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I'm truly sorry for not updating earlier.. I completely lost inspiration for this book but I promise to end this book even though it takes an eternity, I hope you'll enjoy this looong chapter.

When Gauri left her room and saw Pinky laying on the floor, she immediately dialled a doctor. She then called a man to come and carry her to her room. After that she told about Pinky fainting to Shakti,  Tej and Jhanvi.
Shakti sprinkled some droplets of water on Pinky's face and she finally woke up. When she saw Shakti,  she caressed his face lovingly.
"Shaktiji!" She cried and hugged him. "I didn't kill Shivaay, Shaktiji!  I promise!  I was ready to accept Anika as my bahu!  As my daughter! I promise that night I went to Rana mansion,  I wanted to tell them how sorry I am and that I blessed their relationship but this.. This Ragini Malhotra came and put the house on fire! I wanted to save them but she prevented me from doing so! She kept me captive in her house for twenty years to let you believe that I escaped after killing Shivaay and Anika,  but I promise I didn't do anything,  please believe me!" Pinky cried. Shakti hugged her and tried to calm her.
"I believe you Pinky. I believe you." Shakti said while Jhanvi looked on.

Rana mansion

After her talk with Karan, Paro decided to tell everything to her children, starting with Kaina. She went to her room and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Kaina shouted from inside. Paro entered the room and smiled at her daughter.
"Maa!  It's you!" She said happily and Paro hoped that this discussion with her daughter won't damage their relationship.
"I need to tell you something about Virat.. Well I won't drag the matter. Aayan,  and I were engaged before I decided to marry your father. He molested me and sexually abused me which resulted in me becoming pregnant with Virat."
"Why did you leave him behind then?  He was your son god dammit!" Kaina roared. Virat had told her about how he missed his mother when he was a toddler and was thankful to his dad for getting married again when he was ten.
"I never saw my son Kaina. Not only didn't I have the power to take care of the fruit of my rape but this Aayan kept Virat away from me and my family. When he got to know about my pregnancy he ordered me to tell my parents that I wanted a bit of Independence and locked me in a little house in a chawl. My mom died not knowing that she had already a grandchild. Aayan was a monster who only saw me as his instrument of lust. Virat was not even one when I left, and in this short period of his existence I never saw my son so I asked myself what was the need to stay in this relationship where I was dirt for my son if I wouldn't even get to see him." Paro cried and Kaina believed her. Why wouldn't she?  Which woman would leave her son behind to take care of someone else's daughter?
"I promise to help you fix your relationship with your child Maa." Kaina said and Paro hugged her tightly.
"Even though Virat is my son biologically, you'll always be my little princess." Paro kissed her forehead and Kaina smiled.
"And you'll forever be the best mother I've ever known." Kaina dropped a kiss on her cheek. "Come with me, we have to tell Virat the truth." Kaina added and took her mother's hand, leading her outside Rana Mansion. Kaina ordered her driver to drop them at Virat's mansion.
"I can't believe that this Ayaan can be so cheap!  How can someone as sweet as Virat can be his son?" Kaina wondered and Paro looked down in guilt, she still couldn't forgive herself for having let her son behind.
"Ayaan Shah is a monster with women but I guess he loves Virat a lot." Paro said fidgeting with her cloth.
"But still, how come he had found a sweet wife like Pooja aunty?" Kaina asked and Paro looked outside the window.
"I don't know.." She trailed off.
They reached the Shah mansion and a drop of perspiration ran down Paro's back. The two women asked to see Virat but it was Ayaan who came as Virat was out.
"Kaina, Paro, what a pleasure to see you." Ayaan said and Paro looked down disgusted.
"Don't you dare to take our name from your filthy mouth Mr Shah! How could you do that to my mother? I'll do my best to send you to jail!" Kaina roared.
"I don't understand Kaina. Why this outburst?" Ayaan asked.
"You snatched my son from me!" Paro cried and Ayaan understood.
"Paro it's not what you think." Ayaan answered. He asked the two women to follow him in the study room. They were reluctant for a while but then they followed him. When they arrived, they were shocked to see a picture of Ayaan Shah adorned by a garland.
"This is Ayaan Shah. My twin brother."
"Twin brother? How come that I didn't know about it?" Paro enquired.
"During our childhood time, we were the richest family in India. For safety reasons because I was once abducted as a baby, they sent me to another country with some relatives. Ayaan and I first got in contact during our 20th birthday. He complained how our parents would always talk about me and how he would have to make them pride by giving them their first male heir. I understood by his speech that Ayaan Shah had become a jerk blinded by power and money."
"So you're his twin brother?  Then how do you come as Ayaan Shah?" Kaina asked.
"When Virat was born, Ayaan sent him to me. At first I was reluctant but then I decided to take care of him. When I asked him why Virat wasn't with you, his mother, he said that your upbringing didn't match his standards for the mother of his son." Ayaan, or better say his twin brother answered.
"Two years after Virat's birth,  Ayaan asked us to come back to India. But when we went back home our car crashed. While Ayaan and the driver died, Virat and I survived. During my stay in the hospital, a nurse had turned on the TV and a reporter was talking about the car crash, revealing that Ayaan was the sole owner of our fortune. He had disowned me and decided that after his death all would be transferred to his son. So, with the help of my parents we decided to switch our roles. So to the world it appears that Aryan Shah died while Ayaan Shah survived."
"How can I believe you?  And how did you know my name when you came for the wedding proposal?"
"Ayaan had a secret room. He was obsessed with you. I found many photos of you in this room and some other things like clothes, underwear.. It's great you left because after this obsession would be over,  Ayaan had planned to kill you."
After the women left, Ayaan sat in his armchair and laughed out loud.
"How can you imagine that I'd let you go so easily Paro? The wolf has to disguise itself as lamb to catch its pray! If only you know that Virat is not even your son!" Ayaan said remembering the fact that Paro gave birth to a girl and he switched her baby with a baby boy whose mother died while giving birth to him. Ayaan kept the child away from Paro believing that her mother instinct would feel that the baby wasn't hers.

"Finally back in my homeland." Anika exclaimed as the plane landed in the Oberoi private airport. Khanna was waiting for them in a black suit. For his loyalty Shivaay appointed him as his personal driver so that he wouldn't get much tired.
"It's a pleasure to see you both."Khanna said.
" The pleasure is mutual Khannaji." Anika answered. They got in the car and left to Rana mansion first. When Anika saw her home she got excited and Shivaay laughed at her antics. She was so cute. He kissed the side of her head before she jumped out of the car and ran at a safe pace towards the mansion.
"Mommy! Daddy!" She shouted and Malika grinned as she went down to meet her tornado like daughter.
"Anu!  Aap yahan?" Malika said and hugged her daughter tightly.
"I'm so happy to see you mommy." Anika said and they sat on the sofa.
"Where's my son in law?"
"I'm here mom! Your tornado like daughter left me behind without even waiting for me!" Shivaay said and Malika pulled her daughter's cheek. The duo spent some quality time with Malika and Ketaki as they were the only ones home then left to Oberoi mansion. Anika was holding Shivaay's hand while thinking about this little soul growing in her womb.
"What do you want to have first? A boy or a girl?" She asked.
"I just want the baby to be healthy." Shivaay answered and kissed her knuckles.

Choudhary mansion.
"I want Shivaay to suffer. And I know how. Anika will be the first to die and this time,  she would die at any cost, in a big firework!" Ragini smirked evilly.

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