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"Shivaay where are we going?" Anika asked as he was going out of the small town..

"You'll see." He squeezed her thigh with his hand before smiling. And she in return, grabbed the hand on her thigh and kissed it..

Soon, he reached the burnt Rana mansion and Anika was shocked and scared.

"What are we doing here Shiv?" Anika stammered.

"We're here for you to let go." He said and got out the car. He then went to her side and extended his hand.

"Come on." He said gently.

"I don't want to go..please.." She looked at him with teary eyes and he wanted to drive back home but then he remembered her father's words.


"Shivaay, I got to know that yesterday night, Akash got raped in jail and they injured him badly. His behind needs to get stitched." Siddarth told him.

"And what do you want me to do? He's getting what he deserves." Shivaay answered sternly.

"Yes, that's right, but Ani didn't get what she needs.. she needs to let her anger towards these men go. You're getting married soon and I want Cutiepie to start her married life without any anger towards men. I saw her getting scared of me her own dad and I don't want this Akash to cause a rift between you two.

End of flashback.

"Anika, please, trust me.." Shivaay pleaded her and she finally agreed. She walked behind him and they entered in the burnt edifice. She was shocked to see around twenty bottles with their faces, the faces of these people who took away her old self. Shivaay went to the centre of the room and took the cricket bat then gave it to her.

"These bottles represent those men, and this cricket bat your anger. I want you to look at them and do whatever you want. Talk, shout, hit them but just show your anger. You have to exteriorize everything kept in this heart and we won't leave until you do so." Shivaay said and stood outside the circle, leaving her alone, at the centre.

"Shivaay..please.. no.. don't leave me.." She cried hysterically as he nodded his head no and stood outside the circle. She cried and cried while looking at the faces of her aggressors.. the chimeras of her life since that day. She didn't know how or when she began screaming, shouting and hitting the bottles, but when she did, she couldn't stop.

"Why did you do that to me?!" Hit.

"Why did you took away my privacy?" Another hit.

"Why can't you accept a no from a woman?" Two hits in a row.

"Why did you watch me?"

"Why did you touch me?"

"You all acted as monsters! You all snatched my self-respect and killed it as if you didn't have a mother, a sister and whatsoever!" She hit the bottles again and again. Some pieces of glasses were flowing on the air. The room was a mess, and in the middle of it stood Anika who was a mess herself. Two bottles remained.. Daksh's and Akash's.

"I trusted you.. you were my friend.. I could have done anything for you just like you did when we were in London. But the stupid girl that I was misunderstood your lust as friendship! You all guys are like this only you faked friendship to get into a woman's pants! You are bastards!" She roared. She hit and hit but in the heat of the moment, she swung her bat and stopped in mid air as her eyes met with the teary blue eyed man who was about to be her next target.

"Why did he cheat me like this Shivaay?? Why did they played with my self-respect like that?" She cried and her knees gave up. She was about to collapse on the ground but Shivaay held her before she could fall on the glass pieces. He just held her while she cried her heart out, until, after a while she looked at him and smiled. Through this smile, he understood what she was trying to say.

"Thank you for being here. Thank you for showing me that one lost battle isn't the end of everything. Now I understood what you said back in the park. Love isn't a word strong enough to define our relationship. You complete me, you do things which I find nonchalant at first but then they turn out to be amazing.. you are the best partner one could ask for and I am happy that God paired you with me, I'm happy that we are back as ShivIka the powerful couple." She said and he just hugged her, letting her live the moment after her emotional breakdown.

"I love this feeling of being with you Ani. And you might kill me but I have to spoil the moment.. we have to go because.. billi ki shaadi hogi..billi ka sehera sajega... billi..ouch!" He stopped as she slapped him on the chest.

"Stop it! This is my song for you! And who's this billi?"

"Arrey Paanika, you forgot to eat your almonds! If you marry a billu then you officially become a billi.. but as I am baggad billa you are Mrs. Junglee billi." He said and did the logic sign. She laughed and kissed him on the lips.


Shaadi functions begin

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