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Hi, first of all I'm sad because you didn't reach the target in the comments section but thanks to VincyVinu and the others like monicadad and all, my mood is good so I will update still because they don't deserve any punishment. There is a mature content ahead, have a good time reading and see you, and yes happy Valentine's Day 💖💖
Anika and Shivaay looked at each  other with fear written all over their faces. Anika's grip on Shivaay's hand was tight and she was also clutching her belly. She just wanted to wipe that smirk off her face. 
Shivaay on the other hand, was giving the feeling that he wanted to hide his Anika away from this evil woman, but instead he wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a kiss on the side of her head. The family went aww and congratulated the newlywed couple who took the blessings from Sidika, Dadi, Rumya, the elders, Gaurikara and PaRan. Then Shivika were joined by Mr Choudhary and his wife. Rudra looked away, as his now mature personality forbade him from doing a scene.
"Congratulations Shivaay, and Mrs Oberoi I have to say you look perfect 💯✨" Mr Choudhary said. Anika blushed and Shivaay just smiled. But then.. When they turned to their killer, it seemed like her throat was dry while his hands were becoming moist.
"Namaste auntyji." Shivaay was the first one to talk. He gave a small squeeze to Anika's hand and she felt reassured while Mrs Choudhary was fuming. How could they forget Ragini Malhotra???
After the wedding, Oberois and Ranas went home. The rituals for the bride's arrival were emotional as Oberois felt as if their family was complete all over again. They decided to retire to their own room after that because of the tiring journey. Anika was sitting in this same room which witnessed their love twenty years ago. She  could see the pool from where she sat, just like the old days. She was so deep in thoughts when Shivaay came she got startled before smiling at him. He was carrying a tray of milk given by his mother for them. He put it on the bedside table and sat next to her.
"Look.. Regarding Ragini I.." He began but she put her finger against his mouth 💋.
"She had already separated us once, please don't talk about her. I know that she's back for something and we have to clear Mrs Oberoi's reputation as the family believes that she killed us but let's not talk about it tonight, we'll have time tomorrow,  please tonight just love me."
Mature content ahead.
Anika said and sucked his lower lip between hers, wrapping her arms around his neck.  "Promise me that no matter what you'll not stop. Promise me that tonight you'll give me your virginity and take mine,  no matter if tears stream down my face,  no matter if I remember those men,  just promise that you'll take what's yours." Anika said putting his hand on her head and he had no other choice but respect her decision.
He grabbed her jawline and kissed it,  he was kissing her as if she was a small flower he would be scared to hurt. He then kissed all over her face,  her eyes, cheeks, forehead, nose, chin and then her full lips. He wanted to show her how much he loved her inside and out, he hugged her from the waist and pulled her to him. She struggled for a while but managed to sat on his laps in a weird lotus position, her legs around his waist, their cores tightly pressed against each other. Shivaay removed her jewels one by one, kissing the places of her body which they covered and he put them aside. Then he removed her dupatta and released her beautiful hair.
"You're gorgeous Anika, I love you." She was about to answer him but he stopped her by kissing her. His tongue licked her lips and when she opened her mouth,  he licked every single part of her mouth before taking hold of her tongue,  which was busy discovering his mouth, and sucking it, creating their own dance. The kiss went on until their lungs burnt for air and they released each other's mouth. They looked at each other and hugged tightly. The bliss of being together was just overwhelming.
Shivaay lifted her and they got up together. He kept her jewelry in her drawer and looked at her. Her eyes were burning with desire and slight fear. He walked to her and grabbed her hand and brought it to his sherwani. She understood and undressed him while he did the same with her. They were now standing naked in front of each other. The flashes of this same day came to her mind as she saw him,  his body,  his stiff member twitching and poking her stomach and she closed her eyes lowering her head.
"I want you to understand that the one making love to you is none other than me Anika. I don't want you to fear me. I want you to make love to me as well. I don't want to take you if you're afraid of me but I promised that we'll be making love tonight and that will happen." Shivaay said kissing her neck and she shivered. He then walked with her in front of the mirror and stood behind her.
"Look at you Anika,  look at us.." He ordered her huskily and she opened her eyes after a few seconds, looking at their reflection. The moment she opened her eyes, he moved his hips against hers, his arousal being engulfed by her ass cheeks and she moaned. He grabbed her arm and kissed her wrist then he did the same with her other wrist where the ties used to be. Then his hands began fondling with her heavy breasts, her peaks getting hard like bullets the moment he touched them. He was still behind her, trusting his hard length between her cheeks while she was a moaning mess but she was still looking at the mirror trying hard not to close her eyes in ecstasy. After being satisfied with her breasts, Shivaay lowered his hand to cup her pussy. She was dripping with desire. He made her sit on the bed which was also facing the mirror. She sat on the edge and he raised her legs to his shoulders before diving for her private part. He had always loved her taste twenty years ago whether it was before going to bed or in the long afternoons when he'd be home, and now twenty years later it was still the same,  she was sure a bit more tangy, but she still gave him his most loved nectar. When he grazed his tooth against her clitoris, she saw stars. She had almost forgotten how amazing it was to be eaten out by this man. When his fingers joined his tongue, parting her labia to enter her virgin hole, she couldn't take it anymore and cried out her orgasm which hit her hard.
"Shivaay!" She moaned and he slithered his way up to her face and kissed her while still trusting his fingers inside her until she basically squirted on his fingers. Tears made their way in her eyes as it was too much.
"Are you okay?" He asked and when she was able to say something again,  she smiled lazily.
"I've never been that good Shivaay. You complete me. You make me feel like I'm the only one.. Please make me yours, show the world that I'll forever be Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi." Anika said. And she still stared at the mirror behind him when he wrapped her legs around his waist and entered her. She felt his member tearing her hymen, taking her virginity. Shivaay felt his skin pulling and suppressed a groan of pain. He forgot how first times were painful but he decided not to move for her comfort. She was so tight,  she was fitting around him like a glove. And when she squeezed her muscles signing him to move, they fell back to their personal dance their bodies learnt twenty years ago. His groans were again ringing in her ears and were driving her back to this time when he had taken her for the first time. Her moans were like music to his ears. After seeing her all broken after Akash's betrayal, Shivaay felt proud that he didn't let her stay broken. He was happy that he had fixed her heart enough so that she'd be able to give herself like this. By giving herself to him, Anika just proved that Akash didn't manage to take her body, her body was all hers while her mind and heart were his (Shivaay's). They looked at each other and she smiled at him.
"Thank you for making me a woman Shivaay. Thank you for being at my side when I doubted on myself." She said and her pussy squeezed his member as she came hard, milking his pulsating member leading to him spilling his seeds deep in her womb.
"Thank you for thrusting me Anika. Without your thrust I wouldn't have been able to take you out of this darkness." He answered and give one hard trust releasing the last drop of his semen again deep in her before pulling out. He looked down at her pulsating pussy as a bit of cum oozed and he decided to clean her. He carried her to their bathroom where they continued their long night.

Target: 100+ votes ☑☑ and 20+comments
Precap: Not decided yet
Love you 😘😘😘

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