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Again, I'm really sorry for the late updates, only two exams to go then I'll be free. Thanks for being patient, I'll try to write a chapter for For her and publish it Wednesday but I'm really not sure..

The couple stood together, their face contorted in an expression of horror as a woman fell in the river. The man accompanying the woman tried to take her out the river and that was when Shivaay reacted.
"¡Ayuda! ¡Ana Júlia! ¡Que alguien me ayude!" The man shouted in Spanish, asking for help as he tried to remove the woman out of the river. She wasn't heavy, her disguise was. Many men came to help the woman while Anika stood numb. She had seen the shooter somewhere.. She was sure of it. Plus he was Indian and the woman who got shot was just next to her..
"Ragini.." Anika whispered. She wasn't sure about it but she had a doubt. This woman was an innocent who probably got shot because of her.
"She's still breathing! Someone call an ambulance please!" Anika was moved out of her reverie when she heard Shivaay talking to her but she didn't understand what he said.
"Anika are you with me?" He asked again. This time she heard him. She looked at the pale woman named Ana Júlia and just hoped that she would make it.
"I'm.. I'm.." Anika stuttered before collapsing in a stranger's arms, as Shivaay was helping Ana Júlia's friend. Both women were directly transferred to the nearby hospital. Shivaay paid the bill for Ana Júlia after knowing that the couple had a poor social background. They had put all their economies into this trip because it was Renato's (the man)  dream.
"Karan needs to know." Paro said. She was talking with Malika about Ayaan.
"Yes but Ayaan doesn't seem to be a bad person to tell it to..."
"One of the reason I left him behind was because he abused me physically and mentally Mali.. We always talked about how I left my everything behind, how I accept the fact that my parents disowned me but the truth is that I ran away from hell to heaven. And I..." She stopped in mid sentence, remembering about him.
"You what Paro?" Malika asked.
"I left the fruit of my abuse behind.. That day, Ayaan blackmailed me.. Saying that if I didn't stay with him I would never see Virat or get in contact with him, but I still left, leaving my blood behind.. Back then, I didn't even consider him my son, I was so broken in those times that I would cry when I saw him, because he reflected my abuse.. And what was the goal to stay with Ayaan, he would never let me touch Virat because I was a bad omen, only good to give him boys.." Paro cried and Malika hugged her.
"That's why you always pamper Kaina right?  Because she is the child this bastard forbade you to pamper. We need to tell Virat. He needs to know that he's your son and that you had to leave him."
"I didn't have to.. I decided to leave."
"Had you stayed this Ayaan would have killed you under his abuses or you would have killed yourself from being so much mentally abused. So yes you left. But at least you're alive Paro. Virat will understand but you need to tell it to Karan first."

Oberoi mansion.
"I can't do this anymore Shakti. I can't take care of this woman who took our Shivaay away." Jhanvi said.
"Jhanvi please!  Are you really letting us down as well?  Pinky knows who killed Shivaay and Anika. It's just a matter of time." Shakti replied calmly. He knew how Shivaay and Anika's departure then death had hurt his sister in law. It was as if it was Om or Rudra who had died in this fire.
"Did you see her smile? Did you see Anika's smile when she saw her baby for the first time during the ultrasound? Did you see your son's love for his family? No you didn't. Because if you had, you would have understood why I will never forgive Pinky for what she did." Jhanvi said and left the room.
Anika woke up. Shivaay was sleeping next to her, hugging her abdomen possessively. She caressed his hair and he woke up too.
"Anika you're finally up!" He said, kissed her hands again and again.
"How is the woman?" She asked, fearing the worst.
"She's alright Anika. The surgery went well. They are waiting for her to be able to travel and she'd be sent back to Spain." Shivaay said and she smiled reassured.
"Oh and I have good news for you Anu." Shivaay said cupping her cheeks. "We succeeded Anika, we're having a baby." He exclaimed happily but she was numb.
"I can't Shivaay.. She'll kill my child.." Anika whispered with tears in her eyes.

India, Choudhary mansion.
"What do you mean?" Ragini asked as she was talking to her sidekick.
"I shot the wrong person. They were disguised almost the same, I got confused." He answered.
"I always have to do the job on my own... Let her come in India then."

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