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Finally after a month, the next part is here.. Boring but still here 😂 I'll do my best not to repeat this again because I kept 'for her' on hold just to finish Raabta u.u thank you for waiting, do tell me your views guys, if I didn't answer your comments I'll do it soon 😘

Saumya was walking with a heavy step towards the kitchen. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying since Rudra told her the abominable truth of him cheating on her. Now she would have preferred Shivaay's death as he wouldn't have to deal with his father's acts. She was cutting some vegetables in a harsh way when she felt his presence. He walked in the room yawning while her tears were running down her face, as she was remembering his words. Out of  rage, Saumya cut her finger then threw the knife away.
"Somu, what's going on?" Rudra asked. He had no idea of what he did few hours before under the influence of alcohol. He had no idea that he broke his own wife and that this cut was nothing compared to the aching in her heart.
"Show me your finger." He said and he was about to hold her finger when she pulled her finger away.
"Don't touch me Mr Oberoi. Don't touch me with your filthy hands." She held her palm up to stop him, causing some drops of blood to fall on the floor. She left the kitchen and went to her room, however Rudra followed her.
"Saumya please, tell me what's wrong?" He asked.
"What's wrong? You cheated! You're just a cheater! You hated papa because he cheated on mom but you're worst. You learnt your son's death and instead of mending your wife's heart, you gave her rights to another! Thanks God, at least my son is fine, only our marriage is dead." Saumya said, removed her mangalsutra from around her neck and left the room. She didn't let a tear escape because she knew if he wanted to mend their relationship, he had to understand that she could walk out his life. She reached the living room and was surprised to see a couple standing at the entrance.
"Shi.. Shivaay! Anika!" Saumya said with her eyes beaming with excitement and relief. She ran to her children and hugged them. She kissed Anika's wounds on her forehead and she also kissed Shivaay's cheeks.
"I'm so happy that nothing happened to you! My children, I love you so much."
"Saumya we need to talk!" Rudra said, coming downstairs.
"What's going on love?" Saumya said with tears glistening in her eyes.
"You know very well.. Shivaay! Anika!" Rudra went to them and hugged them tightly. They reciprocated the hug and took their blessings.
"I'm so happy to see you again, mom and dad." Shivaay said and smiled.
"Shivaay, Anika, please come with me, we need to see dadi, her health weakened when we got to know your car accident." They went upstairs, followed by Rudra. Saumya knocked on Dadi's door and let Shivaay and Anika in before leaving.
" Yes you're right Rudra, we need to talk. Before being your wife I'm Shivaay's mom and I won't tolerate his pain on seeing us parting ways. I'm leaving in three days. I need to stay away from you if not for a lifetime, I need to do it for awhile. During these three days where I'll stay here, don't talk to me if it's not necessary, don't touch me, don't come near me. Just like you gave my rights to another without thinking about me, don't think about me neither." Saumya said and left to her room.

"Dadi maa.." Shivaay called and Dadi opened her eyes slowly.
"Billu! Anika! I was sure that you'd never leave me. Not again.." Dadi said and they went to her and hugged her.
"Shivaay and I are sorry if we hurt you but it won't happen anymore, we'll take care of this woman who wants to harm us and managed to kill us. We didn't know that she was  a threat twenty years ago, but now that we know, we'll make her life miserable." Anika said and Dadi touched her belly.
"Take care of the life inside you also.." Dadi said and Anika was first shocked  to know that Dadi knew but then she smiled.
"He's your billu's baby Dadi maa, no one would hurt him without having his life taken by my Shivaay. And I will let no one harm my baby, I've waited twenty years to see him, you've waited twenty years to hold him. My baby will be safe, I'll never risk his life." Anika said while touching her belly and Shivaay smiled at her.
They stayed for some time until Dadi fell asleep then they left to the hall where Omri was sitting on the floor with Gauri behind her combing her hair. She had red and puffy eyes and was holding a teddy bear Shivaay had gifted her when she was six, before leaving for Canada.
"Omri?" Shivaay called causing the teenager along with her mother to turn and face the couple.
"Bhaiya! Babhi!" Omri got up and ran to them. She hit Shivaay on the stomach before hugging them both.
"Why didn't you tell us that you were alive! You don't know how I felt! I hate you but I love you so much!" She cried and Shivaay kissed the top of her head.
"We're both sorry Omri, we didn't want to hurt you but we had to because someone wants to harm us."
Shivika waited for the family to be reunited in the hall to discuss about their plan to trap and torture Ragini. Pinky was the first one to intervene.
"No, you can't do this! What if she manages to hurt you again? We're going to trap her. Let us take care of her."
"With all the respect I have for you Choti Dadi, this woman came in our life because of you. She killed my family once and she's trying to kill us again, I won't let her go this time. Whether you accept it or not, Anika and I are going to proceed with our plan." Shivaay said sternly.
"Ok Shivaay, but I have only one request." Saumya said. "I want you to have a tracker on you so that if she kidnaps you or something like that, we know where to look for you." She added and the couple nodded.
Later that day, Siddarth had called for a conference.
"We're still broken regarding my daughter and son in law's premature death. But life goes on and now we want our family's happiness more than anything. The Rana have another daughter who they have to look after, Kaina. Kaina was to get married in a few days and because of the auspicious time which won't happen again before a couple of years we decided to fix the marriage in six days despite our period of grief. We know that cutiepie would have wanted that for her sister." Siddarth said and wiped a tear away before leaving.
Shivaay and Anika were cuddling in their couch while watching the news. Shivaay then kissed her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.
"Soon this Ragini will pay for her deeds." He said and kissed her forehead.
"Soon.." Anika whispered and kissed his chin.

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