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I know I've been repeating it from the past three updates but now, next part will officially be the end! 😂😇🤣

"You can meet her now. She has woken up." A doctor said and Kaina rushed inside.
"I shall be angry against you for doing this but I just can't maa. You don't know how frightened we were Yash, papa and I!" She cried and hugged her tightly. "You have no right to leave us.. To leave me, even more now! Because I'm your biological daughter maa. This man tried to separate us but God has been merciful towards us. You made me the woman I am today, even without knowing that I was YOUR daughter, you made me grow." Kaina said and hugged her more tightly. "I can't never say sorry enough for every pain I put you through but now, I swear that I'll never sleep angry on you maa." Paro turned to Karan with teary eyes and he nodded reassuringly.
"We just got to know that Ayaan Shah switched Kaina and Virat at birth. But now, he won't harm you anymore because he'll be rotting in jail."
"Karan!" Siddarth abruptly came inside the room. "I'm sorry for coming like that but we need to go urgently. It's Annika. She got trapped by Ragini." Siddarth said.
"Wait I'm coming with you." Kaina said but Karan nodded his head no." You stay here with Paro,  your badi maa, Yash and Virat. We'll bring our Cutiepie back. Don't worry." Karan said. The two were about to go when Paro stopped them.
"Be cautious guys."
"We'll try." Siddarth answered and left with his brother.

Annika was facing Saumya and Rudra who were forbidding her from going inside the house.
"Listen guys, my husband is in there and I need to go to him. I won't let him struggling in this situation on his own. It's either the both of us or none of us. I won't let him down. You can't expect me to  do that when he came back for me." Annika spat. She was now clearly angry.
"But Annika, your child.."
"I don't care if I'm pregnant! Right now, my husband's life matters more than anything!" Annika said.
"You are a mother how can you.." Rudra began.
"Come on!  You are a father and you rejected your own son. This same son that I'm going to support right now, with our without your consent." Annika walked past them and entered the mansion while being full of regrets by the way she talked to Saumya and Rudra. But she promised to make them forgive her if she ever gets out of this alive..
Annika knocked on the door while uncomfortably readjusting her sleeve. Ragini opened the door and smirked on seeing Annika standing before her.
"Our last invite is here!" She said sarcastically. She pushed Annika forward. The latter saw Shivaay and was about to run to him when she saw his eyes full of anger.
"Shivaay doesn't seem happy to see you.." Ragini trailed off.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He scolded Annika.
"The same as you. I'm here in exchange of Tia, Shwetlana and their families' safety. The deal is complete Mrs  Chaudhary. Let them go." Annika said.
"Sure." Ragini answered. "But first, Shivaay sit over there and you Annika sit next to Tia." Ragini ordered them. She first tied Shivaay then tied Annika who winced in pain but Ragini associated it with the tightness of the ties. Then she went to Tia and Shwetlana and pushed them out of the house.
"Make sure to tell Rudra, Saumya, Siddarth and Mallika to begin the preparations for the funerals." She evilly laughed before going back inside the house. She held Shivaay and Annika upstairs towards a room which was decorated with candles and made Annika sit on the couch, while she made Shivaay lay on the bed.
"I think before killing you two, I shall be rewarded with what I have waited for 20 years.. Annika, you'll watch me fuck your hubby before I kill you. I want you to see him cheating on you before you die." Ragini smiled.
"If you rape him then he's not cheating me. You are taking it by force. He's not giving it to you." Annika simply smirked. But Ragini slapped her until her lips were cut. However she didn't stop smiling.
"Can't face the truth? That's sad." She said sarcastically. She was about to slap her again when Shivaay screamed.
"Don't touch her!" Ragini lowered her hand and turned to Shivaay. She walked to him and straddled him.
"You're right. Let's go back to serious matter." Ragini said and began kissing on Shivaay's neck. It seemed like Annika wasn't even concerned about this. Shivaay was looking at her trying to take his strength in her eyes but she wasn't even looking at him. She seemed completely lost. But then he saw her eyes flicker and he saw the movement of her arms. Next thing he knew was Annika was running out of the room. Ragini got off of him and began chasing Annika while Shivaay was tied to the bed. Annika was hidden inside a useless spare room. There were many things kept in that and she hid behind furniture. She looked at the knife in her hand. It was hidden in her sleeve. She pulled the sleeve up and saw the wound on her arm. It seemed deep but it was okay. She would take care of that later but now she had to find a way to save Shivaay. She knew that Ragini won't harm him because she needed Annika to witness his suffering.
Shivaay looked at the  ties and tried to find a way to turn his wrists around. After many attempts, he managed to do so and pulled the ties open. He was hearing Ragini calling Annika. As he got up from the bed, he noticed the blood stains on the ground near the chair were Annika was sitting. If Ragini hadn't noticed that she was bleeding, she would soon. And the stains would lead to Annika's hiding place. Shivaay quickly left the room and followed the blood stains. It lead to a store room and Ragini was just near that.
"Ragini!" Annika heard Shivaay say.
"Don't you dare coming near me or I'll shoot you." Ragini said. Then the three of them heard someone shouting from outside the house.
"Ragini Malhotra-Chaudhary the whole house is surrounded by the police. You better not harm Mr and Mrs Oberoi and let them go!  The game is over! You lost!" It was Bhavya.
Ragini walked to Shivaay while pointing the gun at him.
"Can't wait for her, I'll take care of you first then I'll look for her." She said and Annika heard her she left the room and slowly she walked behind Ragini and hit her with a jug made of glass. Even though the thing hurt, Ragini didn't faint. She was about to shoot on Annika when Shivaay ran to them and, since they were near the staircase, he pushed Ragini and she fell from the second floor. However, since he came too fast, Shivaay couldn't stop himself on time and he too fell.

After this last line, you can throw chappals on me, but I needed a cliffhanger to wrap up this story the way it deserves to be! 😘

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