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I'm back with what I guess to be a khidkitod update 😂😂 you guys don't worry, I know about what happened with Surbhi di and I'll stop writing on Shivika only when the inspiration will be over. 😂😂. Regarding the matter, I just want to say that even though I don't support Gul, I just want to know why she's playing with us like that?  I mean she's hurting us and hurting her reputation as well..

When Karan saw his wife laying in a pool of blood, his mind took him back to the last time he saw his former wife. He knelt beside Paro and patted her cheek before saying, "Naina, wake up! Come on open your eyes!" Don't get him wrong, he loved Paro as much as he had loved Naina. But truth was that he never really overcame her death. She had died so young because of a medical mistake. While proceeding to the C-section, the doctor accidentally cut an artery, causing her to have a hemorrhage. She was conscious during the operation and when she saw them being alarmed she told them, "If anything happens, save the baby first.." This was what they did.
Karan picked Paro up and left the room abruptly. He ran to the hall and called Kaina along with Siddarth. As soon as Kaina saw her mother's state, she instinctively knew that Virat should be called as well, so she called him. Since she seemed to have lost a lot of blood, he could be a potential donor as well. She took a clean cloth and pressed it on Paro's wound while they left to the hospital. Kaina was holding Paro's head and sobbing. A tear felt on Paro's cheek and she held Kaina with her unharmed arm.
"My daughter.." She whispered before drifting back to unconsciousness. Kaina held her hand and kissed it.
"Nothing will happen to you mom." She sobbed. As they reached the hospital, Virat was already there because he lived nearer. He carried Paro inside the hospital and doctors immediately took her away, to the operation theater. Then, Kaina and Karan turned to Virat.
"We need to tell you something." Kaina began and Karan narrated her everything, from his first wife's death till Paro's confession about being his mother. Karan just didn't want him to get wrong ideas about his and Kaina's relationship..
"You mean that she left me with that beast who is my so called father?  How could she abandon her child like this?" Virat bursted out angrily.
"You need to calm down. She left knowing that your father got what he wanted, a heir. You were probably as safe as one can be with him. Because you are his success." Kaina said and Virat rolled his eyes. She didn't know about Ayaan's torture towards him, for him to man up. She didn't know about the scars on his back which he got after being beaten by his dad for failing an exam.. She didn't know his fear of his own father and now knowing that the sweetness of his own mother was dedicated to his wife to be and their brother Yash, he was extremely jealous and furious. Kaina tried to calm him down, saying that Paro never stopped loving him. She just wasn't allowed to approach her own son and didn't see the necessity to stay if she was to be raped every time.
"Come with me, we need to donate blood for her, please." Kaina said. She decided to give her blood just in case. Both were in the room and she held his hand.
"I know that you're probably angry but let her explain to you, maa loves you. She seemed egoistic but it's not the way it is."

Oberoi mansion.
Saumya was on her bed, writing, when she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" She smiled when she saw her jeeju coming with a tray of food.
"Hi Saali."
"Hi jeeju." He closed the door and sat on the bed with her.
"You may be angry against your stupid hubby but well you need to eat and I love to keep you company in order to assure my lovely wife that you're okay." Imran said and kissed her forehead.
"Shwetlana di is lucky to have you!" Saumya said and hugged him. She almost regretted choosing Rudra over him in her college days. Yes, Imran was irrevocably in love with Saumya and he even proposed her like 23 years ago. But she didn't accept his love since she was in love with Rudy.
"You missed your chance honey.." He said and cupped her cheek. Saumya kissed his palm and smiled.
"I didn't miss my chance jeeju, you're made to be my bhai. I never loved you and I'll never love you like this, and you know this! Anyways, you need to meet my son Shivaay and his wife Annika.." She said before biting her tongue, they were supposed to be dead.
"Aren't they.. You know.. Dead?"
Imran asked.
"No, this is a long story. Let me get ready to leave. We'll pay them a visit and I'll tell you the whole story. Actually I think that I have an idea.. To help them.. Come on get out now." Saumya said and lead him outside. She saw Rudra from the corner of her eyes and Imran saw him too.
"Come on Somu, kiss your sweetheart on the cheek!" Imran said and Saumya grabbed his collar and kissed on his cheek.
"Now leave!  Madman!" She said and giggled before closing the door. Imran saw Rudra standing there. He walked to him and was about to walk past him when Rudra held his shoulder.
"Be cautious Imran, she's already taken. As my wi-"
"Your wife? Come on Mr Oberoi, you never respected this pure soul you called your wife. Don't think that I do not know everything you've done to your wife. My best friend is shattered because of you cheating on her. I'll work hard to fix her heart, even if that means chasing you away from it."

Shivika's house.
Annika was sitting on Shivaay's lap and she was feeding them both while he was doing patterns on her waist.
"Shivaay do you imagine if we have twins?" Annika said rubbing her hands over her belly.
"That would be double trouble for me. " He pouted and Anika smacked him before kissing his forehead.
"I would be glad to have twins you know.. Like having two children to 'compensate' for our angel who left us." Annika sobbed a little and Shivaay wiped her tears.
"If we ever become the parents of twins Annika, I'll be the proudest husband and father in the world. Having one child is a blessing but the double is a double blessing." Shivaay kissed her lips and then he kissed her shoulder before putting a hand on her belly. "Let's wait for the first appointment tomorrow.." They ended their breakfast and got ready for the day. They were about to leave for Rana mansion when they heard a knock on the door. They got scared but relaxed when they heard Saumya's voice. So, they opened the door and saw her with a man.
"Mom? How are you? Come inside." Shivaay said. The pair got inside the house.
"Jeeju, meet my son Shivaay and his wife Annika.. Shivaay, Annika, meet my jeeju, Imran."
"Wait.. Jeeju? Maa, you have a sister?" Shivaay asked.
"You're all in for a shock because I have two sisters, Tia and Shwetlana."
In all this mess, Kaina had forgotten to dial Annika and she was just consoled by Yash and Virat. They were waiting for the doctor to come. The three of them needed answers. They needed to know why she attempted to kill herself. And Virat wanted to know why she left him and if she ever loved him once. The three of them were disturbed by a friend of Kaina who happened to be the one taking care of Paro.
"Kaina, Virat, Mr Rana, I need to tell you something, it's very important." He said and they all got up.
"How is Mom?" Kaina asked.
"She's good now but the matter is more important. Kaina you told me that Virat was her son, but it's impossible. Virat's group is AB, and Paro's group is O. So I tested your bloods again.. Kaina you are Paro's biological daughter.. And Virat.. You're Yash's brother.. That means that.."
"Virat and I got switched at birth?"

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