Prologue prt 1

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Here's the first part towards the end of the story 😇 I will have something to say in next part so I will ask you to give me your point of  views on something so for now enjoy and see you in next part soon..

Annika ran down the stairs and to the two bodies. A good amount of blood was surrounding the two people laying on the floor. But she smiled on seeing Shivaay moving his head. He had fallen but landed on Ragini who had directly fallen on the ground.
Annika ran to Shivaay, she sat on the ground, not caring about the blood staining her beautiful dress,  and she pulled him away from Ragini, resting his head on her knees. He had a cut on his forehead and his leg was twisted in a weird manner.
"Shivaay! You stay with me! You can't leave me!" Annika sobbed and pecked his lips. She then cautiously left his head on the ground and ran outside the house. As soon as she was outside, guns were pointed towards her, until Bhavya shouted.
"Put your guns down, guys! It's Annika.. My niece."
Bhavya ran to her, escorted by some policemen. She grabbed Annika by the shoulders, the latter was in a state of shock.
"Shivaay... Shivaay.. He needs help.. He has fallen.. They.. Dead.." Annika stuttered. She was about to collapse on the floor when Bhavya held her on time.
"Somebody help me!" Bhavya shouted. The doctors arrived with a stretcher and Annika was laid on it. Siddarth was witnessing his Cutiepie's struggle but was kind of relieved that she made out of this house alive. But now they were still waiting for Shivaay to come out.
A while after police went inside a policeman ran outside, shouting for two other stretchers to be brought inside. The first stretcher was for Ragini's corpse which was covered but when Saumya and Rudra saw it, their heart skipped a beat and she hugged him in fear while Shwetlana and Tia were silently praying for the body not to be Shivaay's. Their stress was short lived as soon after the first stretcher, another one came out the house. The doctors were rushing and both Saumya and Rudra followed behind the stretcher and entered in the ambulance with Shivaay while Siddarth went with Annika.
Three hours later, Annika's POV.
I couldn't believe that this nightmare was all over. After twenty years, I could finally breathe. I could finally look at you and say 'we made it'.
"We made it Shivaay but you need to wake up to see it. We have that second life awaiting us. I know that you're angry on me for not listening to you but I need you. I can't go on this life without you. That would be a hard punishment for your wifey.. That's not fair to punish me like that." I sobbed.
These three hours were a bit tough for me. I learnt that my Kaina wasn't my cousin but Virat was. Don't get me wrong, she'd forever be my best friend but it was just a big shock. Then I also learnt that our parents didn't call the police. It was Mr Chaudhary. On his business trip, he had received the CCTV footages and he called Bhavya on knowing that his lovely wife had killed us twenty years ago. (See chapter 46 if you want to.)
Mom and dad got back on good terms it seemed, since I saw them sleeping on each other's shoulder while waiting for some news for Shivaay. I didn't dare to walk to them even though my mom and dad urged me to. What I told them was still ringing in my ears. And I was happy to know that nothing happened to my babies. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if something had happened to them. 
I brushed Shivaay's hair lightly and hopped on the bed with him. I was on the other side of his broken leg. I pecked his lips and slept with my head on his chest.
End of Annika's POV.
Saumya was with Rudra as she entered Shivaay's room. It was past midnight but she wanted to be with him when he would wake up. Since Annika wasn't really harmed, Siddarth and Mallika decided to let her stay at the hospital and headed back  home. As they saw her with him, their heart melted. She hadn't intended to to hurt them, they knew it but she did hurt them. Saumya walked to the bed and kissed Shivaay's bandaged forehead and also kissed Annika's forehead.
"May God keep you happy my children." She said and went on the couch which was in the room. Rudra kissed Shivaay's hand and Annika's forehead as well before joining her on the couch.
"Saumya I wanted to talk about.."
"Can we just move on from you cheating on me? I saw your eyes burning my poor jeeju and it's enough for me to know that you still love me but you have to keep in mind Rudy that we're not children anymore. We're parents soon to be grandparents. You need to be mature now, because today I forgive you but tomorrow I can walk out on you." Saumya said and intertwined their fingers together. He didn't say nothing because he had nothing to say. They would get out of this mess he created, together.

Virat was with his father in the cemetery while Paro was waiting in the car with Kaina and Yash. Kaina wanted also to visit Naina's grave since she was her mother since she saw the world but she didn't because it had to be a private reunion between a mother and her real child. Virat sat before the grave and cried like a little child on seeing the grave. He couldn't forgive this Ayaan Shah for taking away his grief. Another child had cried for this woman's death not him, her son. He brushed her grave and turned to Karan.
"How was she?  Did she wait impatiently for my birth? Do I have other relatives than you guys?" He asked.
"ACP Bhavya Pratap Rathore is your maasi. I guess you know that already. She has a daughter, Arya she's barely a year younger than Yash. Her husband Shoaib is a soldier in Indian Army. You'll probably be able to meet him in the wedding if he's available. Your mom was adorable Virat,  and she loved you even before you were born. You're the fruit of two years of hard tries to conceive a child Virat. You were and you are loved. You can also consider Paro as your mom because she too loves you as her child. She didn't leave her child to Ayaan because she wanted to but because she was powerless. Just like Kaina you lost a mother while she didn't have the chance to have a loving  biological father,  but you have Paro and I. I'm her father, just like I'm yours and Paro is her mother just like she's yours." Karan said and Virat hugged him.

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