough you don't need this... 

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