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I'm changing the story into a mature one for Shivika purpose 😅😊

They were all gathered for the judge's final decision.

"After listening all the people, it's easy to determine who's wrong and who's right. Mr Oberoi is innocent as the events described are shown as an accident. But Mr Akash Khurana and his 15 men are accused of tentative of rape, their actions are qualified as a crime against humanity. While the 15 sidekicks are condemned to 40 years in jail without any possibility of reduction of the sentence nor bailing, Mr Khurana is condemned to life imprisonment without any possibilities of reduction of the sentence nor bailing. Moreover, Akash Khurana has to give 15 cores for false accusations against Mr Oberoi." The judge said and Rumya hugged each other happily. Their son would be with them for Holi.

Shivaay smiled and his stare moved towards Anika who was happy too. He held her hand and this time she looked at him while blushing. He was now set free. They left the court and Oberois invited Ranas over to celebrate Shivaay's freedom. As soon as he stepped inside the house, Dadi, Prinku and Jhanvi hugged him tightly.

"You're finally back home, we missed you a lot." Dadi whispered weakly.

"I'm sorry that I let you alone for twenty years darling." He said hugging Dadi tightly and the three women looked at Saumya who nodded happily while caressing Shivaay's hair.

"Mom, Ranas are coming for dinner tonight." Saumya said and Jhanvi nodded.

"Okay, let's prepare the food then." Jhanvi said but Prinku stopped her as she was going to cook.

"You rest with Dadi, we Obhabhis and Pehelwan will make it.." Prinku said and Shivaay looked at his now aunt who used to be his baby sister. Her confidence was overwhelming. The trio disappeared in the kitchen and Shivaay went to his previous room. He called a maid and asked her to clean it. After she finished, he laid on the bed and thought about his life, his Anika and how to give her back her self confidence..

"You can ask her for a date.." Jhanvi said, coming into the room.

"How do you know that I was thinking about Anika?"

"Was there a day when you weren't thinking about her since you met?" He chuckled and nodded his head no.

"You're right. I'd take her for a date.. and I know where.."

"Is that so?"

"We'll be leaving for Paris.." Shivaay said and Jhanvi gasped.

"That's really far for a date.."

"Everything is possible when Shivaay wants to satisfy his Anika."

"You're cute.. mera pota.." Jhanvi said and kissed his forehead.

"Dadi, may I ask you something?" Jhanvi nodded.

"Where's Mrs Pinky Oberoi?" Jhanvi looked down as she was fuming with anger just by hearing her name. She was about to answer him when a maid came informing them that Ranas arrived.

While Jhanvi walked ahead, the maid stopped Shivaay and told him that Anika was waiting on the poolside. He smirked and left through the window. There she was, looking at the water with a little smile on her lips as she remembered their pool scenes. She was so beautiful in her attire that he was suppressing a groan.

 She was so beautiful in her attire that he was suppressing a groan

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"Thinking about me?" He asked as he came behind her.

"Yes.." She stammered and winked at him.

"Bold Anika? I love it." Shivaay said and pecked her cheek. Both knew that she was still weak emotionally, but they also knew that this was a blessing to live their love again. So she was trying to let him in.

Shivaay carried her and they sat on the edge of the pool. He was just holding her hand and she had her head on his shoulder.

"Shivaay are you really ready for marriage and children?" Anika asked. Saumya had already talked with him, saying that she wanted them to fulfil Dadi's wish.. seeing her billu settled..

"I already know that I want to spend my life with you and regarding the child, we can have one now for Dadi and the others a couple of years later. But what I want to know is, are you ready to be with me.. and to be intimate with me...?" Shivaay asked.

Anika grabbed his collar and kissed the hell out of him. She grabbed his lower lip and pulled it with her teeth before licking his lips. She remembered these men and opened her eyes which were closed due to the kiss. She looked at him and her tongue entered his mouth. She wanted to drink everything from him. She wanted his touch, hence grabbed his hand which was resting on her waist and pulled it upwards, so that he would touch her breast and that was when he broke the kiss.

"Anika what are you doing?" He asked, she tried to pull him for a kiss again but he pulled away.

"Shivaay what are you doing? I thought you loved me.. why don't you want to touch me?" She asked on the verge of tears.


"I don't love your body Anika. I love your whole self. I love your soul, I love your heart. I want us to make love with our souls just like we used to do. I want to discover your body again and again.. but not like this.. You're forcing yourself when you're not ready mentally and that would be abuse to your body. You believe that I don't want you?" He asked and he grabbed her hand, kissed it before leading it to his.. pants.

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