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The Rana Clan and the Oberoi family reached the police station almost at the same time. Bhavya was the one who welcomed all the members. Even she was a crying mess as she saw their distraught face.
"I'm sorry.. We tried to take their bodies away from the fire but it was too dangerous.. We are not even able to find what belongs to what.. I'm sorry for your loss." She sobbed.
"Don't talk like this! You're a cop!" Siddharth bursted on her. He grabbed her shirt and shook her like an apple tree. She pushed him off her and readjust her clothes.
"Don't you dare repeat this act Siddharth. As much as I didn't like Karan's remarriage, after my sister's death,  I respect every member of this family. Anika was to me what Kaira is to me. Their death is also painful to me so don't you dare make me your punching bag." Bhavya said. "I will do my best to give you a body to bury, and again I'm sorry." Bhavya cried and left from there in a hurry. Malika collapsed in Siddarth's arms and began hyperventilating.
"No this can't happen! Not my daughter, not my Anika.." Malika cried but she was suffocating, from the huge lump in her throat. Saumya and Rudra and were nothing less, they were crying in each other's arms for the loss of their son but Omri and Kaira were standing numb as they just understood what happened.
"Bhaiya/Cutiepie..." Both whispered before crying violently. One had lost her best friend and the other lost her superhero.

Ragini took advantage of her husband's absence and opened a bottle of wine and drank some of it. She drank like there were no tomorrow. She was so happy that she forgot that there were CCTV cameras.
"Once again Shivaay and Anika lost against me! Ragini Malhotra!  I won! I won!  Twenty years later and I still won!  I killed them once and I killed them today as well." She said and sat on her armchair while smiling like a fool.

After the news were thrown upon their shoulders, Oberois and Ranas went to their home to prepare the funerals of their children. The weakness of Dadi had been alarming after she learnt the news and she had been given sleeping pills to sleep. Even Ketaki and her husband were weak and didn't have the heart to do the rituals again. They left this heavy burden on their children's shoulders. Paro was trying to keep the family together but she was disturbed by Ayaan Shah.
"What do you want Ayaan?  Don't you know that it's not the time for it?  My niece died god dammit!" She roared.
"I don't care! I want your body cum slut!" Ayaan said and Paro looked down with disgust.
"You're such a pig! You know what? Go to hell!"
"You'll never know about your daughter then." Ayaan said.
"I don't care Kaira is enough for me. She's my daughter and Virat is also my son. You'd never take this truth away from me Mr Shah." Paro said and hung up.
'I can't believe that I chose my family over my blood.. Again I put Kaira and Karan first.. I'm so sad but it's for the best. I can't leave them in this situation and I can't let Ayaan have his way with me.. Never again..' She thought as she wiped her tears and left back to her room where she cared for her husband and children.

Ayaan fumed with anger.
"How dare she talk to Ayaan Shah like this?! I will never give up! This woman will be mine by hook or by crook." Ayaan said. He thought about this famous night when he changed the baby with a dead woman's.
Ayaan looked at the baby in his arms and just wanted to punch her against a wall.
"How can she be a girl? I was supposed to get a boy!" He roared. He went to a doctor and bribed him to exchange the baby girl with a baby boy. As he was holding this burden in his arms, Karan was running behind his dying wife in the corridor.
"Please Naira, stay with me!" Karan cried and the same doctor who got bribed was the one who practiced the operation on Naira who died while giving birth. He told the family that they got blessed with a girl when Naira gave birth to a boy and the baby went to Ayaan Shah.
End of Flashback.
Bhavya called Ranas and Oberois a while later at night to tell them that they had found a bomb under the car and they were now having a murder case. As they got the news, a same name echoed in the houses,  Ragini Malhotra. Siddarth immediately dialed Oberois, precisely Saumya, his sidekick.
"Enough is enough Saumya. This time is over. Ragini Malhotra has crossed all the limits!  She killed my children! They were innocent god dammit! They didn't know what grudge she had against my sister and your brother.. They didn't do anything but spread their love in this world... I need to take my revenge on her. And this time, if I promised Akash Khurrana that he would pay for hurting my baby girl, Ragini Malhotra won't get out of this alive. I'm going to destroy her then pick her ashes from the ground to destroy her more so that she'll ask me herself to kill her. This is my promise Saumya. Our children won't have their death unpunished. Tonight  I swear I won't stop to fight until I have Ragini rotting in hell." He said and hung up.


"Ah! It hurts so much!" Anika said as Shivaay put the cotton of alcohol on the wound on her forehead..
"I know.." Shivaay said and blowed over her forehead. She had been cut by some thing which flew towards them during the explosion.
"You still didn't tell me how you knew about the bomb." Anika said.
"Well that morning when you left for breakfast, I saw this worker looking at something under your car. So I went to check and I saw that a bomb was set to explode in 45 minutes. When we had our breakfast, Khanna sent me the worker's record and he was an ex-worker of Choudhary mansion. I instantly knew that he was Ragini's sidekick."
"Why aren't we going back to Oberoi mansion? Moms and dads must be worried.." Anika said while pouting. He kissed her pouting lips.
"I know but Ragini has to believe our death for our plan to work..  Now it's mission On Shanti Om.."

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