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At first I didn't want to update because the target wasn't reached yet but I never leave my story uncomplete and I got it that you lost interest on Raabta so I'll just try to finish with it faster.
When Ragini reached her home at night, she was sweating profusingly. Her heart was thumping in her chest, her eyes were darkened by fear and her breath shortened as if she had run for her life. Mr Choudhary held her shoulders and she jumped out of fear.
"Are you okay love?" He asked, taking her hand into his. She looked at their hands then at his face. She had never loved the man, he was just here as a life companion. Their sexual encounters were basical answers to human needs even though they got a daughter out of this. Yet, even though she didn't love him, she wouldn't dare hurting him because she appreciated his company and his support.
"I'm ok, don't worry, I just need some sleep. Today has been tiring. Do we really need to assist every function of this marriage? And I can't understand how they can throw parties like that when Anika and Shivaay died few days ago." Ragini said.
"They are trying to move on, they have already lost children in the past and now this.. Even though it's sad, Kaina and Virat are still alive and want to have the happily ever after their brother and sister didn't have." Mr Choudhary analysis convinced Ragini and she kissed his cheek before going to bed.

Shivaay and Anika were just watching movies in their bed. She was playing with the buttons of his kurta, having her head resting on the juncture between his neck and shoulder. And he had his arm wrapped around her waist, with his fingers drawing patterns on her naked thigh.
"Tonight had been perfect. I really got the feeling that this time we will win against Ragini." Shivaay said and she raised her head up to kiss him. She moved the laptop aside and straddled him while she was still kissing him.
"I don't think that tonight is over yet Shivu." Anika said her removed her shirt to let him see her nude self, especially her nude torso.
"Aren't you horny?" Shivaay asked as he thrust his hips forward. She moaned and began moving her hips on him.
"Yeah, a lot, and I hope that you're ready for action because I'm not sleeping until you took care of your wife's pleasure." She moaned as he brushed one of her nipples with his thumb.
"I won't be a good husband if I let you all bothered right?" Shivaay said and she moaned when he pinched her still covered ass.
"No you won't." Anika said and they rolled on the bed to do married people things.

Saumya was in a simple room with her best friend Imran. She was pouring her heart out and he was listening  to her. He had always been like her big brother. So when he got to know that Rudra cheated on her, his blood boiled and he didn't know how could someone break a heart as pure as Saumya's. He hugged her before turning her around. Then he opened her hair and tied it back in a beautiful braid. Then he turned her again for her to face him and wiped her tears before kissing her forehead.
"I know that you're sad and deceived by him and I want you to ask your heart what it really wants. Because your may want to divorce him or to stay because you don't want to hurt your son. But what does your heart want Saumya?" Imran asked. All of this was noticed by a tearful eyes. It was Imran's wife and Saumya's adoptive sister Svetlana. Since Saumya found her happiness in Oberoi mansion, Tia and herself dropped their plan to hurt them but now on seeing her sister's tears, her pain, Svetlana just wanted to kill that dumbass Rudra.
"My heart wants to trust him again Imran.. But I just can't.. It needs to be mended first. It pains each time I look at him, I imagine him doing God knows what with some girl. I want him to know how it hurts." Saumya said. Imran hugged her and Svetlana came in.
"I have an idea." She said and Saumya's face was brightened by a smile as listened her sister and devar's plan.
Next morning was hard for Rudra, he woke up with a headache as he had made sure to empty every bottle of alcohol that he had found in the house. Jhanvi got to know from Saumya the reason of her departure and she understood her completely so she let her go but she was angry at Rudra who saw how infidelity destroyed his mother but he still repeated the same mistakes as his father. Preferring lust to love. She threw a glance at him when she saw him coming to the dining room holding his head.
"Good morning guys.." He mumbled and Jhanvi got up.
"I'm not hungry anymore." She said and tried to leave when Rudra called her.
"Mom? Do you know the meaning of it?  Did you regard your wife as the mother of your child when you cheated on her?  How dare you calling me mom when you treated the mother of your child like trash?" Jhanvi accused him and left from there with Tej following her. He knew that her words were that harsh because of his past deeds. These words were her scars. Rudra walked away to his room when even Omri looked at him with accusing eyes. He had messed up and he knew that working hard was compulsory for him to win back Saumya's heart. He took her mangalsutra out of his pocket and kissed it.
"Wait Imran!" He heard her voice and ran outside to see her. But he saw shocked him to his core. A man was putting a bracelet around her wrist. She looked at the man and blushed.
"Thank you yaar." She said then called the family.
"Mom, Dad I wanted you to meet my best friend. I ran into him on my way back home and invited him to stay over as he's only here for Kaina and Virat's wedding. I hope you're okay with this." Saumya said. Everybody agreed but a guilty man whispered "no".

Shivaay and Anika were sleeping peacefully. Her naked leg was thrown over his and she was cuddling him as if he were a soft toy. Her hair was spread on his chest while he had his hands wrapped around her waist. Suddenly Anika got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Her actions caused him to get up as well and he followed her to the bathroom. She was already teary-eyed as she was emptying her stomach and he just held her hair and caressed her back soothingly. After she finished, she washed her mouth and kissed her forehead.
"You're the strongest women I've ever known Anika. And if we're having a girl, I hope that she'll be as strong as her mother." Shivaay said and knelt down to kiss her belly.
"Stop troubling your mama buddy." He said before hearing her tummy growl.
"Mama is hungry" She pouted and he kissed her pouting lips.
"Go to lay on the bed. I'll be making breakfast today." He said, then he carried her to bed. He was about to leave when she held his hand.
"I love you Shivaay." She said with a heavy heart.
"I love you too Anika." He answered and kissed her forehead before leaving to the kitchen.

Paro was getting ready for the day when she received a call. It was an unknown number.
"Don't you love me mom?" It was a girl's voice and then the caller hung up. Paro sat down and sobbed. She saw a razor blade on the table and picked it up.
"I can't go back to Ayaan. It's better to go back to God.. I'm sorry Kaina, I'm sorry Karan, I'm sorry Virat, I'm sorry Yash and I'm sorry, my baby girl whom I'll never meet." Kaina said and cut her wrist open.

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