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Guess that the end will be in next chapter, since I still need to unfold Ragini's matter, Paro/Kaina's reunion as real daughter-mother, then Rudy being forgiven, Shivika's babies birth and Kaina/Virat's wedding..

Shwetlana took the phone and dialled Saumya. Her heart was aching. For the first time she wanted to do good things to Oberoi family and here she was, betraying them, not for her sake but for her kids. Ragini had threatened to kill her twins and she couldn't put their lives in danger. They were her pride.
"Di, what's wrong?" Saumya asked.
"I.. Woh.. Shivaay.. Annika.. They need to come to Chaudhary mansion." Shwetlana said with a trembling voice. Ragini had her gun pointed on Tia's head.
"What do you mean di?" Saumya asked,  confused.
"They need to come here, else she will kill our family. Saumya please just send them here and they shall not have the cops with them, else she will kill us." Shwetlana explained. Saumya hung up and saw Rudra upstairs,  he was spying on them and Imran.
"You want me to forgive you? Then help me in saving our children. Come with me." Saumya said. Both drove to Shivika's penthouse. The couple was still rejoicing the fact that they'd have twins.
"Annika, Shivaay!" Saumya banged on their door. Annika who was sleeping on Shivaay's naked torso almost fell off the bed. She quickly put a robe on and opened the door. She was beetroot as she saw her in-laws.
"Shivaay kahaan hai?" Saumya asked. She was on the verge of tears.
"I'm gonna call him." Annika said.  She went to the  room and woke him up. They both got ready and met with Rumya in the living room.
Shivaay clenched his jaw on seeing Rudra. He was hell angry against him.
"Guys.. I don't know how but Ragini discovered everything. And she asked for you in exchange of Shwetlana, Tia,  and their families' lives." Saumya said and while Annika was ready to do the exchange, Shivaay was perplexed.
"I will call her and ask her to take me in exchange of your safety." Shivaay said.
"Do you believe that I'd let you go by yourself?  She asked for the both of us. She'll have the both of us, not only you. I'm not letting you go there on your own." Annika retorted.
"You're pregnant for God sake, think about our children's safety!" Shivaay shouted.
"And you're soon to be a father Shivaay, I can't let you go there on your own.. I need you Shivaay. Our children need you!" Annika cried.
"For them to come to this world you need to stay alive. You stay here. I'll call Khanna and ask him to come and stay with you. I'll be back Annika trust me." Shivaay said and left with his parents after kissing her forehead.
"Either we get trapped on her game, either none of us. If you're stubborn then I'm too." Annika took her car keys and left too, to Chaudhary mansion. Shivaay was feeling that she wouldn't listen to him so he asked his parents for one favor.
"If you see her around the mansion just try to stop her please." He requested.
"Ok, beta don't worry. But how long have you been knowing about her pregnancy?" Saumya asked.
"We've known it since we were in our honeymoon in Italy." Shivaay answered and heard his parents' gasps.
"We had planned our revenge and didn't want you to worry more with her pregnancy." Shivaay explained.
"Shivaay, we don't agree with you going to Ragini like that. Please be cautious. I'm calling Bhavya to inform her about this so she'll know the truth and will organize a rescue team. With her plan of wanting you both, it's clear as water that she wants to do the same thing she did 20 years ago." Rudra said.
"Yes, Rudy is right." Saumya said. She didn't know if this mission suicide could be prevented somehow.. She didn't know why this Ragini was constantly after her children.
Annika decided to call her father and mother just in case something would happen. The call went to the voice mail but she decided to speak anyways.
"As you get this message, I will probably reach Ragini's mansion. Shivaay didn't want me to go but I have to. He didn't let me to die by myself twenty years ago. And I won't leave his hand today. If we are to die today, I want you to know that I love you so much. You are the best parents I could have dreamt of. You're not at fault for the happenings of today mom and dad. I came back to this world to live my love but also to end this war of Ishqbaazi against Nafratbaazi. Tell Kaina, that.. If I don't survive this day, her Niku maa or Cutiepie, will look at her from the above. Tell Yash that he's now the man of the family and he shall not let you collapse no matter what.. I love you mom and dad. I love you more than anything." Annika hung up as the lump in her throat was making it difficult for her to speak. As she reached Choudhary mansion, she saw that Saumya and Rudra's car was already parked. She decided to park her car a bit far away from the mansion.
'How will I go past them..' She thought.
Shivaay knocked on the door of the mansion. He was silently praying for Annika not to come as he heard footsteps on the other side of the door. He lowered his head and the door opened.
"Shivaay! What a pleasure to see you here. Where is your wife?"
"Annika won't come. Your enmity isn't with her but with me."
"Come in then. Don't worry, she will come. I know her." Ragini said and she pushed him inside, with a gun against his back. He met with Shwetlana and Tia in the living room.
"Are you okay maasis?  I'm sorry for putting your lives in danger." He said with tears in his eyes. It was really awkward to have them as his maasis but since they were nice, why denying the bond? Shivaay heard Ragini speaking on the phone and a few seconds later, she hung up.
"Your families are safe. I got Shivaay but now I want Annika, else Tia and Shwetlana will leave this house on their death bed. The deal was clear. I want you both."

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