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I finally managed to write the next chapter, so here it is. There's subtle mature content but nothing shocking 😉

"Hello Brasilia!" Anika exclaimed as she got down from the plane. She was so happy to be off to Brasilia. Shivaay hugged her from behind.
"Are you happy?" He asked as his hand lowered to rest on her right bum cheek.
"Very, but please do keep your hand for yourself baby." Anika said before putting his hand off her ass.
Shivaay pouted while they walked to their driver named Paul. He drove to the Royal Tulip Brasilia Alvorada.

"It's so beautiful!" Anika said as she saw the wide swimming pool and the imposing building

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"It's so beautiful!" Anika said as she saw the wide swimming pool and the imposing building.
"Come on let's go inside." Shivaay said, his hand brushing her ass again.
"Please Shivaay stopped touching my ass 🍑 like this. Or else.."
"Or else?" Shivaay asked.
"Or else you will have a sex less honeymoon 😘." Anika said and Shivaay gulped. His hand slowly went back to rest on the small of her back as they walked to their room. As soon as they got inside,  Anika  collapsed on the bed and sighed heavily.
"So what's your plans?" Anika asked.
"What about making love all day and night?" Shivaay asked and put his hand under her dress while she blushed.
"You fucking pervert! I wanted to talk about visiting the place!!" Anika said and hit his chest.
"But I will visit places on your body.. My favorite place is.." He let a finger run on her slit and she moaned.
"Shivaay, please not now. Days are made to see the world and night are made for you to make me forget this world." Anika answered and he smiled.
"That's all I wanted to hear. Come on, get up,  Paul is taking us somewhere to eat." He said and  winked at her.
"I can't believe it! You got it again!!"
"Yup, I'll get you every night during these two weeks." He whispered in her ears before kissing her senseless..
"Come on I'm starving for real food.." Shivaay said and they walked to the bathroom to freshen up first before heading downstairs. Anika was wearing a cute jumpsuit

 Anika was wearing a cute jumpsuit

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while Shivaay was wearing casuals.

As they finished getting ready, Anika wrapped her arms around his torso and kissed him on the chin

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As they finished getting ready, Anika wrapped her arms around his torso and kissed him on the chin.
"You're very haaawt😍😍😍😍!" Anika said as she began drawing pattern on his waist, under his shirt.
"Same to you, back to you with a potential return 😏😏" Shivaay answered while smirking and she hugged him tight before both of them left.
Paul drove to Nau Frutos de Mar

 Paul drove to Nau Frutos de Mar

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where they ate seafood.

They were enjoying their food with each other

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They were enjoying their food with each other. Shivaay was making her eat and vice versa. After their lunch they went to shopping, before going to the sea shore, near their hotel. (They dropped their shopping bags in the hotel room first.)
"I love this moment Shivaay.. I find it better than  twenty years ago." Anika said. "Twenty years ago we were both broken because of Mrs Oberoi but today we're just living this peaceful moment.. " Anika added and kissed his knuckles in pure love and respect.
"I love this moment as again you're here as the strongest woman I've ever known. Now I can spit on this  bastard's face saying that yes I'm Shivaay Singh Oberoi who fixed my baby girl. Now every girl who faced the same would know that this is possible. You can find love when people wronged you. Because to the world you're still a gem."
Shivika sat down on the sea shore 🌊. She was sitting between his legs, her head resting on his chest.
"I wanted to give you something.." Anika trailed and picked in her purse a velvet box with two rings in it. (Please refer to the chapter 30 for the rings and anklet because I couldn't manage to put them back in this chapter 😘😘😘)
"These are matching rings.. To promise that we won't stop fighting until we have our happily ever after. A promise to us, to our future, to this baby we never had and to the babies we'll have, a promise that Ragini will always fail to interfere in our love, no matter how hard she tries." Anika said and gave him her ring for him to put it around her finger and she did the same. Then, Shivaay smirked and took something in his pocket.
"You were faster than me Mrs Oberoi." He said and sat in front of her. He grabbed her ankle and put it on his thigh, then he wrapped the anklet around it and kissed her leg.
"This is my special gift to you my khidkitod Anika. It is  to show that you're the only woman who'll have me at her feet except mom. You are the only woman I will never accept to let go." He said and kissed her happy tears before kissing her forehead.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too.." He answered.
Choudhary mansion.
"What do you mean by Shivaay and Anika left?" Raging asked while her sidekick who infiltrated Oberoi Mansion informed her of Shivika leaving the house.
"Madam,  they left before I joined for my night shift. I don't know where can they be."
"You'll have to find out. Shivaay pushed me away for this bitch twenty years ago, I won't let them live happily today!" Ragini answered and hung up while Pinky looked down thinking.
'I really hope Shakti will find the loophole in the letter.. I hope he'll be able to save Shivaay and Anika before it's too late.. Please God,  save them,  they're too young and are enrolled in a battle which isn't theirs anymore.. You send them back in this world to live their love, please don't allow Ragini to succeed..' Pinky thought while glaring the woman. Hadn't she been so stupid she would have saved her children.

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