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"I remember everything." Anika spoke to no one in particular. She looked at Malika and Siddarth then at the elder Ranas.

"I remember everything, I remember this night, I remember Shivaay..." She cried and Vikram, Ketaki and Siddarth hugged her.

"Cutiepie." Siddarth whispered and kissed her forehead.

"Why are you still standing there.. maa." Anika asked to Malika. Malika looked shocked.

"It doesn't matter if my soul is from reincarnation, the truth is that I'm your daughter now.." Anika said and Malika rushed to her, hugging her tightly.

"I would have never imagine having better parents than you, guys." She whispered softly.

"Anika Bhabhi.." Rudra and Om said emotionally.

"It's Anika beta guys.." She reminded them and they hugged her.

"We missed you" OmRu said together. Anika hugged them back then she looked at Saumya and Gauri. (Ranas know that Gauri is a Rana)

"Chutki! Or I better say aunty.." Anika smiled emotionally and hugged them both then she hugged the elder Oberois, crying in Dadi's arms.

"We need to see what's going on outside." Saumya then said remembering that someone called Shivaay.

They left to the hall and everyone was shocked to see Shivaay hugging a woman while Anika had tears in her eyes, seeing her love in somebody else's arms.

"Shivaay!" Rudra roared on seeing Anika's sadness.

"Papa, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Pia.."

Shivaay said with no emotions at all

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Shivaay said with no emotions at all. He wasn't expecting her here and he was about to break up with her but she was unreachable. Now he knew why, she was on her way here. He looked towards Anika who broke the eye lock as soon as he looked into his eyes. She looked up and saw Akash

behind them, she ran towards them and Shivaay thought that she was coming to him but she ran past them and hugged the man behind him, leaving all the family in a second shock

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behind them, she ran towards them and Shivaay thought that she was coming to him but she ran past them and hugged the man behind him, leaving all the family in a second shock. She hugged Akash tightly, and whispered in his ears.

"Thank you for being here." But her heart was breaking into pieces on seeing Shivaay with another girl. But then, everything had changed. They were no more the late couple.. they were now just friends..

"Mom, daddy, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Akash Khurrana." Anika said sternly. They were all shocked and something broke inside Shivaay as he saw Akash getting on his knee in front of Anika.

"Anika, I know that we've been together for a little while but I know that I want you in my life, as my partner, will you marry me?" Akash asked.

"No!" Shivaay roared. "I mean you guys are too young to talk about marriage!" Shivaay said and Anika smiled internally. But she wanted him to remember their past together so...

"No!" Anika said. "I mean Shivaay is wrong, I think that love has no age so yes, I will marry you." Shivaay looked at her with pain and she looked away as Akash slid the ring on her finger.

"Shivaay, you didn't introduce me to your family." Pia said and Anika groaned in annoyance.

"Well.." Shivaay stammered. "Here you can see my mom and dad, my great grandmother, dadi, dadu, Om uncle and Gauri aunty, then there is Prinku aunty and Ranveer uncle, my cousins Omri and Rajveer, and my grand uncle Shakti. Then, this is Anika, my best friend ever and her family." Shivaay said and Pia smiled warmly at them.

"Hi guys." She said and while some of them, (Saumya, the children, Gauri and Jhanvi) answered, the others and especially Rudra ignored her.

'Rude..' Pia thought.

"Mom, daddy, I think we should go." Anika said softly.

"Anika, why are you leaving this early?" Shivaay asked.

"And why not?"

"But it's our birthday yaar!" Shivaay answered. Anika looked at her watch.

"No, it was our birthday, it's midnight past two. We were born yesterday." Anika answered and she left followed by her family and Akash.

"Your friend is very rude." Pia commented.

"I won't tolerate a word against my best friend Pia!" Shivaay roared and did his SSO hair move and left from there.

As soon as she left from there, Anika stopped Akash.

"Listen, I love you like a friend only, I don't know what took over me to accept marrying you. I don't even know how I managed to say that I wanted to be your girlfriend. I want to be honest with you, I don't love you and I surely won't love you, so let's forget about our relationship and let's just move on." Anika answered and took off her ring to give it to Akash. "Trust me, it's better like this."


"Shivaay, I'm not angry on you if that what you think, you've already told me about your attraction toward her and I was stupid to believe that it was only child love.. You should fight for her, because I know that she loves you too, I can see it.." Pia said.

"Thank you Pia.." He said and hugged her. Rudra who was eavesdropping their conversation, held his chest and smiled.

"Thanks God, she's not like Lady Baba.." He joined Saumya and smiled.

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