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Here you go with the next part guys. Since the story is slowly moving towards its end so I want to ask a little something from you.. Can you please use the comment section and:
1- Tell whether this sequel matches your expectations or not?
2-Any remarks on the writer or the book?
3-Do you have questions for the characters?
4- can you mark the book from 1 to 10?
5- any other thing you want to tell, 😇 feel free.
Oh and yes comment strictly in English because I don't understand Hindi quite well. Bashing is allowed if it's constructive, if it's only to insult me feel free to leave 🙂😉

"What?!" The trio exclaimed. How was it possible?  They were completely lost but Virat was the one who played smart. He simply decided to call Ayaan. They would have to sort things out. But right now Karan, Kaina and Virat needed to talk. While Yash stayed with Siddarth, they went outside the hospital to sit on a bench and talk.
"I can't believe that it's true.. I can't believe that I'm not your daughter.." Kaina sobbed. She had always been, Kaina the princess of her father..   The daughter of her late mother Naina.. And now she discovered that she was Kaina, the princess of Paro and the daughter of a heartless man like Ayaan Shah.. She loved Paro to pieces,  but knowing that SHE was the fruit of rape, knowing that SHE was probably not desired by Paro just gave her a bitter feeling against this Ayaan Shah. Karan hugged her.
"Babygirl, nothing will change between us. You're still my daughter and I'm still your father. Blood can't do nothing to this relation we share. You don't worry. I still love you the same." Karan said and kissed her forehead. Virat had tears in his eyes on seeing them. Ayaan Shah was a beast to him. And seeing that Kaina had got the love of his real father Karan, made the seed of jealousy grow. He couldn't believe that he had been so unlucky in life. He was about to go when Karan held his hand.
"Won't you hug your old father too.." Karan said and Virat jumped in his arms like a small child. "Nothing will change between Kaina and I but that doesn't mean that I don't want to know you! Look at you.. I don't know how my mind didn't tilt earlier, you have Naina's eyes and nose!" Karan chuckled. "If you agree, I want you to do her pooja with Kaina tomorrow. In heaven, she is probably rejoicing in happiness knowing that, she won the bet because you know, when she was pregnant, we had a bet, I wanted a girl and she wanted a boy. Here I got both.." Karan broke down and cried his heart out. Even though he loved Kaina, he couldn't believe that he failed his wife. When he told her that he'd protect their child when she was on her death bed. He couldn't believe that he had failed her that bad. Kaina signed Virat to console his father. The two needed to talk so she entered the hospital and went near her mom's ward.
"I hope that you'll forgive me for all the tears I caused to fall on your cheeks maa. I hope you'll forget your princess for the hatred I had for you.. I didn't know.. I didn't know that.. You were my blood.. I didn't.." Kaina broke down into painful cries and when Siddarth saw her, he hugged her tightly.
"Don't cry Kaina, please. She'll be alright."
"But.. Bade papa.." Kaina began but Siddarth shook his head from left to right.
"You feel guilty, I know but you can't change the past.. And Paro will survive. I just know. Now that you know, even though you were close, now you'll be closer. You have so much time to catch up. She won't leave you that soon." Siddarth said and pecked her forehead.

Shivika's house.

Shivaay put his face in his hands, breathed deeply before sighing.
"God he is so lucky to be my father, else I'd be kicking him black and blue." Saumya had told him about Rudra cheating on her after debating it in the car with Imran.
"Don't worry, I'm getting my revenge now. He'll  crawl to me asking for my forgiveness." Saumya said while looking at Imran.
"I thought that we were now a family.. Anyways why didn't you tell about you being a Kapoor?" Shivaay asked.
"The problem was so hard to be faced Shivaay.. When we decided not to harm Oberoi family, I was scared Rudra would believe that I had played with his feelings. But I loved him already. I was irrevocably in love with him, and there was you. My baby.. I couldn't risk to lose you.." Saumya said.
"I can't believe that Tia is my bade maasi!" Shivaay chuckled. "How is she doing by the way?"
"Her and Shwetlana are both fine." Saumya smiled happily. "I'm happy that now they're not dying under this revenge. Tia is now happily married to Dushyant and she has three beautiful children, two girls and a boy. And Shwetlana di, well,  after finally seducing my bestie, Imran, this same lucky man here married her and now they have two children, twins, both are in college and graduating this year."
"Wow.. Can't believe that these two snakes turned into cute rabbits!" Annika exclaimed.
"And they want to help you in your revenge. There was a time when Tia and Ragini were best friends and Shwetlana di thought about something which was to get Ragini to confess her murders through Tia." Saumya said and Annika furrowed her brows.
"Mom, I know that they're your sisters but how can we trust them?" Annika asked thinking about her child in her womb. She wouldn't be strong enough to face another loss. She already lost her past life in the hands of the devil. She wouldn't bear it.
"Tia and Shwetlana won't backstab you beta. They understood their mistake twenty years back. You're like their children since you are Saumya's son and daughter in-law. Tia and Shwetlana have a golden heart guys, they wouldn't be capable to harm you now. Their revenge blind them, that's all. Now let's just say that they're breathing love." Imran said. Shivaay kept a reassuring hand on Annika's and squeezed it.
"Let's trust them please, Annika, I can't risk your life." Shivaay said looking down. They were right, Shwetlana's plan was safer for them three.
"Ok,  but we also need to include Bhavya, Kaina's aunt so that as soon as Ragini will confess, she will be arrested." Annika said.
Kaina was waiting in front of Paro's room when she saw Ayaan coming. She walked to him and slapped him hard.
"How can you show your face here? Can't you respect my mom at least a little?" Kaina roared and Ayaan furrowed his brows.
"I know your truth. You're the one who raped my mother! You lied to us but I heard you. I heard you threatening mom!  I can't believe that your blood is running through my veins." To these words, to her last words, Ayaan Shah became pale.
"How do you know that you're Paro's real daughter?" Ayaan asked.

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