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Well the chapter came out very long but not full.. I wanted to include Shivika's meeting with Oberoi's but it would have been infinitely long.. So I'm updating this in the hope that I'll someday stop updating twice a month and start updating regularly again..

As Shivaay finished dressing Anika's wounds, they turned on the TV to see if they were news about their families. They were shocked to see how their families took the news. Anika suppressed a sob when she saw the leaked footage of her father shaking Bhavya like an apple tree while Shivaay held his breath knowing that Dadi's health became worse.
"We can't continue this plan without telling them Shivaay.." Anika whispered as she thought about her dear mom who loved her more than anything and Dadi who already lost a grandson.
"I know that it will be hard but.."
"No buts jaan.. Please try to understand.. We're pulling them towards the same trauma they took twenty years to get out of. I don't have the heart to lie to them regarding this matter. We're already lying regarding my pregnancy.. I can't do this.. It's too cruel.." Anika cried and he hugged her.
"What do you suggest then?"

Oberoi mansion

Saumya was roaming around Shivaay's baby room, carrying his old teddy and clutching it against her chest. Her eyes were swollen and puffy, her face disfigured by the pain and the sorrow. She was crying her heart out remembering her son. She didn't know what hurt more, losing her son or losing her 'Shivaay bhaiya' twice and not to forget Anika who became more bubbly than in the past if that was even possible. She loved them more than anything and lost them again.. Rudra had disappeared God knew where after he got to know his son's death. Light had once again disappeared in Oberoi mansion. She was once again lost in some memories of Shivaay being mischievous in his childhood when a phone ring resonated in Oberoi mansion disturbing the painful but calm night.
Saumya walked towards the phone with a heavy heart knowing that such call in the middle of the night could only be ACP Bhavya Pratap Rathore telling them that they got some remaining of Shivaay's body and that they could perform the rituals. She tried to stop her sobs and picked up the phone.
"Yes?" She said and her expressions changed to surprise.

Rana mansion

Since Mallika reached Rana mansion, she was inconsolable. She was sitting on the bed crying her heart out while Siddarth was walking back and forth in their room, trying hard not to lose his calm and sanity. He was currently imagining a plan to kill Ragini in the most painful way but each time her death would happen too quick for his liking. Malika on the other hand was hugging an album of Anika's photos and sobbing on her daughter's fate. 
"I can't believe  that God had been this unfair to her.. She faced so much troubles, she just got out Akash's trauma only to end this way again.. Killed by fire... She didn't even see the beauty of life.. She didn't even feel the happiness of motherhood, of growing old with your soulmate, she just left like this.. My poor baby.." Malika cried as she touched one of her pics.. The first picture of her right after her birth. She couldn't believe that her pain at that moment could be as strong as the happiness she had felt when she had carried her baby in her arms for the first time..
Siddarth was still thinking when he got disturbed by his phone buzzing in his pocket. He was sure that it could only be Bhavya telling that he could finally come to take his daughter's remains.. He picked up and was shocked to hear the voice on the other end. 

Oberoi mansion

Rudra came home in dawn with heavy steps. His whole body smelt like alcohol and he was mumbling incoherent things. As soon as he stepped inside the mansion, he met the accusing stare of his wife who didn't sleep only waiting for him.
"Is it how you deal with problems? Getting yourself drunk until you can't even breathe? Are you fucking serious?" Saumya asked.
"Shut up okay?! You don't know what.." He began but she slapped him across his cheek. Then she threw water on him
"You shut up and stop your nonsense Rudy! I know very well what's you're going through.." Saumya began but he stopped her.
"No you don't know. Tonight I cheated on you." He declared and walked away. Saumya collapsed on the floor with tears streaming down her beautiful face. How could he have done something like this? She felt betrayed and empty, she felt as if the lights in her heart had shut down.
The morning was dull even though the sun was bright. Kaira washed her face to try to appear more as a human than a walking dead. She blew her nose and tried to smile before tears made their way in her brownish orbs. She picked a photo frame with Anika's picture and hugged it tightly.
"I miss you so much Cutiepie.." She sobbed.
"I saw you looking better.." A voice resonated behind her and she turned around, completely shocked. She walked towards the voice's owner, slapped her before hugging her tightly.
"Are you crazy? Why didn't you tell sooner? Do you know how sad we were? You're such a bitch!  I hate you!" Kaira blabbered and the person smiled before pouting.
"But Anu loves didi.." Anika said cutely just like she used to say when she was barely five and Kaira jumped in her arms.
"I love you too! I love you so much!" Kaira said kissing her whole face.
"I thought I lost you and I was so scared to move on without you! Don't you dare doing this again Anika, don't you dare!" Kaira said before looking behind Anika.
"Where's Jiju?" She asked.
"Downstairs, I came personally to check on you after mommy slapped my other cheek and daddy took me in a bone crushing hug. Thanks God, Dadi and Dada were shocked enough to not harm me physically with their love and chote papa and choti maa just said 'we're happy that nothing happened to you guys.. Anyways, your love hurts." Anika rubbed her cheeks and Kaira kissed her forehead. She smiled at her before whispering:
"But you deserved those slaps meri jaan.."
The two cousins joined the family downstairs where Shivaay was explaining them their plan against Ragini, Malika was listening everything with a lost look.
"I don't want you both to risk your life Shivaay.. This is not your war anymore.." Malika suddenly said.
"It has become our war when, twenty years ago Ragini Malhotra decided to kill us, mommy." Anika said. "You can't say that it's not our war when we're the target. I know that you're worried mommy but she finally has to pay. Enough is enough. We survived the car crash because Shivaay saw the man putting the bomb under my car but next time we won't be that lucky. We faked our death to destroy her better. And we can't do this without you..please be with us in this.." Anika pleaded and with nothing left to say, Malika had to agree.

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