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Before reading, you have to know that I really did my best and I'm sorry if the chapter sucks.. then thank you for waiting, and.. I decided to take back my words regarding the target.. I decided to put that again.. so now as the highest vote was around 80+ the target is fixed at 80+ only and for the comments 20+.. I'm setting this target believing that it will take time to achieve and I'll get time to write and study, also it's because I also saw a decrease of votes in some chapters, that's why.. and I may make this story completely private as well, or just few chapters, the mature ones

The woman raised her rifle and got ready to shoot but then.. she stopped. She looked at her prey who was just wishing that she'd shoot, but the woman didn't.

"I can't let you go this easily.. but I can still torture you.." She said and picked a hammer. She looked at the person shivering in fear and with a force, she hit the person's fingers with the hammer.

"This is for trying to save Annika twenty years ago!" The woman shouted.

"No matter what you do I will try to save them again and again until my heart beats no more. I will try to save them again and again from you and from everyone else!" The person said and left from there. She locked the room and joined her husband and children and they had diner together as if nothing happened.

"Shivaay, you need to go.. Anika mumbled against his lips.

"You're so addictive.. I can't keep myself away from you.." He answered as he licked behind her ear and left a hickey there, no one would be able to see behind her ear if she kept her hair down..

"Okay I'm going. We'll see each other tomorrow afternoon for your mehndi and our sangeet.." He kissed the corner of her lips and left through the window just like he came in.

"Don't you dare to move!" He heard the deep voice of his soon-to-be father-in-law. He turned towards Siddarth, and gulped hard.

"I can explain.."

"What did you two do?" Siddarth asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Huh.. we kissed." Shivaay answered honestly. He expected his fiancée's father to strangle him but to his utter shock, he smiled.

"Thank you for not letting her down and making her trust in men again when all these men showed her the worst face of humanity. I know that you love each other and I know you are going to wait for the right moment which is in two days.. Shivaay by allowing you to marry my daughter, I'm giving you my most precious gift, Anika is everything to me and I know that you know it but still.. please take care of my daughter, give her all the happiness she deserves. Hold her hand when she feels alone, hug her when she's scared, kiss her fear of men away, give her self-confidence back..." Siddarth said and Shivaay smiled then hugged the old man.

"I thought you already knew that there is no need to say. My Anika is my priority. Her dreams are mine, her happiness is mine, her pain is mine, and I will do my best for her not to face pain any more." Shivaay answered, not knowing about the shadow of danger upon them but mostly upon her...

"Oh and I almost forgot.. stay at least three feet away from my daughter until your wedding, because I do want grandchildren and I don't want to reach to this point." Siddarth threatened and looked down while Shivaay felt the life slipping from hearing this.

"O bete ki!" Shivaay whispered while leaving, yes he too used the khidkitod dictionary.

The next morning, Oberois and Ranas were on the way to Oberois' farm house where the wedding would take place and the remaining functions. Shivika were so happy! As they reached the farmhouse, they felt each other and turned to see each other, Anika already knew about the three feet rule as her amazing father told her. Shivaay looked at her and mumbled.

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