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Sorry for the delay guys 😘

Rajveer reached the hospital with police officers with Ranas and Oberois. Saumya walked to her crying son and knelt before him.
"Shivaay.." As he heard his mother, Shivaay hugged her tightly.
"Maa.. You can't even imagine what they did to her! They killed her maa! They killed what makes Anika the woman she is.. They killed her self-respect, they took away her woman's rights.. No woman shall bear what she faced! They were around fifteen.. Fifteen men waiting in line to rape her.. Fifteen men who were assaulting a daughter, a sister, a woman.. Fifteen men who took my girl as their personal toy.." Shivaay cried on Saumya's shoulders. On hearing his statement, Malika's heart burnt with such a rage that tears threatened to fall.. While she tried to calm herself, she didn't see her husband enraged face. If Shivaay was like a bull, Siddarth was the devil itself. He left the hospital and went to his car. There he dialled his bestfriend and Karan's sister in-law, the commissioner Bhavya Pratap Ratore. She was Kaina's aunt and her mother's elder sister.
"Bhavya, I'm coming to the police station and I want to meet this bastard of Akash Khurana."
"Sid I can't allow you."
"I'm coming and I want to be able to meet him. And remember that I won't hear a no." He shouted, she had never heard him this angry..She knew what was going on.. She wanted to do the right thing but the anger of a father is understandable. So she just shooed her men away before Sid's arrival, no witnesses, no problems.. As he came she let him in his cell and turned away. The man had already been beaten by Sahil, Shivaay and Rajveer, his front teeth were missing.
"You dared to touch Cutiepie! How could you?" He punched Akash before grabbing his collar. "You treat girls like meat right? You did very wrong by touching my daughter. You just touched the daughter of the best lawyer of India, i.e her mother and the most powerful businessman until now. I would have eaten you raw, but believe me, in jail, many of them didn't see a woman for years, and many hates little shit like you who can't hear no from a woman. Be ready to be a cumslut. And if you manage to get some privileges, remember that I'm Siddarth Rana and I will never back out until I get what I want. You should have died with your bastard of a father.!"
Siddarth threw him on the floor and called Bhavya, telling her that it was over.
"He's still breathing!" She gasped shocked and Siddarth glared at her.
"It's better to keep him alive for him to face jail. Death is too nice." Siddarth said with such a deep voice that Bhavya got scared. He then went back to the hospital to find that Anika was out of the operation theatre.
"How is Cutiepie?" He asked as he neared his parents. Malika had left along with Shivaay to pray.
"Ani is still sleeping.. Her wrist is broken, she is temporarily blind from her left eye due to the punches and her thighs' muscles are very damaged, she'll have to be in a wheel chair for a while.. But thanks God, they didn't get to rape her." Ketaki sobbed as she enumerated the numerous wounds of her granddaughter.
"As soon as Malika comes back, we'll talk about Akash's case. We're going to sue him and make sure that he'll never see the light of the day." Siddarth said. He decided to send his parents back home and Oberois soon followed, leaving Shivaay and Anika's parents in hospital.
"Shiv you can go and rest if you want to, I'll call you once she wakes up." Malika said.
"No, last time I left her hand and she died... I will not let her today.. She needs me and I'll be her for her." Shivaay said as he held Anika's hand between his. He caressed her face and kissed her palm, then he intertwined his fingers with hers. Malika caressed his hair before sitting next to Siddarth. She was exhausted and quickly slept on his shoulder.
"Thank you Shivaay.." Siddarth said out of nowhere. "You already know how I care for Ani as my sister. But now as my daughter, she's my precious gift.. I'll do everything for her.. So thank you for saving her from them.."
"I'll also do anything for her..uncle.. I will never let any one take her away from me like this woman did twenty years ago...!" He said and looked at Anika's eyes, while one was covered and bandaged, the other one was  slightly bruised and shut. He looked at her cut lips, her bruised cheek and he thought, what would have they done to his angel if he hadn't been there on time?
The morning after, they were still expecting her to wake up. Shivaay was kissing her knuckles and then she squeezed his hand.
"Siddarth uncle, she reacted!" Shivaay said, waking the parents. Anika opened her eye, but didn't even flinch.. Not a smile, nothing. Her eye looked empty. Shivaay caressed her hair and kissed her forehead but she didn't move.
"Sid.. Why is she not reacting? Did they hurt her spine?" Malika asked on the verge of tears. Siddarth came to his daughter and was about to touch her but to his utter shock she began to shout.
"Nahin! Choddo mujhe! Don't touch me! Please don't touch me!" She cried and Shivaay ran outside to call a doctor while Sid and Mali tried to calm her. After a lot of tries, Malika managed to sit behind her and she hugged her tightly, then she began to whisper in her ears.
"It's mommy, my baby girl, mommy is here for you, with you, always.." She began singing a lullaby she used to sing when Anika was a baby. Both parents could hardly keep their tears back and Siddarth turned away to wipe them. Anika felt asleep in her mother's arms, she was shivering and whispering:
"Please, leave me, don't touch me.."
Shivaay came with the doctor and he injected something in her body and the shivers and whispers stopped.
"This incident really affected your daughter which is completely normal and I think she should see a psychiatric.." He couldn't talk no more as Bhavya barged in with her team.
"Shivaay Singh Oberoi, I'm arresting you for the murder of Daksh Khurana."

"Daddy.." She whispered and sobbed. "Why did they do this to me? They kept me all naked in front of these monsters.. They wanted to rrr.." She couldn't even complete as her sobs turned into cries. Siddarth hugged her tightly.

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