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I wish you a happy new year 🎇🎇🎇🎊🎉✨ May god bless you with whatever you want for this year 2018 And I hope to still have you around during this year as well.. I won't give you a Precap because  next part is coming, a mature one so if you're uncomfortable just skip the part I'd mark as mature content 😘😘😘😘

She woke up with a smile on her face which was unusual for the past three weeks. She had already packed her belongings with the help of Kaina and was now waiting for her baggad billa to come.

"We need to talk about choti maa you know?" Anika said while she was putting her earrings.

"What the need to talk? First they were lying to me and now her and her son are snatching my father! You know who organized my previous birthdays? It was either Bade papa or Bhavya maasi. I came back here only because you came back, else I'd be with maasi. Mr Rana doesn't care for me and sometimes I just wonder if everything would have been better if instead of saving me from dying the doctors had let me die with my mom." Anika raised her hand then instead of slapping her, she pointed a finger at her.

"Don't you dare talking rubbish Kaina Rana! Or next time I will slap you! Why are you talking about dying? What would have I done if you weren't there for me? You are my strength, without Kaina, there is no Anika." Anika sobbed and Kaina hugged her.

"Please forgive me Cutiepie.. I missed you a lot.. these eight years were pure hell without you." Kaina revealed and Anika kissed her forehead.

"I missed you too Di."

"Miss Rana, Mr Oberoi has come." A maid said. Anika smiledt, kissed Kaina before leaving. As she got down through the lift, she was blushing on thinking of their date.

"Cutiepie, please be safe." Siddarth said and give her a box of condoms.

"I hope this will remain unused." He added.

"You are mad! But I love you like this only." Anika kissed him on the cheek. Siddarth accompanied Anika outside as he was going for his morning running. He stopped next to Shivaay and handed him something.

"Just in case she has her crisis.." He whispered and gave him her pills while Anika chuckled.

"Are you guys telling each other secrets now?" She teased, unaware of the truth. Siddarth just smiled at her and began his footing while Shivaay carried her inside his car.

"Are you ready Miss Rana?" He asked and she pecked his cheek.

"When it's about you I'll be even ready to give my soul."

Shivaay squeezed her thigh and they left to the airport.

"Where are you taking me Mr Oberoi?" He kissed the side of her mouth.

"That's for me to know, and for you to wonder." He said against her earlobe before sucking it softly.

"Damn, your voice is so sexy.." She moaned absentmindedly.

"I know.." He chuckled and carried her inside his private jet while one of his bodyguards carried their belongings inside the plane.

The trip went smoothly, they talked, kissed and whatsoever and slept too. They arrived in Paris around 10 in the morning. Anika was surprised when she saw where they were.

"Paris!? Are you kidding me? Shivaay this is so perfect!" She hugged his waist as she was already in her wheel chair.

"You're the most perfect boyfriend one could have!" She exclaimed and he kissed her forehead.

"The perfection for the most perfect girl in this world.." He kissed her knuckles. They roamed around the city, bought this and that for their family before Shivaay told her that it was time to get ready for their date. They were in the hotel Le (The) Shivaay which was Oberois', Shivaay walked to the receptionist who looked at him in shock. But then, who wouldn't be? The huge portrait of late SSO was hanging behind Shivaay.

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