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"Now, I'd like to call Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi." Malika said and Shivaay got up.

"Mr Oberoi, can you tell us exactly what happened?" She asked.

"When I located Anika, my cousin Rajveer, her uncle Sahil and I drove there. We had called the police on our way there but as we reached they weren't there. So we still got there. As we reached.. Mr Khurana and his son were... masturbating.. on looking at a video of Anika.." The room was filled with gasps and Shivaay lowered his head on remembering this.

"They were saying they'd post the video on the net and my anger knew no bounds, I admit that I beat them, and I don't regret it. Then the three of us reached this room where they were all ogling at her body.. again, we beat these men. And at last we managed to save her.. one could see the red marks on Anika's body, the mixed smell of her blood, their spit and sweat.. I carried her outside and then Daksh taunted me, saying how he had filled her with his semen, in her every hole and my anger reached its high. I gave him a kick and he fell down the stairs. There's no need to ask if I regret it because I don't. Anika is the most important person in my life but she's firstly a woman. And if you expect me to regret my move, then please give me the death sentence already because no woman deserves to be treated like dirt."

"Mr Oberoi is that true that you were in a relationship with Miss Rana?" Mr Agarwal asked.

"If you're trying to talk about cheating then no. None of us cheated our partners. Pia and I broke up the night of my birthday when Anika broke up with Akash. We were and are best friends, even though I can't deny that lately we drew close."

"So maybe, you kicked my client's dad because you were jealous?"

"Jealous my foot! These men fucking tried to rape her! Can't you see her state?? Anika represents our daughters, sisters, mothers, cousins who had their dignities taken by men like Akash or Dash Khurana who believe that it's alright to do whatsoever because she's a girl, because girls are called weak.. I'll never be jealous of such men."

"Alright, I'll now call Mrs Khurana." Mr Agarwal said, believing that she'd save his client.

"Mrs Khurana, please, tell us the behaviour of your son and late husband." She looked at her son who smirked then she looked at Anika being comforted by her mother and her eyes were moist.

"Mr Khurana and his son were the most cruel beasts I've ever seen.. I'm not even his wife but his sex slave."

"How can you betray your son like this! You slut!" Akash said and his mother looked down as tears made their way on her cheeks.

"Daksh bought me from a human trafficker when I was barely 16.. I'm not even from India.. I think I'm from Pakistan.. I don't remember... he raped me daily and used to beat me if I showed resistance.. I found out that I was pregnant and I wasn't even 17 yet. I prayed days and night for the baby to be a boy, thinking that like this, Daksh wouldn't harm the baby and my child would be there for me, at least.. but I was wrong.. those nine months were just pure bliss because he didn't touch me.. and when he got to know that the baby was a boy.. I felt some kind of hope that he was changing.. and maybe.. just maybe he'd set me free but that never happened. He took my baby away as soon as he was born. I didn't even breastfeed him. He raised his son to be a monster, when he was ten, Akash dared to slap me because I didn't want to give him candies before lunch. And that's when I understood that this man here isn't my son any more but he's only Daksh Khurana's son." She sobbed.

"Mrs Rana, do you want to add something?" The judge asked but Mallika nodded her head no. She knew that Akash was over. The judge got up and left, the other people too left and officers were about to take Shivaay out to his cell but he pleaded them to just stay for five minutes. They agreed because they knew he was kind, very kind. He stayed there with Anika and Malika

Shivaay cupped Anika's cheek but she turned away. However he didn't give up.

"Anika, I remember.. I remember you meri jaan. I know that these men hurt you, but Shivaay Singh Oberoi never leaves the one he loves." He kissed her palm, then her forehead, after that he kissed her cheek.

"Anika look at me.. don't look at the man, look at my soul, my heart.. Anika look at me." Shivaay told her and tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at his pain filled eyes.

"Shivaay.." She whispered and he pecked her lips lovingly. "I'm sorry.." She said on his lips. "I can't be with you.. you'll be hurt..!" She said and asked her mom to go.

"Anika! I love you Anika!" Shivaay shouted but she asked her mom to go while tears were rolling on her cheeks.

"Anika!" Shivaay suddenly held his chest and began to cough badly. Anika turned to him. She didn't know that he was having the same health condition as well.

"Shivaay!" She shouted. Malika rolled the wheelchair back to him and Anika let herself fall  from the wheelchair at his level and hugged him tightly.

"Anika.. please don't leave me.. I can't go through this life without you.." Shivaay mumbled on the crook of her neck. Anika sobbed against his chest.

"What do you want me to do Shivaay? They touched me.. they destroyed me.. I can't let you be with a dirty woman like me." She sobbed.

"Let me heal you."


"You're right. I'd take her for a date.. and I know where.."

"Is that so?"

"We'll be leaving for Paris.." Shivaay said and Jhanvi gasped.

"That's really far for a date.."

"Everything is possible when Shivaay wants to satisfy his Anika."

The Way Back To You (Raabta Season 2)☑Where stories live. Discover now