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The hardest part I've ever written because of the pain that I felt while writing but I needed this part.. I am trying to convey few things about girl rights and I will do it through this. I marked the mature content so that you will know which part to skip.. This track and Pinky's track will be the only bad things in this story..

"You did wrong by lying to me Rudra Singh Oberoi! Why didn't you tell me that I was the reincarnation of your dead brother? Were you so ashamed on knowing my reality that you hid it from me?" Shivaay cried in front of his dad.
"Shivaay.. It's not like this.. I never wanted you to be hurt. You're mine and Saumya's pride.. It's true that I was at first reluctant because you were so much like you.. And who wouldn't understand that you were bhaiya with this big A on your chest for Anika Bhabhi, your love.. Chote Papa is still affected from the death of his only son.. And Dadi has become crazy since your death.. When she saw you for the first time after twenty years.. It seemed like she was alive again.. Your death affected us so much.. I thought that something broke inside me when I lost both my superhero bhaiya and superwoman bhabhi.. How do you want me to tell you.. Hey son I was your brother in your previous life.. You got killed in a fire and I am still traumatised by it after twenty years!" Rudra said and they cried in each other's arms.
"You don't how hard it was for me to live with the memories of you..Bhaiya.."
"I'm here now but as your son.. Stop calling me bhaiya please.. I'm not your bhaiya anymore.. I'm your superhero beta.. And I need to go to take back your superwoman bahu. I love you a lot daddy."
"I love you too beta."
Shivaay left to Rana mansion with a huge smile on his face. He remembered and he was happy.
~.~ mature content ~.~
Anika woke up with a headache. She realised that she was lying naked in an old mattress. Her hands and legs were tied on each side of it and every people who would walk in would see her untouched woman hood.
"Choddo mujhe!" She shouted and Daksh with his son looked at her with lust.
"Twenty years.. I waited twenty years to fuck you and you believe that I'd let you go like that?" Daksh whispered in her ear then cupped her private part. Today you're going to be my son and I's slut... Right here in your burnt mansion. " That was when Anika realised that she was in her old house.
"You're so disgusting! Like one says, like father like son!" She said and Akash spat on her face.
"Shut up slut! Papa you can have you way with her!" Akash said and left. Daksh looked at Anika, smirking.
"Now tell me, how did you survive this fire? And how come you're looking so good and young, and virgin..? Didn't Shivaay fuck you good? Look at this beautiful pu**y of yours.." Anika spat on him and he grabbed her part roughly while she hissed in pain. "Today I'm going to fuck you good." Daksh lowered his pants and boxers.
"Look how aroused I am for you.." She turned her head away sobbing softly. Daksh turned her head to him and pushed his dirty tongue in her mouth making her choke with it. In return, she bit him, almost ripping his tongue from his mouth.
"You slut!" He managed to say, he slapped and punched her before leaving.
~.~ end of mature  content ~.~

"What do you mean by that?" Siddarth asked.
"The driver said people came and kidnapped miss Rana." The commissioner said.
"Her phone had been traced for the last time around this area." A police officer said and Shivaay was shocked and sad. A name came to his mind as he remembered this man. Akash Khurana. He was the only one that Anika knew in India. He left without any one's notice but he met with Sahil outside and decided to bring him along. Police officers wouldn't listen to him as all of this was just a hypothesis..
"I want to know everything about Akash Khurana. And I want you to trace his phone." He told one of his men before calling Rajveer who was living nearby the place Anika's phone had been located last.
Shivaay remembered the smirk of this Akash and it just reminded him of...
"Mr Oberoi, Akash is the son of Daksh Khurana and he's right now in the old Rana mansion." A body guard said on the phone.

~.~ mature content ~.~
Anika could barely see as Daksh's punch made her eye swollen. She was almost unconscious when ten or more naked men walked inside the room. Their body smell was too strong, almost nauseous. Anika tried to break free, hurting her fragile hands and ankles. He wrist was broken from her numerous pulls. She had unbearable pain in her thighs from trying to close without any success.. The men smirked on seeing her untouched body, the swell of her breasts, her milky skin, her full lips and the virgin lips of her v**ina. One man walked near her  and knelt down before her, another came to her face and tried to open her mouth despite her cries of protest. He was about to enter his dirty rod in her mouth when the door burst open, letting Shivaay, Sahil and Rajveer appear as her saviours. Seeing her naked, Shivaay's heart burnt with such a rage. He was like a bull while he punched the men who were naked above his girl.
"How dare you touch her?? How dare you touch my girl! You bastards!" He punched them until they were unrecognisable.
"Do you like it! Do you like how I punch you!!" Sahil asked as he was almost killing them all with his bare hands. Shivaay meanwhile, set Anika free and covered her body with his coat. He hugged her tightly, while the strong smell of spit, sweat and blood filled his nostrils. He could only imagine what she lived. He caressed her swollen face, from the punches she received and cried while holding her in his arms.
"Your SSO is back jaan.. I'm back.." He whispered against her hair as his tears fell on her cheek.
"Shivaay.." She breathed.
"Bhai, we need to drive her to the hospital. You go with Sahil, I will wait for the police." Rajveer said and Shivaay agreed. They walked away and met with Daksh who was still conscious despite Shivaay's numerous punches and he looked at them while laughing.
"I fucked her good Shivaay!! My semen is all over her! I won! I got her before you!!" He lied believing that his men raped her before Shivaay came which wasn't the case. But Shivaay was so enraged that without further delay, he kicked him and Daksh fell off the stairs. His skull broke and his blood stained the white floor.

Siddarth making Akash pay for what he did to his princess.. And is it really the end of  Khurana's track 😯😯😯😯

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