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I know that I'm super late with the update but things here are not doing good lately and due to that I'm like a living corpse all day long, so please, be patient, I'm doing my best to end this story as soon as possible and it will end soon 😉

Paro, Karan, Kaira and Siddarth were going to Shah mansion to fix Kaira and Virat's engagement. Karan was perplexed regarding Ayaan and Aryan's supposed switch. While Paro trusted Aryan, he had some problem with that. He didn't know what but something deep in his guts was telling him not to trust that man. As they went inside, he greeted Aryan and his wife along with Virat. He looked at his wife, seeing her look at Virat with such caring eyes. He didn't know why she didn't tell Virat yet about being his mother but let it go. He couldn't do nothing but let her do this on her own.
Ayaan looked at Paro with lust filled eyes. Despite being married for 10 years to a beautiful woman, he didn't forget the pleasure given by this woman standing in front of him. They all sat in the living room and began discussing about the wedding, the venue, the sangeet,  the mehendi ceremony and the engagement ceremony. So they decided that the engagement ceremony would take place three days later.
As they were talking, Paro's phone rang and she left to answer the phone.
"I'm going to get some tea cups." Aryan said and left to the same path Paro took as it was the way for the kitchen. He saw her ending the call and gripped her waist before pinning her against the wall.
"I can't believe you're still so beautiful after 20 years Paro. Look at you, the same face, the same firm breasts (he touched her breasts), I would like to explore you again but I will get time later on."
"What are you doing?" She asked, trying to push him off of her.
"I'm giving you a sneak peek of what awaits you for the rest of your life babe. I want you to leave Karan with him hating you!"
"You're completely mad Ayaan!  I would never do that to the man I love! I will take Virat away from you before you get the chance to blink an eye." Paro spat back at him.
"You won't do anything because Virat is not even your son, you weren't even strong to give birth to a boy. You gave birth to a girl and I'm the only one who knows who she is. If I get you I will reveal where is your daughter if you don't come to me on your own, you will never know where she is and who she is." Ayaan said and Paro sobbed.
"I curse the day you came in my way Ayaan! You don't know how much I hate you!" She cried before finally managing to push him off of him. She walked to the living room, wiping her face on her way. She joined her family as if nothing happened but with a big burden on her chest.

Oberoi mansion.
At night, when everyone was sleeping, ShivIka left their room and sneaked into Pinky's room.
"Mrs Oberoi!" Anika woke her up. Pinky got up and looked at them with tiredness still in her eyes.
"Shivaay? Anika?" Pinky asked.
"Drop the drama please. What are you and the family hiding from us?" Shivaay snapped at her and Anika couldn't do nothing to stop his outburst. After all he didn't know that Pinky tried to save her when Ragini was about to kill her.
"What do you mean beta?" Pinky asked.
"Please, for God sake don't play the dumb one! What are you so desperate to hide from us?" Shivaay again asked. This time Anika grabbed his arm and when he looked at her,  she nodded her head no.
"Don't shout at her. It's probably our imagination. She doesn't know nothing" Anika said calmly and took him out of the room. Before leaving, Shivaay threatened her.
"Don't think yourself as smart Mrs Oberoi, if you hide something from us, we'll discover it now or later." Shivaay said and left with Anika.
Choudhary mansion.
Ragini was speaking with her sidekick to be sure that her plan was ready.
"Don't forget that, this has to go under Anika's car." Ragini said.
"What if Shivaay is inside?" He asked.
"Kill him too." Ragini ordered. She smirked as she gave the little box to Rajesh, her sidekick. He was the man  infiltrated in Oberoi Mansion. After he received his orders he left to Oberoi mansion, the box in his hands.
Oberoi mansion.
The rays of sun were peeking through the window to wake up Shivika, who were wrapped around each other as if they were only one. Anika was the first one to get up and she kissed him on the cheek, causing him to get up to ask for more.
"Nah! You won't be anywhere near my pants until tonight, now you have to get up and go to work." Anika said and kisses on his pouting lips.
"At least I got a kiss from the devil." Shivaay mumbled while she was going to the bathroom.
"What did you say?" She asked.
"Good morning love!" He replied with a cheesy smile. She hummed before leaving to the bathroom. She hid his shower gel on purpose so he had to use hers and smell like strawberry with a hint of pomegranate..
"You won't call me devil for nothing babe!" She whispered as she left the bathroom.
"Have a nice shower baby." Anika told Shivaay before leaving their room to join the family.
When Shivaay left the bathroom, he wanted to get angry at first but then he realized that it was tit for tat, after all, he was the one who called her devil. He smiled and went to the window to draw the curtains before going downstairs.
When he entered the dining room, the family was first shocked to smell such feminine scent emanating from him then they realized that Anika was for something.
"Wow beta this fresh scent suits you so well!" Saumya said and he glared at her.
"Thank you mommy, I'm taking your bahu with me today so I can thank her in private!" Shivaay said with a smirk towards Anika and she gulped down with difficulty, this smirk meant that he was up to no good,  unfortunately.
After their breakfast, Shivaay held Anika's hand and they left with her car.
"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" He smiled as they reached a cliff.
"Are you sure?" She asked perplexed because she was hell scared. "You know Shivaay it was just a joke, don't harm me please! I'm carrying your child for God sake!" Anika pleaded

Rana mansion.
Malika stood shocked as she turned the volume of the TV up.
"It has been reported that the car of Anika Rana Oberoi, the daughter of the business tycoon Siddarth Rana and wife of Shivaay Singh Oberoi has exploded near a cliff. It has been reported that the newlywed couple was in the car, unfortunately if it's the case, given the importance of the fire, the survival of the couple is impossible. Our TV channel is truly sorry for the loss of Oberois and Ranas once again 20 years later." The reporter said and Malika collapsed on the floor, with an unbearable pain engulfing her heart.

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