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Anika finally reached Rana mansion.

"Anika where were you?" Malika asked. "We've been looking for you since yesterday night! What if something had happened to you??"

"I'm alright mom, stop making a fuss out of nothing, I'm fine." Anika answered and kissed her forehead. "I was just out, I needed some time alone.."

Anika left to her room with her head down while Mallika collapsed on the couch.

"How can I stop her from getting hurt?" She sobbed and Ketaki rubbed her back.

"You very well know that's impossible beta, but you can calm her pain at least, talk to her, do girl things, go shopping, gossip about this Hugh Jackman you were so fond of twenty years ago.. Be the best friend she wants you to be on these times.." Ketaki said and kissed Malika's forehead.

"I'm no more Anika's mother, Pinky unfortunately took this right away from me, but you got the chance to give birth to her, and I'm thankful that God chose YOU as the mother of Anika.." Ketaki added with small tears in her eyes.

Malika got up and went to Anika's room. She saw her crying in a corner so she walked to her and sat before her.

"My baby girl, would you mind sharing your pain with your mommy?" Malika asked rubbing her back.

"I love him.. He does love me but I can't take it maa, I love Shivaay as SSO, my husband.. seeing his face, seeing his look, but without our memories is killing me.. you know.. he kissed me today... when he did.. I felt as if he was there.. as if he was my Shivaay.. but he isn't.. he is Shivaay the son of Ru and Saumya.."

"And you are my baby girl.. you have to accept that everything changed Anika.. Shivaay forgot the Anika you were in the past but he loves the Anika you are now, and before remembering him you too loved the Shivaay he is now.. he is now the Romantic Singh Oberoi, he isn't Arrogant Singh Oberoi.. Will you really leave your Shivaay when you fought death to be together? You don't know what future holds.. you found each other while you were barely a day old.." Malika said and got up, she left and then came back with a picture.

"The nurse who was taking care of you gave it to me. She said that you and this baby boy wouldn't let go of each other.. I later knew that it was Shivaay."

Annika looked at the picture and how they were drowned in each other's eyes. She touched his face and kissed their intertwined hands.

"Love has its way Annika, and God will surely unite you after letting you go through so much.." Mallika side hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Now get up, we're going for some shopping!"

"I don't want to go maa, please.."

"Then go and talk with Shivaay.." Malika proposed.

"To say what? I love you but I can't be with you because you're not my Bagad billa? Please mom.."

"You have the bad sarcasm of your goddamn father! You will go and talk with Shivaay.. you can go to this park, Shivika Park, that mom, dad, Shakti uncle, Tej uncle and Jhanvi aunty built for you. There is this big statue of both of you, you don't know, maybe he can have his memory back by seeing it.."Mallika suggested.

"You're right mom.."

Anika then got up to get dressed. She joined her parents downstairs and they all looked at her in aww.. She was just perfect..

"Where are you going, dressed like that?" Kaira asked as she wriggled her brows

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"Where are you going, dressed like that?" Kaira asked as she wriggled her brows. Anika smiled at her cousin. Wasn't it funny to see the baby whom she used to change her diapers as her cousin and best friend?

"I'm going to meet Shivaay.. Do you want to come?" She asked ignoring the glare her mom gave her.

"Errr.. no! I barely know the man, I don't want to be the third wheel!" Kaira answered and Anika laughed.

"Stop being such a dramebaaz... he's very friendly.. Anyways, I'm going." Anika answered.

They met in this park.. Annika couldn't deny that he was handsome, all dressed in this jet black shirt, and his jeans.. whereas her Shivaay would always be dressed in this three piece suit.. but wasn't he her Shivaay, this man dressed simply but with class? Didn't he become the arrogant Oberoi because of his place in Oberoi mansion? Now that he had caring parents like Rumya who supported him in his every moment, wasn't it normal for him to be the real him, the one he was supposed to be?

 but wasn't he her Shivaay, this man dressed simply but with class? Didn't he become the arrogant Oberoi because of his place in Oberoi mansion? Now that he had caring parents like Rumya who supported him in his every moment, wasn't it normal for ...

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