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Two weeks later.

Saumya was still shook from Anika's revelation.. Was it possible that both families had spent twenty years hating the same woman when Pinky didn't kill them? She was still shook after her revelations and two weeks had passed already.

"Somu, are you ready?" Rudra asked while she was getting ready to go to the court. Anika too was going, for Shivaay. She was seeing a therapist who was also there as a mental support. She entered the court in her wheelchair as she underwent a surgery for her thighs muscles. She saw Shivaay for the first time after two weeks and her heart melted when she saw him in this brown attire while Akash appeared free. His mother had bailed him out. She was wearing a beautiful dress

and her hair was tied in a messy bun

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and her hair was tied in a messy bun. She had sunglasses on to hide her bandaged eye from the sun and she didn't put make up on purpose, to let everyone see how she got beaten as the bruises were still there, her cut lips were almost healed but still. Her wrists and ankles were deeply red still even after two weeks even though she applied ointment on them regularly.

Malika rolled her wheelchair to the front and she placed her near Shivaay as both were against Akash. Shivaay squeezed her hand but she ignored him, trying hard to stop the tears on feeling a man's touch on her body.

"We're here today to raise one of the biggest problem in this society which is girls' rights. Today you will see how someone can be so cheap that he'll turn the victim into the sidekick and the saviour into the culprit. The first person whom I'd like to ask questions is Siddarth Vikram Rana." Malika asked.

"Mr Rana what can you say about Mr Khurana and your daughter's relationship?"

"Anika and Akash were in a relationship for two months but we got to know it few weeks ago. On her birthday party he proposed , at first she accepted but as we left the party she broke up with him, stating that she made a mistake by dating him."

"So you can confirm that your daughter and Akash Khurana weren't in a relationship during the event?"

"Yes, I'm sure." It was Akash's lawyer's turn.

"Mr Rana, you are saying that your daughter just broke up with my client after two months of togetherness and you expect him to be all nice with your daughter?"

"What you're saying is that he was right into hurting my baby girl? You're trying to say that him showing her body to a dozen of men twice her age was right?"

"You misunderstood me. I was trying to say that.."

"Don't you dare saying a word.. I'm sorry Judge but I won't hear anymore this fucking lawyer. Let me go or else it will be my turn to be judged for killing this bastard." Siddarth said with a deep voice before leaving the room. He was close from killing this bastard.

"I'd like to call Miss Anika Rana." Akash's lawyer said. Malika rolled her wheelchair as her wrist still hurt.

"Miss Rana, can you tell us why you broke up with my client after accepting his proposal?"

" I realized that I didn't love him. I missed my family when I was in London and he was the only one I knew there so I thought that it was love but it wasn't. I just believed that it was love because he was the only person from my past who was with me." Anika said.

"So what you're trying to say is that you led him in this relationship for two months, just to realize that you didn't love him?"

"I had told him earlier that I wasn't sure about it but he wanted to try it still." Anika answered.

"And have you ever had sex with my client?" The lawyer asked but Malika didn't let Anika answer.

"I don't understand why he's so interested to know about their sex life. As far as I know we're here to determine Mr Khurana's guilt in the rape case." The judge agreed with Malika and it was her turn to ask questions.

"Miss Rana can you confirm that you were in a BDSM relationship with Mr Khurana?" Anika glanced at Akash and she started to hyperventilate until she felt her mother's hand on hers.

"Anika, look at me and answer honestly." Malika said and Anika tried to focus on her mother's soft voice.

"It's a lie.. he brought me there and tried to rape me with his father. They tied me on this mattress, leaving me all bare and his father.. he touched me there.." She touched her face, her lips, her breasts, her tummy, her private part. "His father was the worst nightmare of my paternal aunt who is unfortunately no more, Mrs Poonam Singh Oberoi. And now the son did the same to me. I tried to defend myself and I managed to bit his father's tongue when he tried to kiss me, which resulted in this punch which almost made me completely blind from my left eye. Then his men came.. all of them, all naked waiting to rape me while I stayed there powerless." Anika pointed at one of them.

"He tried to put his sex in my mouth." She pointed at another. "He fondled my breasts." She pointed at another. "He was about to finger me, if Shivaay Singh Oberoi didn't come on time he would have done that only." She swallowed her saliva not bothering about her tears.

"They all spat on me, yanked my hair, jerked off in front of me, as if I was a piece of meat, and you really think that I'd agree to be treated like that? If Shivaay Singh Oberoi wasn't here, if he hadn't saved me that day, I would have joined my aunty by then, either because they would have killed me or I would have done it myself. You don't know how dirty I feel right now. Each time I close my eyes, I see their laughing face, I see their illicit acts as they got ready to rape me, each time I feel a man's touch, I feel their hands on me touching me here and there as if I was their toy. And you're saying that I should have got ready to face Akash's anger because I broke up with him? I'm sorry to break your vision of life Mr Agarwal (Akash's lawyer) but a girl isn't an object and I deserve respect no matter the situation."


"Mrs Khurana, please, tell us the behaviour of your son and late husband." She looked at her son who smirked then she looked at Anika being comforted by her mother and her eyes were moist.

"Mr Khurana and his son were the most cruel beasts I've ever seen.. I'm not even his wife but his sex slave."

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