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"What are you saying Bhavya?" Malika asked coming before Shivaay.

"M. Akash Khurana is suing M. Oberoi stating that he killed his father without any valuable reason.." Bhavya said.

"Because what he did to our daughter isn't enough?" Malika asked as she didn't move away and stood in front of Shivaay.

"Mrs Rana please, don't interfere and let me do my job. Bhavya said and handcuffed Shivaay.

"Listen to me Shivaay.. Nothing will happen to you, I'll defend you, I'll be your lawyer, nothing will happen to you.." Malika said.

"And what about Anika? Take care of her, she needs you more than me..!" He answered.

"No she needs you.." Malika answered. She turned to Siddarth and said, "I'm going with Shiv, you stay with Anika."

Malika followed them and dialled Rumya to tell them about Shivaay.

"The court decided that the trial for the case regarding Miss Rana, Mr Khurana and Mr. Oberoi will be in two weeks." Bhavya told Malika and she glared at her in anger, they'd always had some enmity because Bhavya was in love with Sid but he chose Mali.

"That's one of the most disgusting moves you've done Bhavi but that's alright. I know I can manage." Malika said then held Shivaay's hand reassuringly.

"Trust me, I won't let my son-in-law in jail."

Siddarth caressed her face and she opened her eyes again. She looked at him but her eyes were empty. She didn't move and didn't utter a word.

"Cutiepie.." Siddharth whispered and Anika's tears welled up in her eyes. But she still didn't move.

"Do you want to talk?" Siddarth asked while he caressed her hair.

"Anika, it's over now.. Aka.."

"Nahin! Don't touch me! Akash please leave me alone!" She cried and despite her fight back, Siddarth held her in his strong arms until she had to accept the hug.

"Anika you're safe! I'm Siddarth, I'm your father, your Bhai, whatever you want me to be but I'm here to keep you safe. You're safe with me Cutiepie.."

"Daddy.." She whispered and sobbed. "Why did they do this to me? They kept me all naked in front of these monsters.. they wanted to rrr..." She couldn't even complete as her sobbed turned into cries. Siddharth hugged her tightly.

"They didn't want to hear my shouts of despair.. they were deaf as they walked to me, being all naked and wanted to do this to me! Most of them had the age to be my father or probably all of them.. I don't know, I had already been beaten unconscious by Dash.."

Siddharth let her talk until he saw Malika standing outside.

"I'm coming in a few Cutiepie.." He said and joined his wife.

"Can we bail Shiv out?" He heard Rudra ask.

"It will be complicated, Akash is taking advantage of Ani's shock to say absurdities. He's stating that Anika and him were in a BDSM relationship. He was the dominant and she was submissive and they had prepared this sex thing together but Shivaay misunderstood it and killed Daksh without any valuable reason." Malika stated before collapsing in Saumya's arms.

"The only way out is to make Anika go to the court.. but she can't go.. she's too weak, she's not ready.." Malika cried.

"We can't let Shivaay pay because of this bastard. Anika has to go to the court.." Siddarth answered and looked at the sleeping figure of his princess.

"For killing someone, you can be sentenced to death.. if Anika doesn't go she will live in guilt for the rest of her life, if she ever survives Shivaay's death. I don't want to lose neither Anika nor Shivaay as he is her will to exist. There is no Anika without Shivaay.."

Siddarth went inside the room, followed by his wife.. they looked at Anika with tears filled eyes. They didn't want her to face this Akash but they had to let her, for Shivaay.

"Mom, kya hua?" Annika asked as she opened her eye.

"Anika, please, I want you to listen what I'm going to tell you.. Shivaay went to jail, he's been arrested for the murder of Daksh.." Anika's face was emotionless but her eyes held many.

"Anika, you have to go to court.. only your testimony, can set him free.. Akash is saying many lies to make it all appear like you had a BDSM relationship which turns bad so Shivaay appears as the jealous bestfriend who didn't accept it.." Malika added and Anika turned away at the mention of Akash.

"I can't.. I can't face this beast!" Anika cried.

"Anika.. Shivaay can be condemned to death.. and Akash will be set free.." Malika argued. "You need to be strong for Shivaay.. just like he did when he came back to save you, during this damn night.."


"Anika, when your bodies have been found, Shivaay was dead but you weren't yet. He didn't die for you, you died to be with him. Doctors tried to reanimate you but they said it seemed like you were letting yourself go.. it's not because of you that he died, hadn't he gone there, Siddarth bhaiya would have done it or Karan. When he parted ways with the family, it allowed him to live like he was supposed to, like a human being. Stop blaming yourself for everything bad that happened because this is life only. Life has its bads and goods, and you can live them with your partner only.. And Shivaay and you are bound to be together. Even God gave you a second chance, don't spoil it.."

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