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में तुमसे प्यार करती हूँ  First of all, I want to know is it written I love you?  Then thank for commenting regarding Anika's pregnancy and I decided to go along with the majority so I'm sorry for those who didn't want this but Anika will be pregnant.. Don't worry I will give it a valuable reason and it will be khidkitod, at least I'll try to make it. Now may you enjoy the next part 😇

After their long night which ended with Anika sleeping on his chest while being still attached to him, Shivaay had expected her to be asleep until at least 2 in the afternoon but was surprised when around eight he didn't feel her and her side of the bed was cold. He looked around himself and smiled remembering their reunion. He was so happy for this special night and hadn't expected to last this long. But then his lady love had woken up in him some desires which wouldn't end that soon. He decided to check in the bathroom and was surprised to see a note from her stuck on the mirror.
"Good morning pati parmeshwar please do get ready quickly and come downstairs... And yeah last night was magic ✨😍😍✨."
Shivaay blushed on seeing her note and decided for a quick shower to freshen up. Then he got ready, putting a white kurta pyjama because he didn't have to go to work.

 Then he got ready, putting a white kurta pyjama because he didn't have to go to work

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He wiped his face with a towel and left to the dining room. When he arrived, his family was giggling while looking at him.
"Hi everyone.." Shivaay said and they  bursted out laughing.
"Bhaiya pink and purple suits you well👍 ! " Omri said while chewing on a slice of apple 🍎. Gauri laughed at this while Shivaay furrowed his brows. He looked at his family quizzically,  they were all dressed in white and his mother had even braided her hair which she wasn't fond of.

 He looked at his family quizzically,  they were all dressed in white and his mother had even braided her hair which she wasn't fond of

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As he was deep in thoughts,  his wife came in with a tray of food.

"Shivaay I have to say that pink and purple suits you very well!" Anika said, blushed, giggled and sat next to Dadi

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"Shivaay I have to say that pink and purple suits you very well!" Anika said, blushed, giggled and sat next to Dadi. Shivaay brought his hand to his face and saw the pink and purple colour on his hand.
"Happy holi!!" Anika exclaimed and the family laughed again.
"Anika!" He shouted and they all stopped fearing that the SSO was back after 20 years of holiday. Anika didn't even dare to move as she was too scared. He got up and walked to her like a predator.
"Happy holi." He whispered huskily and brushed his cheek to one of hers. The other being already coloured in red by her natural blush.
"Bhaiya please stop!  I don't want to see how babies are made!" Omri exclaimed and Shivaay turned to her and she ran away to the garden where all was set up for the Holi celebration 🎉🎊🎁. Shivaay followed her and all the family was behind. She was running here and there and hid behind Anika.
"Bhabhi!" Omri screamed while giggling and Shivaay through the handful of colour on Anika leaving his wife and cousin tainted in green. The music began and they were all enjoying.

Rudra was romancing with his wife by putting colour on her face and waist. Om was using his talents of artist here and there by throwing colour in the air which was creating a beautiful view for the special cameraman who was shooting photos on top of Oberoi mansion.

TejVi were romancing like teenagers while Omri, Dadi and Shakti were also having a colour fight together

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TejVi were romancing like teenagers while Omri, Dadi and Shakti were also having a colour fight together. And Shivika? The couple had disappeared behind a tree busy romancing. Shivaay was applying colour on her waist while snuggling in her chest.
"This was a very bad move Mrs Oberoi to apply colour on me so that all the family would see.." Shivaay said.
"And what will you do?"
"What about making sure that you ain't be walking for a while.. Mhm?" Shivaay said and she blushed. He suckled her neck,  right on her collarbone, leaving a purple hue on it while she moaned.
"Shivaay, Anika!" Saumya called and Anika gasped.
"Mom's calling!" Anika said and ran away from there happy to have escaped from this beast called her husband.
When she joined them, she noticed that her parents, grandparents , Kaina, Paro, Karan and Yash were there. She was excited to see them here.
"You guys here??" She smiled and they all hugged her.
"Yes Saumya and I invited them because it was your first Holi here in India after 8 years and as a married woman so yeah." Rudra said.
"Thank you papa." Anika answered and hugged him. Then she dragged her cousins and they played Holi while her parents were also playing Holi. Yash was happy that for once his sister and himself were both involved in the same thing. But his joy knew no bound when Kaina applied Holi on his cheek lovingly and in the heat of the moment he hugged her and he was surprised to feel her arms around him.
"Di.." He said and she smiled. If only he knew that he himself was the reason of the change in her when the night before he asked Malika and Siddarth why his Anika Di had to go when she was the only one who cared for him,  even Paro and Karan were so hurt that their elder daughter wasn't talking to them that they stopped caring for their younger son. Kaina felt bad on realising that she had hurt people so much,  her own people, her family. She was so angry that her parents hid from her the truth of her birth that she ended up hurting them badly. She realized that Paro was the only woman she had in the world as a mom and she couldn't be blinded by anger just because of ego when God gave her another mother.
Yash and Kaina ran to their parents and threw colour on them.
"Happy Holi!!" The siblings exclaimed. The couple was happily surprised to see this change in their daughter and hugged their children while Anika looked at them and wiped a happy tear.
She was suddenly disturbed by a hand on her mouth and she couldn't do much while this person took her away from her family.

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